Chapter 24 - What the hell?

Ali's POV


Oh, how pissed off I was. My own brother was helping Madelyn. The glass was halfway full, I had enough time, but I still need redstone.

I called Clara. It took three calls for her to answer. Her image came up. "Okay, your brother has gone out of hand." She said. "He closed up the mineshaft, so I don't know where to find redstone."

I thought for a moment. "Try my house." I said. "I might have some, but not enough. Get it anyways." She nodded. As she held the phone up so I can see her face.

She walked through my house and into my obsidian room. "Are they in this?" She asked pointing to the chest. "Yes." I said. "That's the one." She opened it and found three redstone.

"We only have three." Clara said. "We need seven more. Where am I going to get it?" I didn't know. I shook my head.

Then it came to me. "Why not Madelyn's house?" I said slyly. "She should be hiding it somewhere. Why not where she is?" She nodded as she walked out the front door and headed towards Madelyn's house.


Samantha's POV


All of us were in Madelyn's house stocking up on supplies. I looked out the window and saw Clara coming around the corner. Caitlin and Cora ran in. "Guys." Cora said. "Hide now. I'll turn us all invisible." As she said that, Clara came in the house.

"Hello?" She called. We stayed quiet. "Hello?" She said again.

"Oh," she said. "I guess they left." She didn't see us at all. It really worked. She started rummaging through Madelyn's things trying to find the redstone. I looked over at Madelyn. She winked at me.

Clara was opening a chest in Madelyn's bedroom. But then a vibe was sent her way sending her flying back, hitting the wall of her house. I looked over at Clara. She laid there knocked out.

"Pick her up and bring her back to the nether." Cora said. However, her phone was still on. Cora went visible and spoke into the phone. "Fooled ya, Ali." And she hung up the phone and put it in Clara's pocket.


Annabelle's POV

"What?" Ali screamed. "What? How?" I walked over to her. "What's the problem?" I asked. She just kept saying, 'what.' I just wanted to know what happened. "Ali." I demanded. "Calm down and tell me what happened."

She couldn't talk. She was stunned. "She, she," she managed to speak. "Got thrown back and Knocked out..... By Cora." My eyes widened. "What the hell, Cora." I screamed. "Couldn't you have just not done anything and let us get it?"

"Stop talking to yourself." Ali said. "I've learned that the hard way." "Well, if you tell me what's right, then why not lead?" I said sarcastically. She walked away. "Don't you walk away from me." I screamed. "We need to get this done. We are almost there. I want to get rid of this curse I'm under and bring back our real master."

Ali turned around. "I guess we could do better." She said. Abbey came over to them. "I'm ready now." Abbey said. "Why did you keep me here?" "Because." Ali said. "I knew the crew was going our way. I knew someone was going to get killed. So I cloned you to make it look like you were killed. At least you are still alive."

"Then, what the hell, Ali." She said. "I'm ready to fight." "Not now." I said. "They will come to rescue that punk over there." Garrett was pacing back and forth in the cage. "Really." He called. "You capture me instead of maybe, Tyler? It proves that Madelyn has clearly moved on to another guy. And it's not me." "Then we will let Tyler suffer by damage." I said. "And I know just the person."
