Chapter 28 - Thinking twice

Tyler's POV

I arrived at the training center to give a clinic to younger students, maybe at the age of 10 and 11. I put my bag against a wall and took out my dagger, training swords, and bows. "You work here too?" A female voice said.

I looked up. "Oh, hi Shelly," I said. "what brings you here?" "I work here too." She said. "Besides, I'm helping you with a clinic." I gulped. "Oh." I said. "Well, let's try not to kill each other." "You wish." Shelly said.

By then, the students arrived. Shelly and I walked into the waiting room ready to start the clinic. "Hello, everyone." Shelly said. "Students doing the clinic, come with us." The students followed us to the arena.

It was my turn to speak. "Okay," I said. "who here is new?" Everyone raised their hands. "Well then, I'm Tyler." I said. "And Shelly here will be your instructors." There were ten students in the clinic.

"So we will divide you guys into two groups of five." Shelly said. "Tyler is teaching archery and I am teaching the basics of sword fighting. We want you to excel in both so, we will rotate after ten minutes."

I led five students to one side of the arena. "Okay." I said. "I will teach you the basics of archery. The bows are over there and next to them are your arrows. Don't shoot. Don't aim any at each other." They did everything they were told.


Shelly's POV

I led the five remaining students to another side of the arena. "There are wooden swords over there." I said. "These, you will start with and will only use for training or classes." They grabbed their swords and walked back to me.

We went over names and what they would like to learn in this class. After, we went over the terms. Slash, parry, en gaurde(french word indicating you are ready), and retreat.

Next we worked on stance. I went over the proper stance to be successful in their match. It was also muscle memory. I went around and checked their stances. Of course, I had to help a few. Other than that, pretty good.

Then we worked on slashing and parrying. I paired everyone up and I worked with a girl who didn't have a partner. She was doing good for her age. "You're a quick learner, and you're 11. Great job." I said. "What's your name again? I'm sorry. I'm terrible with names." "Jessica." She said. "And thanks." She blushed. So adorable.

"Okay." I said. "Everyone take a break. we will be switching in a minute." I looked over at Tyler as he was helping a twelve year old girl. "Great job, Olivia." I heard him say. "Great start. Keep it up."

Soon it was over. "Great job, everyone." I said. "See you next month. Make sure to practice at home or come here and practice. They all left with their parents.

On second thought, I am thinking twice about misjudging him just because I knew him from the other side.
