New parents

Okay so I don't know how much long I could drag this story out. The purpose of this story was to have Iris get pregnant and have the baby. I don't want this to go on for too long. I think next chapter will be the final chapter. I'm sorry but I can't drag out stories forever. I've really enjoyed this story and it's sad that it's ending next chapter. I've not decided yet if this story will have a sequel or not. I'm thinking about doing a story where Eddie never dies. Without further ado enjoy.

*Five later*

(Barry's POV)

It takes some getting used to with a baby in the house. He's a quiet baby and doesn't cry that often. Iris likes to watch him while he sleeps to make sure he's still breathing. I take some time off work and being the flash to help her with Skyler. Joe helps us as often as he can. I go back to work after a week of him being born and return to being the flash three weeks after. One day we finally have Skyler down for a nap. I collapse on the couch beside Iris. She kisses me. She looks tired. "Did he cry a lot last night?" She yawned. "No, only once." I smile. Iris yawns again. She lays her head on my shoulder. "He turned five months old yesterday. It feels like yesterday that he first started smiling." She says. "You can't stop him from growing." I say.

Iris and I continue talking into she almost falls asleep. Her eyes drift closed for second. "You awake?" I ask her. Her eyes reopen. "Yeah just haven't gotten enough sleep recently." She says. I smile. She's had to get him the past few nights. "Go to sleep, I'll take care of him if he cries." I say. She yawns and closes her eyes. "Thanks babe." She says. I smile and kiss her forehead. She goes to sleep quickly. I soon feel the longing of the speedforce in my veins. It wants me to run but I don't. My family needs me.

Later when Skyler wakes up, I go and stop his crying. I pick him up and rock him. I check his diaper to make sure it doesn't need to be changed. He falls back asleep quickly and I sit in the rocking chair holding him as he sleeps. His hair is brown and curly. His small form fits in my arms easily. I smile as he sleeps. My words go through my head. You can't stop him from growing. I wish he would stop already. He's perfect the way he is. I lean down and kiss his forehead. "I'll always love you." I whisper.

*Did you like this chapter? I hope you did. So since this story is ending next chapter, I want you to decide on a new story you like.

- Differences: What if Eddie was still alive? This story explores what might happen if he was still alive. Set in post season 2 after Barry defeats zoom. With Barry all alone, can he find happiness. Basically this story will have Iris eventually falling in love with Barry

- The protector: A story with an OC (original character). Jessica Lambert was changed by the particle accelerator when it first happened. Now she has powers she doesn't understand. With a threat looming, can Jessica join Barry and team flash and save the world?
