Long night

(Barry's POV)

My consciousness surfaces when I'm in the van. The pain in my shoulder and stomach hurts pretty badly. It takes me a few seconds through the fog to realize someone is preventing blood from coming from the wounds. I try to force myself to sit up. "Hey stay down." Says a voice. I feel a steady hand push my shoulders down. "Where am I?" I ask groggily. "We're heading back to star labs." Says the voice. I try to ask another question but a sudden sting in my stomach causes me to cry out. My stomach suddenly feels as if it's on fire. "Joe." I groan. I feel a hand grab my hand. "Hang on Barr, where almost there." He says. I try to push the pain away but it doesn't work. "Bullets...poisoned possibly." I groan. The pain goes from stinging to exploding in seconds. "Make it stop!" I scream. I writhe, trying to stop it. "We're here!" Joe yells.

Joe releases my shoulders and he and Julian get out of the van. "I'll be back with Caitlin and Iris." He says. I try and sit, pushing past the pain. Another wave of the white hot pain hits and I collapse back onto the seat. I have hard time not crying out. Where is Joe? After what seems like an eternity, Joe finally gets back. By then I'm nearly unconscious. "Barry!" Iris is crying. "H-hurts." I grind out. I feel Caitlin lift my eyelids and shine a light in them. "Definitely poisoned." She says. Joe pulls me onto a gurney and I nearly scream. I feel through the fog Iris hold my hand. Julian pulls Cisco from the van as well. Iris leans over me, cupping my face in her hands. "Stay with me, you stay with me." She says. She then kisses me. I feel my hands unconsciously move to hold her face. When we finally pull back, I feel a little better. "You always know how to make me feel better." I smile foggily. "We gotta go." Says Caitlin and she pushes the gurney.

When we get inside star labs, Caitlin takes off the top part of my suit. She winces when she sees the wounds. I close my eyes. The pain starts to drag my consciousness under. "You have to stay awake." A voice says. My eyes flutter open. Caitlin repeats herself. "If you lose consciousness you might not wake up." She says. She looks around for something. She curses under her breath. "We don't have anymore of that sedative." She says. "What does that mean?" Joe asks. "It means that I have to reopen the wounds and check them while he's awake." Caitlin says. I barely register the conversation. I notice Caitlin glance at Joe and Julian. "Please...no." I groan. Joe and Julian pin my shoulders. I feel Iris take my hand. Caitlin gets the supplies ready. She slices through the skin on my stomach and I bite back a groan. Eventually the pain is too much and I feel my head loll to the side. The last thing I see before my consciousness leaves is Iris.
