Chapter 4

(Barry's POV)

Once I've rushed Iris to the hospital I return my suit to its mantle then flash to the emergency room. I'm panicking. "You can't come in here." One of the nurses say. I stop trying to get in. "Please I'm her fiancé." My voice shakes. Her eyes soften. "we're rushing her into emergency surgery." Yells the doctor to the nurse. "You need to wait in the waiting room." The nurse says.  As the nurse and I finish speaking Joe runs in, he's already been informed of the situation. As the nurse dismisses us, he hugs me. "She's going to be okay Barr." He says. I hug him tightly. In the waiting room, Wally, Cisco, and Caitlin are waiting. They hug me. I collapse into the chair and stare at the doors.

A few minutes later a doctor comes out. I leap up and go to her. She hands me a clip board. "She's being prepped for surgery, we need to know her name and any other important medical issues." She says. "Her name is Iris West, she's 28, and she's pregnant." The nurse nods. "We'll get the OBGYN to look at her." She says. "How long with the surgery take?" I ask. "Not to long." She says and I return to my chair.

I tap my foot on the floor quickly.  It's been two hours and the nurse hasn't come back. Cisco and Wally went to get coffee and Caitlin and Joe are sitting beside me. What if she's not okay? What if the baby isn't okay? Suddenly the doors open and the doctor comes out. "She's out of surgery, we managed to stop the bleeding, those were some nasty scratches." He says, smiling. "Can I see her?" I ask. "Of course but only you for now." He says. I throw an apologetic look over at Joe. He nods. He leads me down the hallway. "The OBGYN also came by after we finished the surgery." The doctor says. My heart almost leaps out of my chest. Is the baby okay? "Is the baby okay?" I ask. The doctor smiles. "The baby is fine." "The OBGYN said that your fiancé was four weeks pregnant." He adds. I smile. The fact that our baby is ok almost makes me tear up. When I get into the room, I sit down beside iris's bed immediately.

A bandage covers the scratch that was on her face and her shoulder is in a sling with a bandage on her shoulder. I put her hand in mine. A nurse comes by a few minutes later. She checks on how she's doing. I text everyone and tell them that they can come in.

Everyone takes a seat in an available chair. I'm seething, why would anyone want to hurt Iris. I can tell that Joe is angry as well. "What did this meta look like?" He asks. "He looked like a wolf." I say. "A wolf?" Cisco asks. "A gigantic wolf and he turned back into human." I say.  Two hours later, Iris hasn't woken up yet. Everyone has to go home but I stay. Joe will be back in the morning and so will Wally. I feel angry that I couldn't have protected her better. It's not my fault it's that meta's fault. I'm going to find him and lock him up.

(Iris POV)

I feel groggy as I come to. My arm hurts and so does my face. I open my eyes and look around. My eyes finally land on Barry. He smiles. "Hey." He says. "Hi." I whisper. I wince. "The doctor says you'll be pretty sore for a while." He grimaces. "Is the baby okay?" I ask quickly. Barry grins. "The doctor said the baby couldn't be healthier." He smiles. I sigh in relief. "Where's dad and everyone?" I ask. "They had to go home but Joe and Wally are going to be back in the morning." He say. "Did you tell them I was pregnant?" I ask. "No but I could tell Joe must have though I was being overly protective." He laughs. "We really need to tell everyone when I get out of here." I laugh. "We really should." Barry laughs
