Celebrating the wedding

*I don't support one ship we will have in this chapter. I am only including it to say something about a line from the first season. The ship gets on my nerves a little and it's not that I hate it, the female character annoys me. I do not mean to offend anyone who likes that ship.
(Barry's POV)

I hold onto Iris's hand as people congratulate us. Oliver comes up to us and hugs the both of us. "I always knew that you'd get her." He smiles. The words that he said a long time ago run through me head. "I thought you said that guys like us don't get the girl." I laugh. He looks back at Felicity, who is talking to Joe. Oliver and Felicity got back together a few months ago. They are now engaged as well. He blushes a little. "I guess I was wrong." He says. Iris gives me a questioning look. Oliver walks away. "He said a while ago that he didn't think guys like us would get to have a wife." I tell her. Her eyes glint mischievously. "He was wrong." Iris says.

After we finish greeting the guests, we go to the reception. The chefs made good food that Iris picked out. "Told you that the food would be good." Iris teases quietly. I smile and laugh and give her a peck on the cheek. I look around the room, everyone is talking and eating. Oliver and Felicity eat beside Joe and Wally. Cisco and gypsy eats with John and Lyla. Cisco comes up to Iris and I. "We're about to start congratulatory speeches soon." He said. I nod. Iris leans over to my ear. "When I throw my bouquet I'm going to bet he's going to try to push it into gypsy's hands." She laughs. "They haven't been together long but he's already crazy in love with her." I laugh.

A few minutes later the congratulatory speeches start. Wally is the first to give a speech. "Barry, since the day that I met you, I noticed that Iris and you were close. Closer than most people who've lived in the same house since childhood. I always knew that one day you and her would get married. I'm glad that day was today." He finishes. He walks over and I hug him. Cisco is the second person to give a speech. "Since the day I met the both of you, I knew you were meant to be. Barry, when you were in your coma and Iris visited you, I knew that she cared about you more than a friend. I waited for a while to see if you and her would be together. I was glad when y'all did get together. I loved watching you two fall more in love with each other day after day. You were clearly made for each other." He finishes the speech I turn towards Iris. She has tears in her eyes. Cisco is one of the best friends a person could ask for
