Deep inside

(Barry's POV)

Waking up with next morning, I stare at Iris. She's gorgeous. I smile and softly kiss her lips. She grunts. I silently laugh. I get up and shower. After showering, Iris is awake. "Good morning!" She groans. "Good morning!" I tell her. I pull on a T - Shirt. "It's Saturday." She sighs happily. I smile. I crawl back in bed. Iris digs her hands through my damp hair. "I hope no flash duties come up today." She yawns. "I hope so too!" I yawn with her.

(3rd person POV with Devoe)

Devoe taped his knife against the table. He was getting annoyed that not a single person had given him updates on project Spanish dog. He sighed. He finally picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Arftrem, get me professor maghiatric." Devoe growled. Devoe waited a few minutes and then he was put on with the professor. "What new do you have for me, professor?" Devoe asked angrily. "W-well sir all of the subjects have d-died so far." The professor stuttered. Devoe swore under his breath. "Make it work!" Then he slammed the phone down. When all was said and done, the flash would be dead.

(Iris's POV)

Barry and I stare at each other silently for the longest time. I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much. Our intertwined hands make me happy. He makes me happy. He stares down at the engagement ring on my finger. He rubs it with a finger, love pouring from him. "When do you want to get married?" I finally break the silence. "How about this December?" He purrs. His voice is so sweet. I lean over and kiss him. "Ugh why so far?" I whine. He laughs. "You love December." He says slyly. "I know but 3 months is a long time to wait." I moan. "Okay, how about late October. My eyes light up "That would be perfect." I whisper and kiss him.
