
(Iris POV)

I can't believe it. I simply can't believe Caitlin is dead. I hear Julian and Cisco break down crying. "No." I whisper. Barry holds me as I sob into his shoulder. It wasn't fair. She was too young to die. "Barry..." I sob. "Shh." He whispers, voice thick with emotion. The doctor comes out, tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry. We did everything to try and save her. She was too far gone." The doctor says. Cisco wipes his face. "Thank you for trying." His voice cracks. I look up at Barry's tear filled eyes. "This can't happen again." I sob. "I know I know." He says.

Later the team goes home. Barry and I lay in bed numbly. Neither one of us speaking. I didn't realize you could lose a friend so quickly and unexpectedly. "You did everything you could." I tell Barry. Barry wipes the tears spilling from his eyes. "No I didn't. She would still be alive if I had just been fast enough." His voice cracks. I cup his face. "look at me." I tell him. His eyes shift over to me. "She died because she was too badly injured. The doctor said she was too far gone to save. Her wounds were too bad. Even if you'd have gotten there on time you probably wouldn't have been able to change the out come." I tell him. He nods. "Did someone tell Caitlin's mom?" I ask. "Julian went to see her. He said that she didn't take it too well." He says. "Is she going to go to the funeral?" I ask. "He acted like she wasn't going to go. Knowing the way she talked about her mom, probably not." He says. I sigh angrily. "Barry whatever it takes you take down the man who murdered Caitlin."
