Good fight

(Cisco POV)

I enter on the street. The meta looks dangerous. He throws fire balls at civilians. "Hey ugly!" I yell. He turns around. "I thought flash would show up!" He growls. I shoot a pulse at him but he dodges it. He puts out heat and his face turns into fire. I touch my ear piece. "Gypsy, we need Barry!" I yell into the comm. "on it!" Gypsy yells.

(Barry's POV)

My phone goes off. I groan and pick it up. "What is it?" Groans Iris. "Cisco needs my help." I groan. I kiss her and run and get my suit. I race to Cisco. "What are we up against?" I yell. "That!" Cisco points. The meta throws fire at civilians. "Alright I'm going to run around him and suck out the oxygen." I yell. Cisco nods. I run around the meta. I stop when I see it's not working. "Ahh, flash my master has been expecting you!" The meta growls. "What? I ask. He pulls something from his pocket. He throws it at me. I dodge it. "You missed." I grin. "Did I?" He growls. I suddenly feel an explosive man pain my back. I groan and drop to a knee. "Flash!" Yells Cisco. The electricity makes my body ache. I dodge the meta's punch. He throws a fire ball and in my weakened state I can't dodge. It hits me square in the chest.

The pain sends me to the ground. The pain flares through my chest and nearly numbs my senses. I shoot out a leg and send the meta falling. I hear a smack on the pavement then no more movement. I feel Cisco's hands on my shoulders. "Let's go dude." He growls. Before he can pull me up, I black out.

My eyes shoot open sometime later. I awake on a bed in star labs. I groan and sit up. "Careful, you still have a small burn." Caitlin warns. Iris smacks my arm. "Be more careful." She says. I groan. "I'll try." I laugh. "Did you lock the meta up in the pipeline?" I ask Cisco. "Yes and you're really going to want to hear what he says."
