Chapter 7

*Who saw that Savitar reveal? That was pretty cool. I hope they do something cool with it. Without further ado enjoy*

*A week later*

(Barry's POV)

"Barry metahuman alert on 16th." Cisco announces in my ear. "On my way." I race over to the scene. When I get there, the meta is trying to attack civilians. The meta is throwing balls of fire and he has a long claw growing from the back of his hand that looks barbed. "Hey ugly!" I yell. He turns towards me. His eyes are yellow and his teeth, well they are actually fangs. I shudder. "Ahh flash I've been waiting for you." He says with a lisp. He runs at me. I easily dodge. "You know I'm the fastest man alive?" I mock. I run and punch him. It throws him down. He pushes back up. Suddenly the other hand grows multiple claws. He plucks one off and throws it at me. I'm barely able to dodge it. He's fast. I run around him, ready to shock him. His eyes stay on me. I'm ready to throw lightning, when he throws a spike. I feel a white hot pain deep in my side as the spike lands in me. I collapse. He comes towards me with another spike. The pain in the spike from my side seems to only grow. I watch in horror as the spike grows longer and taller. He throws it and I'm too late to much out of the way fully. It pierces my shoulder, close to a vital vein and Impales it, it digs through skin and into muscle and bone. I collapse back and scream. He stands over me now. My senses are fading but he won't get away. I kick out my leg and he falls. I run him to the police that just arrived and cuff him and leave him in their care. I run a few miles away. I stumble as I get to a stop. The pain rises and blackens my vision. I'm not aware that I fall on my knees and then my side but I do.

(Iris POV)

My attention is ripped away from what I'm doing when the vitals on Barry's suit goes off. The moniter on the wall shows a wound on his side and in his shoulder. "He's losing a lot of blood!" I yell. Fear rises in my throat. "The suit shows that he's at Swants river." He says. Dad gets out his keys and I get in the star labs van along with Caitlin. We race towards the river quickly. I nearly scream as I see Barry's motionless body. He's laying on his side with a spike impaled in him. "Barry!" I scream.

(Iris POV)

"Barry!" Someone screams my name. I manage to open my eyes despite the horrible pain I'm feeling. I look up at he blue sky. It's blurry. I see iris's blurry face as she bends down over me. "Oh my god!" She says. I manage to smile a little. "I-it's not as bad as it seems." I mange to joke. "Not bad, you're impaled!" She yells. I smile and close my eyes. "No don't fall asleep." She says. I weakly open my eyes. Caitlin races over quickly. She'll take care of me, I can close my eyes now. I close my eyes. "No Barry you have to stay with us!" Caitlin yells. I open up my eyes. I try to sit up on my own but the pain flares over my shoulder and I bite back a scream. "Hurts." I groan. "I know Barr." Iris's eyes shine with tears. I see the fear in Caitlin's eyes. "If I disturb the spike, I could rip a major blood vessel." She says to Joe. "We'll have to get it out back at the lab." He says. Caitlin, Iris, and Barry exchange looks. "I'm so sorry Barr." Joe says. I want to know what he means but he's to fast for me. He shoves me up fats and this time I can't fight back the scream that comes from my throat.tears begun welling up in my eyes. This feels much worse then Savitar's claw. Well it is deeper then the claw went joe pulls one of my arms over my shoulder and so does Caitlin. Bike rides in my throat as I struggle to walk to the van. My vision is growing fuzzy and they are half carrying, half dragging me. Iris gets in first and the. I get in. I lay down with my head in her lap. The spike is in my left shoulder. I quickly lose consciousness before we get going
