Chapter 3

(Iris POV)

I wake up to Barry looking at me. He smiles when I open my eyes. "Good morning!" He says and kisses me. "Good morning." I say. He pulls me closer. We don't say anything, he just holds me. "Babe we have to tell everyone you're  pregnant." He says. I smile. "Dad will be so surprised." I laugh. "He'll be happy." Barry says. I pull away from him. He groans."Do you have to go to work today?" He asks. I sigh. Saturday's are usually for sleeping in but I have to go work. "I wish I didn't." I say.

When I get to work, it's peaceful. Only me and three other people are here. One of them being Linda Park, my best friend. "Why didn't you come into work today?" She asks as I get coffee. "I was sick." I tell her.  "You weren't just sick, I can tell." Her eyes narrow. "Fine." I glance around. "I'm pregnant." Her eyes widen. "Oh my god!" She gasps. "Is it Barry's?" She asks. "Of course who else's?" I laugh. She hugs me. "Congratulations, Barry must be so excited!" "He is!" I laugh. "Does you're dad know?" She asks. "We were going to tell him later." I tell her. She nods. "I'm happy for you, I'm going to let you get back to work." She says. I laugh.

It's mid afternoon when I get a text from Barry. "How's you're day?" He texts."Boring." I text back. "When should we tell dad about my pregnancy?" I text. "We can go to star labs after you get off and tell everyone." He texts. I smile. "Love you, gotta finish this article. Ugh." I text back. I send it and put the phone down. Suddenly someone walks into the lobby. He's wearing a black hoodie. "Can I help you sir?" Asks Linda. He doesn't answer and he walks right past her. Suddenly before my eyes he turns into a wolf . Linda's eyes widen. "He's that metahuman." She mouths. He's walking towards me but he's not trying to attack. I pull out the gun I usually hide in my purse. "Don't move!" I shout. That's when he goes off. He growls and runs at me. I fire shots but he misses them. I throw the gun. It hits him but he doesn't flinch. He's nearly to me when Linda yells. "Hey ugly!" She yells. His blue and yellow eyes narrow.  He starts towards her.

This meta isn't your actual average sized wolf. He's huge. He pounces on Linda and she starts screaming. The editor in charge hits the wolf but it does nothing. Suddenly the meta releases Linda and backs up. He turns around and looks at me. He fires a blast of blue light from his paw. I duck. So turning into a wolf isn't his only powers. The editor runs to a injured Linda. I fire some more bullets at it, they have no effect. I don't expect the mets run but he does. He pounces right on top of me and throws me to the floor.

My head smacks the floor. My vision blurs and my ears ring. I have barely a second to take in the pain before the meta is on me. I put up my arms and hold him back. He is heavy. He lashes a paw against my face. The claws cut it. I feel warm blood trickling down. "I will take anything the flash holds dear!" I hear. Telepathy? My arms are getting tired from holding him up. I slip and lashes out his paw. I feel the white hot pain as he slashes my shoulder. I suppress a scream. I look to my left, a pen. I reach for it and grab it. I stab at his eyes. I see it connect. The meta morphs back to human. He holds his face. Suddenly an orange blur appears. I don't know what happens next because I black out.
