
I'm going to have a short flashback in this chapter. This flashback will be italics to differentiate.

(Iris POV)

The heart monitor beeps at at a steady pace. It's been a couple of hours since Caitlin put Barry into a coma. I hold his hand. The oxygen mask over his face clouds up every time he breathes. The gauze of his chest is red with s little blood. It breaks my heart to see him like this. If I could I would kill the guy who did this to him. Over the past few hours his breathing has gotten considerably better than what it was. I remember something Barry told me a few nights ago. Something I'll never forget.


We were laying in bed together. I was huddled close to him. His arms wrapped around me. "Hey, Iris?" He asks. I lifted my head to look at him. "Thank you." He says and smiles. "Thanks for what?" I ask, confused. "For being with me. For saying yes to my proposal. For deciding to have a child with me." My eyes fill up with tears. He's so sweet. "I should be thanking you." I say. His gaze turns to confusion. "For what?" He asks. "For proposing to me and spending the rest if your life with me." I tell him. He smiles. He leans in to kiss me. I kiss him and smile. I drag myself on top of him and kiss him more passionately. He holds on to my back and soon after we're making love.

I turn my attention back to the present. I will never forget how he told me that he was thankful for me. Caitlin walks into the room and checks him. After a few minutes she finishes. "I'm going to take him out of the coma now." She says. I nod my head. She injects something into his IV. When she finishes a few minutes later, she turns to me. "He will probably stay unconscious for a few more hours. His body has to adjust." She says. I nod.

It actual doesn't take all that long for Barry to come to. He makes a loud gasp and then he's with me. His eyes dart around, looking for something, for me. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze to know I'm here. His groggy eyes stare at me. He also looks at me with love and affection even though he's hurt. I feel the love pouring off of him now. I lean down and kiss him. "I love you." He says groggily. "I love you too." I tell him. And that will never change

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