
(Unknown POV)

Dusk transformed back into human. He smiled. Finally Devoe would let him free. He walks through an ally and into an abandoned building. The building is dark and dilapidated. Boards creak as he steps on them. "Devoe, I'm here!" Dusk yells. "Ahh Dusk, I see you have come back." Devoe steps into the light. "Yes I have, I've done as you wished." Dusk says. The villains face goes from curiosity to a pleasurable smile. "So you have. Let me see the pictures you took of the bodies." Devoe says. Dusk puts a hand in his coat pocket and digs around. The picture shows the flash, on the ground and bleeding. Devoe looks at dusk in suspicion. "I'll have to check you're mind because this picture doesn't show everything. Dusk backs away. "Please no, you know what happened the last time you did it." Dusk says quickly. "It won't happen again." Devoe says. He attaches wires to Dusk's head. Dusk's eyes go wide and he screams.

Dusk's memories flood into Devoe's mind. He sees Dusk shoot the flash twice, the flash going down after the first bullet. He also sees Dusk shoot the other man with the flash. Dusk walked towards the flash. The flash groans and struggles to breathe. Dusk kicks the flash and the flash groans. "Too bad I can't put you out of you're misery, Flash." Dusk says. Dusk then walks away. After walking a little bit, Dusk turns and walks back to where the flash is. The Flash is motionless but the faint rise and fall of his chest could be seen. Devoe will never know. Devoe hears Dusk's thought. Dusk then walks away and gets into his truck.

"DUSK!" Devoe roars as he finishes the memory. Dusk falls on the ground. Fear runs across his face. "P-please sir, he probably bled to death soon after I left." Dusk pleads. "Oh really? The bullet to his stomach missed the major artery I told you about. The bullet to his should missed that major artery too." Devoe roars. "T-There was a lot of blood from what I saw." Dusk mutters. Devoe seethes. He takes out the fancy knife from his belt. "I'm sorry it had to come to this, dusk." Devoe says. "Come to what sir?" Dusk asks. "THIS!" Devoe roars. He slams his knife into Dusk's chest.

Devoe watches as Dusk falls to the ground. His body twitches then goes limp. Dusk takes his last breath then goes still. Devoe rubs his head. How can not a single metahuman down the flash? Suddenly Devoe had an idea. He picked up his phone and dialed. "Get me project 'Spanish dog'. He says.

*Basicall this chapter showed who the true villain of the story is. Dusk was just a lackey and so is porcupine. Devoe is also called the thinker and will be the season 4 villain.
