Labor and delivery

*I really don't want to wait any longer to give you the birth of their son. I don't want to separate the chapters so it'll happen in this chapter*

(Iris POV)

Some doctors make sure I'm okay as soon as Barry drops me off. He promises he's coming back when he puts back the suit. The doctor and nurses are kind and nice. "When did labor start?" One the nurses asks. "I think about two hours ago." I say. The nurse nods and hands something to the doctor. "Your son is perfectly fine and you appear to be two centimeters dilated." The doctor says. I nod and smile. Barry comes walking into the room with dad as the doctor is writing on her clipboard. The doctor looks up and smiles. "I'll be back to check on you later." She says and leaves. As soon as she leaves, Barry's lips collide with mine. "I'm so glad you didn't have to turn yourself over to him." I say. Barry smiles. "Did you think I ever would." He grins. I laugh and kiss him again. Dad smiles at me. "I'm so glad you're safe." Dad says.

A few minutes later the doctor comes back in. "We've been monitoring your son and he's doing fine. We know you have some questions since he's coming earlier than the due date." She says. I look and Barry and he smiles at me. He knows what I want to ask. "Will he be okay being born a week or two before his due date?" Barry asks. "He should be fine. He's far enough along that this won't hurt him." She says. We both sigh in relief. After that question we had no more questions and the doctor leaves the room.

A couple of hours later and I'm breathing through a heavy contraction. Barry holds my hand and let's me grip it with a death grip if I need to. "You're doing great. You're okay." Barry says. I pant as the contraction finally subsides. "Promise me after this we never have another kid." I breathe heavily. "Can't promise you that." Barry flashes his wife smile at me; "idiot." I playfully mock. We're interrupted by a text from dad. "What's he asking?" I ask. "Wants to know how long until you're ready to have his first grandson." Barry smiles. The nurse checking over me finishes what she's doing. "Mrs.West - Allen, you are seven centimeters dilated." She says. I nod. The worst of the contractions are yet to come.

Two hours later and it feel like I'm splitting open. I grit my teeth and fight the contraction. "Their getting longer and short apart aren't they?" Asks Barry. "I think so." I grunt. "Aghhh." I groan as a particularly large contraction starts. "Shh. Your okay."  He soothes. I look at him. His poor puppy dog face looks terrified. " We're almost ready to meet our son." I say. "That's what I'm so nervous about." He says. I open my mouth to joke but a groan comes out instead. I grip Barry's hand with a death grip. A two nurses come in with the doctor. The nurse quickly checks me. "It's time." She says.

Barry and I exchange looks. Barry swallows nervously. My legs are propped up and apart. Blue sheets are put over the top of my legs. Barry sits beside me looking at me and talking to me so I won't be scared. "At the next contraction you're going to push." The doctor says. The contraction hits and I push. I squeeze Barry's hand hard. "Come you can do it." He says. I growl slips out of my throat. "Stop!" Says the doctor. I stop pushing. "I think one more push should do it." The doctor says. I prepare for the pain and push. I push hard and I feel a pressure release itself. I then hear the sound of a little baby crying
