Chapter 6

*First of all let me apologize for not posting a new chapter. I was thinking about doing it Saturday night, late but I decided not to because I was tired. I was busy yesterday. Secondly GRANT IS GETTING MARRIED. I'm so happy for him!!!! Any ways without further ado enjoy.

(Iris POV)

"I'm pregnant." I announced. Dad's face went from confusion to joy. "Oh my god congratulations!" Said Caitlin. She got up and hugged me. Cisco got Barry in a bear hug. "I'm going to be an uncle?" Wally asked. "Yes!" I said. He smiled snd hugged me. "This is exciting!" He said. Dad got up and hugged me. "My baby girl." He said. He pulled away. "You will be a wonderful mother!" He said. His eyes shined with pride. Caitlin hugged Barry. Cisco hugged me."When'd you find out?" Dad asked. "A few days ago." I said. "Is that why you were sick?" Caitlin asked. "Yes." I said. "How far along are you?" As,Ed dad. "Four weeks." I say. Dad smiles. "I can't believe it, I'm going to be a grandpa." He said. "I'm going to be an uncle." Wally said. We all laughed. "We need to celebrate with cake." Cisco said. So dad got cake for all of us. Barry put his arm around me pulling me close to him. "How does it feel knowing you're going to be a father?" Asked Wally. "Scary and exciting at the same time." Barry said.

Later that night, after we've all eaten, Cisco and Caitlin go home and so does Wally. When we're about to leave, dad hugs us tightly. "You've both made me so happy." He said. I smile. I feel tired when we get in the car. I'm asleep by the time we hit the first stoplight.

(Barry's POV)

I would have much rather ran here then drive but Iris said she would have gotten nauseated. I gave in willingly. When we get to the first stop light, I look at Iris, she's already asleep. I smile. She snores quietly as I drive. My thoughts drift from what it will be like to be a father from our baby growing up. When we get home, I gently get Iris out of the car and carry her up to the apartment. When we get inside, I lay her on the bed. I cover her with the sheets. When I get in beside her, she curls closer to me. I smile and close my eyes.

When I open my eyes, it's morning. I don't feel her warmth beside me. I open my eyes. The light of the bathroom comes flooding from the door. I hear the water running from her washing her hands. I roll onto my stomach and fall back asleep. When I wake up again, she's laying beside me. Her hands in my hair. "Good morning." She says. I smile. "Good morning." I whisper. I roll over onto my side. "Sleep good?" She asks. "Yes." She says. "You're cute when you snore." She grins slyly. "I don't snore." I say. "Yes you do and it's loud." She laughs. I laugh with her. Kissing her when we stop.
