The Birthday Card (6x08 SPOILERS)

Lucy wasn't sure what to expect when she opened the door.

She was surprised that Tim had even remembered.

She followed Kojo around the corner to find Tim standing at the end of the hallway holding his leash.

"Happy birthday," he said.

Lucy tightened her grip on the card. "Thanks. It's not my birthday yet, though."

"I know," Tim said, shoving his hands in his pockets. "But after today I wasn't really sure what tomorrow would look like."

"Today was...crazy," Lucy admitted.

"And I'm sure tomorrow will be even crazier,"

"Yeah," Lucy muttered.

There were a few moments of awkward silence between them. All Lucy could do was hope that no one would come out into the hallway.

"Thank you for the card, though. It was...really sweet," Lucy smiled, looking at the floor.

"No problem," Tim said, looking down at the floor.

"Do you...want to come inside? Celina's staying over."

Tim shook his head, "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Yeah," Lucy muttered. "Maybe."

Tim's mouth decided to move faster than his brain could think when he blurted out, "Maybe some water though. For Kojo. It was a long walk here."

"Yeah, yeah...wait, you walked here?" Lucy asked, turning the corner.

"You don't live that far away...felt like a waste of gas," Tim shrugged.

"I you home if you want," Lucy offered, unlocking the door to her apartment.

"No, no. We're good," Tim chuckled softly.

"Hey, Lucy, which-" Celina asked, coming out of the bathroom. 

"Oh," she said, looking up from the shampoo bottle. "Do you want me to...go somewhere else?"

"No," Lucy smiled. "Just getting some water for Kojo,"

"Who's Kojo?" Celina asked.

"Tim's dog," Lucy said, filling up a bowl with water.

"Used to be Lucy's dog, though," Tim chimed in.

"But when I adopted him it just...wasn't the right time for me and my roommate. At the time,"

"Tamara didn't want a dog?" Celina asked.

"Not Tamara, my roommate before Tamara," Lucy clarified, placing the bowl in front of Kojo.

"Oh," Celina said. "I'll the shower."

Lucy smiled, turning back to Tim. "Today has been...insane. At least let me drive you home."

Tim took a deep breath, considering it. "Yeah, okay." he smiled.


A/N: tonights ep was insane. BUT DR LONDON IS SO SUSPICIOUS. but im SO hyped for the two part finale!!!! the scene with kojo and lucy was so sweet BUT MY SMILE FADED TO TEARS WHEN SHE STARTED CRYING AND THEN THE ENDING SCENE??? this ep made me feel sm emotions in one hour BUT im loving celina and lucy together. leave suggestions for more stories!!
