The Wedding (Future Series 6)

It was finally the day that Lucy had been waiting for her whole life. 

She nervously paced back and forth in her bride suite. 

"Relax," said Lily, her best friend from high school. "It's going to be a gorgeous wedding, I promise," she smiled.

Lucy turned to look at herself in the mirror. Her dress was everything she wanted and more. 

"I'm just so nervous. What if I trip? Or worse, what if I throw up? God, that will be disgusting!"

Lily chuckled to herself, "You'll be fine, Luce. You've been dreaming about this day since we were  in high school."

"I know, I know. I'm just so nervous."

"I'm sad that your parents couldn't be here," said Lily, brushing off Lucy's shoulders.

"I know. Me too. But it's for the best, they never approved of me being a cop and they'd definitely not approve of me marrying one,"

"Especially someone who's much older than you," Lily winced.

"Oh god, Tim could retire way earlier than me," Lucy giggled. "He'd be an old man!"

"You guys give off old married couple vibes anyways,"

Lucy smiled, "I'm excited,"

"You should be,"

"Lucy!" Angela called, knocking on the door. "It's almost time!"


Lucy took the initiative to walk herself down the aisle. She had contemplated asking Grey, who was more of a father figure to her than her actual father was.

The ceremony was gorgeous, Tim cried like a baby (which Lucy and everyone else expected), and now they're all enjoying the reception.

"I always knew Tim was a big softie," Angela snickered. 

"I mean, so did I but I didn't think that he'd cry that much," Lucy giggled, sipping her champagne.

"It was a very pretty ceremony," said Nyla. "I loved all of the flowers,"

"I'm surprised Tim even agreed to it," said Angela.

"I bugged him about it the entire time that we planned this wedding." Lucy smiled.

The rest of the night included dance and drinking. Lots and lots of drinking.

Lucy's reception dress was a mid-length satin dress with a V-neck and a slit.

"This venue is so great, I'm so glad that Wesley could get us a deal on this," Lucy shouted over the music.

Lucy searched through the dancing crowd looking for Tim, she hadn't seen them since they ate dinner.

She found him in a corner of the venue at one of the tables that had all of his friends.

"Hey," she smiled, walking up behind him.

"Oh, hey," he says, taking a sip of his beer. "Want one?"

Lucy shook her head, "I think that the bride should stay sober,"

"And the groom?"

"Can do whatever he wants,"

"Well, the groom in this scenario will stay sober."

At the end of the night, when everyone had gone home, Tim and Lucy had finally made their way to the couple's suite.

"That was a busy night," said Lucy, tossing her heels onto the floor. "My feet are so blistered, I don't think that I've ever danced so much in one night,"

"I barely even danced," said Tim, undoing his shoes. "Spent the night talking to everyone,"

"Isn't it crazy that we spent most of our wedding trying to entertain the guests instead of enjoying it?"

Tim shrugged, "We had some fun,"

"We did," Lucy smiled, joining Tim on the bed.

"And we can have more fun on our honeymoon next week,"

"We will," said Lucy, climbing onto the bed. "I am way too tired to take all of this off of my face and out of my hair,"

"Do it or you'll be complaining tomorrow," said Tim.

Lucy groaned, "You're right, I don't want to start our first day as a married couple on the wrong note,"

"To the bathroom, you go,"


A/N: hey...i'm back (kind of). sorry that i disappeared off the face of the earth for a little bit 😅 i can't say that i'm totally back to uploading multiple stories a week, but i'll try get back onto my writing grind. leave suggestions for more stories!
