Sneaking Around

Lucy and Tim were in desperate need of some quality time. 

All of this sneaking around was becoming tiresome. The late-night drop offs because they could never have a sleepover took a toll on their sleep schedules.

"Hey," Lucy smiled as she watched Tim enter the breakroom. "How's shift going?"

"Very quiet," Tim admitted. "Nice for a change, no getting shot at."

"Don't jinx yourself." Lucy smiled.

"Don't worry, I strive to come back to you in one piece everyday," Tim smiled before kissing her softly.

"No," Lucy laughed. "What if someone walks in?"

Tim groaned. He hated that they had to keep their relationship a secret and sneak around everywhere. 

Lucy's paranoia had gotten the best of her and has not demanded that all dates are strictly in private incase someone from the station sees them.

"Look, I have to get back out on patrol, but I'll see you later tonight?" Lucy says, tossing her granola bar wrapper in the trash.

"Sushi will be at my place at 8," Tim smiled as he watched her walk out of the breakroom.


"Hey," Lucy said, closing the front door behind her. 

"Hi," Tim smiled, setting the dining table. 

"Sorry we couldn't do my place tonight, Tamara is home," said Lucy.

"Don't worry about it," Tim shrugged.

"I'll tell her at some point," Lucy sighed. "Just not yet."

"Well, until then, we have a jealous dog that can keep us company." Tim smirked.

"Never in a million years would I have thought that I would be secretly dating you," Lucy giggled, sitting down at the table.

Tim gave her a confused look.

"My first day on the job, you kicked me out of the car for not knowing which street we were on," 

"Maybe I should go back to doing that, then people really won't suspect us to be dating,"

"You jerk," Lucy smiled.

"Seriously, when are we going to stop with this whole sneaking around thing?" Tim asked.

"Um, never? I mean, you're my boss, and as long as you're my boss people can't know." Lucy said, reaching for the chopsticks.

"Right," Tim sighed. "Was I really that mean to you when I was your T.O.?"

"Yes!" Lucy insisted. "I saved your life on my second day and I never even got a thank you."

"Then you stole my moneyclip and made me pay your bar tab."

"So I won't be getting a thank you..?"


A/N: IM SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT LOL. honestly i'm probably going to write a longer (and better) story following this storyline because i'm really sad we didn't get a couple of scenes of them sneaking around and dating. but alsoooo i'm taking your guys suggestions to write a book :)!! it is called undeniable and will be an au where tim and lucy are rivals from UC school and are partnered for a deep uc opp!! the first chapter will be released soon but i'm planning on taking my time with these chapters because i want them to be as good as they possibly can be since this will be the first proper book that i've ever written. there will most definately be some mistakes in regards to the protocols and procedures soooo....anyway i am so excited for this new book to come out so stay tuned!!!! :) 
