
"Okay," Tim sighed, looking at their plane tickets. "Let's hurry up and find our gate, we can look for food on the way,"

"Woah, slow down," Lucy giggled. "We are three hours early for our flight and we already made it past security. Just...relax," she smiled.

"It's better to be early than late,"

"I would agree with you but this seems excessive,"

"C'mon," said Tim, rolling his suitcase next to him.

"I hate how big this airport is," Tim mutters, passing various restaurants and gates.

"We should've taken up Aaron's offer and flown private," said Lucy, hand-in-hand with Tim.

"The first class upgrade was just enough," said Tim, reading the numbers for each gate.

"Over here," said Tim, pulling Lucy to the right.

"No ones here," said Lucy, looking around. "I told you that we were too early,"

"Yeah yeah, at least we can sit down somewhere," said Tim.

"Or we could go sit down at a restaurant and eat something?" Lucy suggested.

"No way am I paying for an overpriced meal at an airport," Tim scoffed.

"So you'd rather starve?"

Tim threw his head back in annoyance, "Fine," he caved. "But we are not paying $20 for a sandwich,"

The couple walked up to the nearest restaurant to their gate.

"For two please," Lucy smiled.

They follow the waitress to a nearby table. Lucy picks up the menu, scanning it, making amused noises as she reads.

"What are you going to get?" Lucy asked, still peering at the menu.

"Uhh," Tim mutters, scratching his neck. "The burrito,"

"Which one..?" asks Lucy.

"There's more than one?" said Tim, picking his menu back up.

"The breakfast one," Tim says, tossing his menu back on the table.

"Well, I am going to enjoy a nice lettuce wrap,"

"It better not be $20,"


Lucy scrolled mindlessly on her phone as the gate began to fill up.

"See all those people?" said Tim, tapping on her arm. "That could've been us if we didn't show up early,"

Lucy rolled her eyes in response, looking back down at her phone.

"We will now begin boarding flight 227 to Honolulu, Hawai'i,"

Lucy looked up from her phone, pulling her ticket out of her pocket.

"We would now like to invite our first class flyers and our Gold Members,"

Lucy tapped on Tim's arm as she began to stand up.

The two made their way to the ticket scanner and onto the plane, being one of the first ones.

Lucy rolled her suitcase over to Tim to put in the overhead compartment as she slid into her seat.

"I've never flown first class," she said, giggling with excitement. "Oh! Let's take a picture to send to everyone,"

Tim slid into his seat, "Yeah, I don't do selfies,"

Lucy ignored him, pulling out her phone. She frowned as she noticed that Tim wasn't paying attention. She tapped his leg, urging him to smile.

"I hate selfies," Tim commented through his smile.

"Relax," Lucy chuckled. "I'm only sending it to people back at the station. We need to show Aaron that we are enjoying this vacation that he so kindly sponsored,"

Tim rolled his eyes, "I am going to get a very good nap in during this five-hour flight,"

"And I will take pictures to send back to Lopez," Lucy giggled to herself, looking out the window.

Their flight consisted of Tim napping, as promised, and Lucy fully soaking in all of the perks that flying first class came with.

"Tim, wake up," Lucy urged, shaking him awake. "We landed," she giggled with excitement.

Tim looked around, "You used five hot towels?"

Lucy shrugged, "They were complimentary,"

The couple made their way off the plane and to the baggage claim.

"Our suitcases should be here by now," Tim says, watching all of the suitcases pass by them.

"Relax, Tim. Ours probably got loaded on first because we checked in so early," said Lucy, rubbing Tim's arm.

After what felt like five years, the two had retrieved the two suitcases that they had checked in.

"Aaron said that there should be a driver here with our last names on a paper to pick us up," said Lucy, looking down at her phone.

"There," said Tim, guiding Lucy over to a short woman, holding up a sign saying 'Bradford'.

"Tim and Lucy Bradford?" she asks, gesturing to the sign she was holding up.

"Oh no," Lucy began babbling. "His last name is Bradford, just him. We aren't married or engaged or anything."

The driver gave her an amused look before gesturing at them to follow her.

The ride to their hotel was fairly short. The two were greeted with leis (which Lucy constantly raved to Tim about how good they smelled).

"We have a dinner reservation at the restaurant on the roof, remember?" said Tim, as they made their way up to their hotel room.

"Holy cow," Lucy gasped as the door swung open.

The curtains were pulled open to display their balcony and view of the ocean. The bright blue water seemed to light up their room.

"That is gorgeous," said Lucy, running over to the glass sliding door. "Look at this!" she giggled.

Tim came up behind her, slinging his arm around her shoulders.

"I hate the beach," Tim smiled, watching people get wiped out by the waves.

"Good thing there's a pool here," said Lucy. "I'm going to freshen up for dinner,"

"Dinner isn't for a couple of hours," said Tim, following Lucy with his eyes.

"Yeah well, I want to shower and blow-dry my hair,"

Tim rolled his eyes and shook his head as Lucy headed for the bathroom.


A/N: hii!! i have a feeling this story might need a couple of parts 👀 leave suggestions for more stories!
