The Bugs

"Tim, oh my gosh," Lucy screams from the kitchen.

"What?" Tim says, coming flying around the corner from their bedroom.

"Bug," Lucy says, climbing on top of the counter, careful to stay away from the stove.

"Lucy," Tim groans, shaking his head. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Bug," Lucy squeals again, pointing at one of the cabinets.

Tim shakes his head as he reaches for a paper towel and retrieves the bug from the cabinet.

"Happy?" Tim asks, waving the paper towel around.

"Stop that," Lucy says, climbing down. "Release it outside please, do not kill it."

"It's a bug, Lucy,"

"It's a living thing! It has feelings,"

"The bug in my hand has feelings?"


"Lucy," Tim groaned, rolling his eyes. "It. Is. A. Bug."

"It's a living thing with feelings,"

"How do you know? Are you a bug whisperer?" Tim teased.

"Can you taunt me after the bug is outside of my apartment?" Lucy said, leaning against the kitchen island.

"Fine," Tim said, opening her front door and tossing the bug into the hallway. "Happy?"

"Yes," Lucy said. "Stop being a bug murderer."

"Or what? Are you going to arrest me?"

"Don't tempt me," Lucy said, giving him a sly smile. "But no more killing bugs!"


A/N: SORRY THIS IS SO SHORT LOL. i just really needed something to upload since i have literally no ideas for one-shots anymore. butttt how would you guys feel if i turned the rosalind stories into like an actual book? not right now obviously since i'm still writing the undeniable chapters, but for a future project maybeeee? leave suggestions for more stories!
