More of a Man

Lucy was so exhausted.

Between trying to train Celina, having to break up multiple fights, getting into a few herself, and interviewing all of the gang members, she hadn't sat down in over two hours.

"You take the far row and I'll take this one," she said, handing a stack of cards to Celina.

"Hi," she said, turning over to some young kid sitting by himself. "What's your name?"

"Bite me," he said in response.

"Cute," she muttered. "Seriously, what's your name?"

"Like I said, bite me,"

She rolled her eyes, "Listen, kid. I've had a very long day of trying to break up all of the fights that you and your friends started. What. Is. Your. Name?"

"I'm not a kid, I'm a man,"

Lucy chuckled. "You don't look a day over 15. You are not a man."

The kid grinned, "Bitch, I'm more of a man than you've ever had."

Baffled, Lucy just stood there.

"What the hell did you just say?" Tim asked, coming up behind Lucy.

"What?" the kid said.

"Say it again. Own up to your words like a man," Tim said, folding his arms.

A few of the other gang members laughed as they watched the kid squirm in his seat.

"I'm not a kid," was all he could respond with.

"Get your ass up," Tim said, grabbing him by the arm.

"Thorsen," Tim barked. "Take him down the hall for questioning."

Lucy turned to face Tim once the kid had left. "You didn't have to save me."

"I wasn't saving you, I was helping," Tim said.

"I could've handled that kid on my own," she insisted.

"I know, I just figured you needed some backup," he shrugged.

"I didn't need anything. I can handle myself. Like an adult,"

"I know you can,"

"Great," Lucy gave him a tight smile before walking away.

Tim sighed. He felt like everything that he was doing was the wrong move, even if he intended to help her.

Annoyed, he moved onto the next row to begin questioning.


Tim slammed his locker closed. He had a very long day.

He hung his head as he made his way to the elevator.

"Tim," he heard someone call. He turned around to find Lucy coming up behind him.

"Hey," he said, rather surprised.

"Hi," she said. "I um...just wanted to apologize. For earlier at the hospital."

"What?" Tim asked.

"I shouldn't have...gotten upset at you when you were just trying to help me."

"It's all good," Tim shrugged.


"Water under the bridge,"

Lucy sighed. "I know that you were just trying to help me, but I can handle myself, I promise."

"I know," Tim smiled.

"Okay," Lucy mumbled. "Night." 



A/N: 100K VIEWS IS INSANE??? this is another requested story so i hope its what was envisioned!! but seriously thank you for 100k views ANDDDDD i'll be coming out with a 100k special story that some of my OG readers may know...stay tuned and keep suggesting stories!
