Awkward...and weird. (6x07 SPOILERS)

"Awkward," is all Tamara could say after Lucy recited all of her interactions with Tim at the station. "Weird."

"Awkward," Lucy agreed. "But everything that I said today was true."

"You should tell him what you told Sergeant Grey," Celina chimed in.

Oddly enough, the ambient environment of the Thai restaurant made it the perfect place to gossip.

"I know," Lucy sighed, picking at her salad. "But time apart is good."

"Good for what?" Tamara asked, slowly sipping her water. "You two want to get back together?"

Lucy shook her head, "I can't speak for both of us. I never wanted us to separate."

"But you said that time apart is good," Celina says.

"In hindsight, it is. But I also think that we could've worked out all of our problems if he had just...talked to me. Like an adult," Lucy says, putting her fork down.

"So...what? Once he finally opens up, you two will get back together?" Tamara asks.

"No, it's much more complicated than that," Lucy chuckles. "All I'm saying is, this is good for us. And whatever theoretical future relationship we may or may not have."


Lucy dreaded going into the station.

"You can always call out sick," Tamara said over the phone.

"Tempting, but no," is what Lucy had said.

And now she found herself sitting alone in the parking lot.

"You can do this," she muttered to herself.

A soft knock on her window startled her as she reached for her bag.

"Hi," Celina waved.

With a deep breath, Lucy reluctantly opened her door. "Hi." she smiled.

"I saw you sitting alone and figured that you needed a little push to get yourself into the station."

"You are scarily accurate," Lucy says, slowly climbing out of her car. "I almost called out sick today."

"I'm sure Grey would understand,"

"Nope, no way. I can't use Tim and I's breakup as an excuse for slacking off,"

"It's not slacking off if you're taking a mental health day," Celina says as they slowly walk through the sliding doors.

"I don't need a mental health day," Lucy insists. "What I need is for things to go back to normal."

With some very unfortunate timing, Tim had happened to turn the corner right as the words came out of her mouth.

"Hey," Tim said slowly.

"Hi," Lucy said, gripping the strap of her bag tighter.

Celina took a moment to look at both of them before muttering "I'll be in the locker room," and running off.

"Coward," Lucy muttered.

"How was...dinner with Tamara?" Tim asked.

"Fine," Lucy said, looking up at him.

"Are we seriously going to keep doing this?" Tim asked.

"Doing what?"

"Your short little one-word answers to everything I say?"

"What am I supposed to say, Tim? You seem to have made the executive decision that I need someone who isn't you."

"I can't give you what you need,"

"But that's not for you to decide!" Lucy says, breathlessly. "You know, I could respect if you made the decision for yourself. That you needed space. But instead, you're out here telling me what I need."

"Can we talk about this later?" Tim says. 

"Are you finally going to talk like an adult?"

Tim sighed. "Whatever you want."



A/N: HEYYY!!! no offense to the nolan and bailey lovers but their dialogue this ep was WEIRD. lowk wish we had more wopez scenes (PLUS THE DAUGHTERS NAME OML) and more awkward chenforddddd but i also really loved seeing grey and lucy together!!! i'm telling yall, smtn is up with this therapist....leave suggestions for more stories!!
