Rosalind (part six)

"I can't find Lucy," Tim says, walking into Grey's office.

"What?" Grey says, looking up from his stack of paperwork.

"Lucy went to the breakroom to get a snack an hour ago and I haven't seen her since," says Tim.

"Tim, I'm sure theres a reasonable explination for this," Grey says. "I ordered all of you to stay in the station and out of all of you Chen is the least likely to break orders."

"I know," Tim sighs.

Grey rolls his eyes, "We can check the security footage if it'll make you feel better."

Grey types a few things into his computer before bringing the footage from the security camera in the hall that leads to the breakroom.

Tim makes his way over to behind Grey's desk to watch over his shoulder.

"There," Tim says, pointing at the footage of Lucy leaving the breakroom with a man he's never seen before.

"Who the hell is that?" Grey says. He resumes the footage and switches from camera to camera and watches as they go into the garage.

"He's not an officer here is he?" Tim asks, turning to look at Grey.

"No, he's not," Grey says, getting out of his chair. "Get everyone in the rollcall room. Now."

The two shuffle out of Grey's office as they call every officer in the station into the rollcall room.


Lucy stared into Rosalind's eyes.

"What do you want from me?" Lucy asks.

"I just wanted to have a little fun before I head over to Mexico," Rosalind says.

"Why come here? You could've been in Mexico and free from all of this already,"

"I couldn't leave America without saying goodbye to my favorite officer first," Rosalind says in a cool tone.

"So what? Was Lorenzo and...Zach your new Calebs?"

Rosalind smiled down at her, "No more questions, Officer Chen."

Lucy felt a sharp pain in her neck before things went dark.


"Wait, so let me get this straight," Celina says, following closely behind Tim and John. "This has happened to Lucy before?"

"Yes," John says. "Prepare the shop, we're going to head out to Hollywood."

"Thorsen," Tim barked. "Prepare the shop."

"Tim," a voice called.

Tim turned around to find Tamara walking towards him.

"Whats going on?" she asks.

Tim sighs, "Rosalind took Lucy,"

"Again?" Tamara says.

"Look, you need to stay here, okay? It's too dangeorus outside."

"No, I want to come with you,"

"Tamara. Stay here with Luna. I'll call you when I have updates, okay?"

Tamara nodded with a weary look on her face before heading off to find Luna.

"Bradford," Grey calls.

Tim takes long strides to meet Grey.

"We got ID on the man that took Lucy,"

"Great, who?" 

"Zach Ballard. He is a legitimate cop who transfered here from Pasadena,"

"Great," Tim mutters.

"We also got ID on which shop that Zach took, but the last known address was in the middle of downtown L.A.,"

"Did he turn the tracker off?"

"No. The shop has been there for a few hours already. Must've ditched the shop,"

"Thorsen and I will head there now," Tim says, joining Aaron in the garage.


A/N: HEYY!!! wrote this quickly since people kept asking for part six LOL. i know i said this was going to be a short series and only a few parts, and clearly i was wrong. i anticipate closing out this story with maybe 2-3 longer parts. leave suggestions!!
