The Birthday Party (continued)

"You can drink, Tim. Quit acting like you don't want a beer," said Angela, sipping a beer herself. "You can order something much fancier than beer. You're not paying for it,"

Tim scoffed, "I don't order beers because they're the only thing I can afford,"

Angela raised an eyebrow. "Half the beers that you drink are ones that you don't even pay for."

"That's not true."

"Hey," Lucy says before Angela could respond. "Sorry, the line for the bathroom was way longer than you could ever imagine,"

"Doesn't Aaron have like a million bathrooms? He lives in a mansion," asked Angela.

"Yeah, well, I also imagine how hard it must be to take off some of those dresses,"

"Can't be too hard if they plan on getting laid tonight," Angela smirked.

"You would think, but I did see some complicated lacing and zippers,"

"Are you two done?" Tim interjected, turning to Lucy. "Are you sure that you can drive back?"

"Yeah," Lucy shrugged, "I hate being hungover. My college days are way past overdue,"

"I'm not going to get drunk," Tim rolled his eyes as he turned to the bartender. "One beer,"

"Which one..?" the bartender says, looking at Tim like he's the stupidest person on the planet.

"The most expensive one," Angela says, turning around.

"Hey, where did Wesley go?" said Lucy.

"Probably going all 'lawyer' on anyone who pisses him off," said Angela.

"Wait you're both drinking tonight?" Tim says, sipping his beer.

"Nope, Wesley is claiming to stay completely sober," said Angela. "Harper is supposed to pick us up,"

Lucy took a moment to look at everything happening. The number of people had seemed to double in the mere hour that they had been here. There was a mix of people dancing at various dance floors that were lit up.

These types of parties seemed to have an unspoken dress code. All the girls wore short sparkly dresses that all looked tacky and like they could rip with even the slightest movement. They wore heels that probably cut off all circulation to the feet.

"You know, as much as I would love to wish Aaron a happy birthday, I kind of hope that we don't see him tonight," says Lucy.

"And why's that?" asks Angela.

"Because of that stupid contract we had to sign to get into this damn party," says Tim, already on his second beer. "Wherever Thorsen is, the camera is."

A few hours had gone by and Tim was long gone. He had gone through several more beers before yelling at the bartender to make him something special.

"Bye bye Angela," Tim slurred as Lucy began to pull him away.

"Let's go, Tim," Lucy urged, pulling him away from the bar like a toddler.

"I don't want to leave," Tim pouted.

"We would've been able to stay a little longer if you had quit threatening to arrest the bartender because he stopped serving you drinks,"

Tim frowned.

Somehow, by some miracle, Lucy had been able to drag Tim to the car in ten minutes. A new personal record.

"Watch your head," Lucy says, opening the passenger door.

"I love you, Lucy," Tim says in slow motion.

"I know you do," Lucy says, beginning to drive off.

The whole car ride consisted of Tim whining and telling Lucy how much he loved her.

"I wanna go home and see my dog," Tim says as Lucy pulls him into the elevator of her apartment.

"I would pray for Kojo if I let you go home like this," Lucy muttered.

Thankfully, Tamara wasn't home yet, and Lucy was able to shuffle Tim into her room without making too much of a mess.

"Can I have a beer," Tim whined, flopping onto Lucy's bed.

"No," Lucy says firmly, yanking Tim's shoes off of his feet. "Socks on or off?" she asks.

"My feet are hotttt,"

"You're such a toddler," she says, peeling the socks off of his feet and tossing them into her hamper. "You can have a clean pair when you go home tomorrow, okay?"

Lucy turned to her dresser, digging through her drawers.

"Here," she says, tossing a shirt and pair of plaid pajama pants at Tim.

"No shirt," Tim pouted.

Lucy sighed, "You are going to be so pissed at me tomorrow if I let you sleep in jeans,"

It took some work, but Lucy managed to convince Tim to change out of his clothes.

"You can take these clothes home after I wash them this weekend, okay?" Lucy says, tossing his old clothes into her hamper.

"It's like I have a closet here," Tim slurs.

Lucy comes back from the kitchen with a water bottle, "The only time that I'm thankful that you always forget your clothes here,'

"Drink," she says, holding the water bottle up to his mouth.

Tim fought it, ultimately losing.

"If you don't drink this right now, I will take a video of you and send it to Lopez," she threatened.

After another 20 minutes of fighting what seemed like a toddler, Tim finally fell asleep.

Unfortunately, it was in the middle of Lucy's bed.

"Great," she muttered, unsure of how to move him without waking him.

She slowly climbed into bed, hoping that Tim would move over.

With no such luck, Lucy was confined to a small portion of her bed.

"Lucy?" Tim mumbled.

"Yes," Lucy responds, slightly nudging Tim to move over.

"I love you," he says into the pillow.

"I love you too," Lucy smiled, reaching over to give him a kiss on the cheek.


A/N: since y'all kept asking for another part!! i honestly don't know how tim would be if he were drunk, but i do imagine him being like lucy's child. leave suggestions for more stories!!
