Home (6x04 SPOILER)

"Let's go," Tim whispered into her ear.

The whole car ride home was silent. Lucy hadn't said a word since they had left her hospital room.

"Go take a shower," Tim suggested, dropping the duffle bag on the floor. "You'll feel better."

"Yeah," Lucy muttered, disappearing into her room. 

She jumped into the shower as soon as she could. She let the warm water drop down her face.

Today had felt like it was 72 hours long. Her craving to save the day wasn't fufilled. She felt like a failure.

She knew she wasn't in the wrong for shooting him. He was coming after her  with a weapon much larger than hers.

But for some reason she still felt like she did something wrong. That if she had made different choices then maybe he wouldn't be in the ICU right now.

But he deserved it, right? He had killed someone minutes before he was shot.

Even after the constant reminders from Tim that this wasn't her fault, she still felt to blame.

She turned off the water and wrapped herself in her towel. Sometimes she wished that she could stay in the bathroom forever. 

In the bathroom, she could hide from all of her problems. The last week had been less than great to her.

She threw on her comfiest clothes that she could find and shamefully emerged from the bedroom.

"Food is on it's way," said Tim. 

"What did you order?" Lucy asked softly. She was starving.

"Pizza," Tim shrugged. "Felt like that kind of night."

"Today was an absolute disaster," Lucy sighed, sitting down on the couch. "The past two days have been an absolute disaster."

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Tim, joining her on the couch.

"First, I'm assigned to dumpster duty and am forced to watch vomit all day, then I miss my chance to help identify the Pentagram Killer, and to top it all off, I shoot someone." she vented.

"You can't change what happened," Tim said gently. "You did what you had to do. Any one of us would've done the same thing."

"Yeah, but I  wouldn't have shot him. I shouldn't have shot him."

"Lucy, if you didn't shoot him, he would've shot you."

"But how can you know that?"

"He already killed someone. There was no coming back from that."

Lucy rubbed her forehead. "This is all such a mess. Am I in trouble?"

"Look, they're going to investigate this. They have your bodycam and you're going to give your statement. He made it out of surgery. Don't worry about this." said Tim.

"But how can I not worry about it?"

"It sounds like you need a drink," Tim smiled.

"A strong one," Lucy agreed.

"Unfortunately for you, you need to be sober for your statement. One beer for you tonight," Tim says before kissing her temple and heading for the fridge.


A/N: HIII!! so happy we got such good chenford scenes after three weeks without them. OKAY ALSO WHO IS SO SCARED FOR 6X05??? THE EP DESCRIPTION??? also i think i peed my pants when he shot lucy (i was secretly hoping for worried tim scenes but okay). but dw we still have that explosion scene that eric posted :)!! also first chapter of my new book will be out super soon, be excited!! leave suggestions for more stories :)
