The End: Tim (6x06 SPOILER)

"You did what?" Angela asked, holding the phone up to her ear.

"I broke up with Lucy," Tim said, biting his lip. "It's for the best."

"Like hell it is," said Angela. "Why did you break up with her?"

"I have too much going on. Too many issues that I don't want to bother her with,"

"So instead of dealing with your issues and asking for help like a man, you break up with the best thing that ever happened to you like a coward?"

"No," Tim says. "I'm protecting her."

"If I recall, Lucy told you to not protect her."

"I lied to her, Angela. About everything. I hurt her,"

"And then you hurt her again by breaking up for her. She has proven time and time again that she will always be there for you. She proved it before you two even started dating,"

"I can't keep hurting her, Angela."

"Right, but you just did. Again."

"It's for the best,"

"For you? Or for her? It sounds to me like it's good for neither of you, but you're too scared and closed off to see it."

"Look, it's for the best. For now,"

"It's not healthy,"

"I'm fine," Tim insists. "She will be fine. Better off without my problems dragging her down."

"If you say so,"

"I need to go," Tim says, hanging up the phone.

He tosses his phone on the bed.

Even though they had spent most of their nights at Lucy's apartment, she was still everywhere in his house.

Every picture of him and Isabel was replaced with pictures of him and Lucy. Spoiler, there were a lot.

She had her own drawer in his dresser, her own sink in his bathroom.

He could even smell her perfume on his bed sheets.

Angela was right, he was acting like a coward.

But he knew that this would be the last time he ever hurt her. Keeping her away from him was the best thing he could do for her.

He slowly began taking all of their pictures and placing them in a box. He didn't even bother with the drawer full of her clothes.

The worst part was, they would undoubtedly see each other tomorrow.

He wasn't sure when he should be giving Lucy her things back. Bringing them to the station tomorrow to give in front of everyone felt cruel.

But he couldn't just throw her things away.

When Isabel had left, he donated all of her things knowing that she wouldn't come back for them.

But Lucy was too sentimental to just let go of things. 

He placed the box next to his front door and stared at it.

The pictures that had taken over his home were now sitting in a cardboard box all because he couldn't bring himself to ask for help.

He dragged himself back into his bedroom and shut the door.

He hadn't shed a single tear yet. Why wasn't he crying?

He felt guilty for not crying. He knew that Lucy was probably crying on her couch with Tamara.

But him? He was sitting on his bed, dry-eyed, and staring at a wall.

He always thought about proposing to Lucy.

How he would do it, when he would do it, where he would do it.

He had a picture-perfect idea of a proposal that is now going to waste. At least for now.

It's not like he had bought a ring or anything, but just the idea of proposing to her had consumed all of his thoughts.

But now, he couldn't see himself marrying her.

He knew that this was just a foreshadowing of what could happen in the future.

Him hurting her and shutting her out time and time again, and she would always still be there supporting him.

It wasn't fair to her.

So this was it.

This was the end.


A/N: ummm i'm still thinking about the episode...i don't know how i will recover. this is the last sad chenford story i PROMISE (for now). hope you guys enjoyed this one but idk how to feel about it 🥲 ALSO I LOVED IT WHEN LOPEZ CALLED TIM HER BFF they're so cutesy and platonic i love it. make sure to leave suggestions for more stories!
