The Evaluation

"I still cannot believe you did that," Angela giggled, closing the door to her locker.

"Did...what?" said Lucy, folding her clothes.

"Give Tim your $90 tab. You better watch your back today,"

Lucy scoffed, "Should I be worried?"

"Very," Talia says, coming from around the corner. "Tim could literally fire you over anything,"

"Anything?" asked Lucy. "Even a little joke?"

"Mhm," Angela nodded. "But don't stress, he's fired rookies for things much worse,"

"That actually makes me much more worried,"

"That's the point, boot," was the last thing Angela told her as she walked out of the locker room.

Lucy stood there, dazed. Tim wasn't going to punish her that badly for a joke, right?

She picked at her cuticles as she made her way out of the locker room.

That was when she saw him. Standing thirty feet to her left, talking with someone that she had never seen before.

Trying her best to avoid eye contact, she briskly made her way into roll call, internally kicking herself as she heard Angela and Talia giggling at her as she walked past.

"Why do you look so nervous?" asked Jackson.

"Remember the stunt I pulled last night? The one with the bar tab?"

"Oh, right. That wasn't too smart of you,"

Lucy whacked him on the arm, "Don't you think I know that? I was so angry at him for what he did that I felt like I had to get him back,"

"Hey guys," John says, taking a seat next to Lucy.

"What's wrong with her?" he asks after seeing the look on Lucy's face.

"She's worried that Tim is going to beat her ass after last night,"

"The bar tab? If it's that much of a big deal I can just give him the money.."

"No, no," Lucy interrupted. "Nothing can save me from him,"

"I mean, what could be possibly do?" asked John.

"Fire me?"

"Fire you?" said Jackson. "Is it that serious?"

"I don't know," Lucy sighed. "I'm hoping he just does some stupid Tim Test,"

"A Tim what?" said John.

"A Tim Test. Gave me one on my first day and then made me follow the shop by walking because I didn't know what street we were on,"

"That's cruel," said Jackson.

Lucy didn't have time to respond, Sergeant Grey had finally walked in with Tim following close behind.

Lucy darted out as soon as roll call finished.

"Running away so soon, boot?" said Tim, calling behind her.

"No," Lucy muttered, turning around.

Tim took long strides to reach her.

Lucy nearly flinched as he stared down at her.

"Can you just get my punishment over with, please?"

Tim scoffed, "No way, boot,"

"Look, I can just pay you back the $90--"

"You are totally undermining your little prank by feeling bad,"

Lucy was shocked, " punishment?"

"Not today, but watch your back," Tim smiled as he brushed past her.


A/N: hii! sorry that this story is so short! please leave suggestions for more stories!
