A farm.

   That was the safe house that Clint took them to. It was beautiful with rolling hills. They walked through the tall grass to get to the house and it swayed towards her as she smiled and ran her fingers across the stems.

Once they entered the house, they were very surprised as Clint called out, "Honey, I'm home."

A heavily pregnant walked out from the kitchen and Eira felt her lips part in surprise. She blinked as Clint hugged the woman, "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead."

"This is an agent of some kind," Tony muttered as Clint kissed his wife shortly on the lips.

Clint introduced her, "Guys, this is Laura."

"I know all your names," Laura smiled before there were rushed footsteps from the stairs.

"Ooh, incoming," Clint said as his kids ran down the stairs.

"Dad!" the small girl ran towards Clint and he picked her up before kissing the top of his son's head. "Hi, sweetheart! Hey, buddy! How you guys doing?"

"These are...smaller agents," Tony commented.

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Lila, the daughter, asked as she looked around before she spotted her favorite Avenger. She gasped in awe. "Angel!"

Lila practically leaped from Clint's arms to rush over to her and hug her legs. Eira felt like she was almost toppled over from the force of the excited, little girl.

"Lila, you don't just hug people," Clint scolded.

"Please," Eira gave a reassuring smile as she knelt down to the girl's level. "Hugs are the best, aren't they?"

Lila now smiled shyly at her, "You're my favorite Avenger."

"Am I?" Eira smiled. "Well, that's deserving of a hug on its own."

Eira gave her a short hug before she pulled away. She held out her hands to the girl as a flower slowly grew out of thin air.

Lila gasped again as her eyes went wide. Eira held out the now blooming flower towards her, "Here's my favorite in the whole world. It's a special flower for a special girl."

              Lila took it gently and held it to her chest like she'd never let it go. She looked at Eira in awe, "Are you an actual angel?"

             "I can be just for you," Eira smiled.

"I'm gonna have an actual angel!" Lila beamed.

Everyone smiled at the interaction. Eira was a complete natural with kids.

Nat stepped forward and teased a bit, "I thought I was your favorite Avenger."

Lila looked at her with wide eyes and she shook her head like she never said that. Then she ran back to hide behind Clint like she'd get in trouble for having a different favorite. Eira chuckled as she stood up and Nat muttered to her, "You made her a traitor."

Eira smirked as Steve spoke, "Sorry for barging in on you."

"Yeah, we would have called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed," Tony said but his eyes were fixated on Eira; he wondered what she would be like with a kid.

"Yeah, well Fury helped me set this up when I joined," Clint replied. "He kept it off SHIELD's files, I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's a good place to lay low..."

Eira fixated on Laura. The woman was glowing with her pregnancy and she realized that in less than nine months time, that could be herself. The thought made her take a deep breath before she went outside.


Bucky was sitting on a bed as he waited for the shower to be free. Nat came out, towel drying her hair and she smirked a bit, "If I would've known you were waiting, I would've asked you to join me."

Bucky blew out a breath as his shoulders sagged, "You shouldn't want me to. I'm just a danger to everyone around me."

"Hey," Nat scolded as she sat down beside him. "What happened on the ship wasn't your fault."

"I could've killed Eira," Bucky admitted. "That would've been on me."

"First, Eira would've stopped you," Nat said. "And, second, it's that witch's fault. Not yours."

Bucky sighed before he stared at her, "I think you're amazing despite all the red in your ledger you say you have."

Bucky shook his head with an amused smile, "And I don't know why you waste your time flirting with me."

"Maybe, just maybe, Barnes," she smiled as she leaned towards him. "I think you're amazing, too..."

And Nat kissed him because she knew that he never would. That moment became the start of a new couple.

She pulled away with a teasing smile, "You are very rusty."

"Well, I haven't kissed anyone in seventy years."

"And you won't be kissing anyone again," she said quietly before she pressed her lips back to his and, eventually, he became not so rusty.


Eira was out in the fields. She needed to clear her head. She made different crops grow along with flowers; they would never wither or stop growing.

Steve was cutting wood a little distance away. Tony came out and he stared at her, "What is she doing?"

"She's just been standing out there," Steve said.

Tony sighed before he approached her. He called out softly once he reached her, "Snowflake, you okay?"

"I want this," she stared at the land around her.

"Okay," Tony scratched his head. "I mean, I guess I can talk to Barton about buying it but..."

"No!" she scolded. "I mean, when Ultron is defeated, I want something like this."

She looked at him intensely, "I want to settle down with you."

Tony smiled, "Done deal, Snowflake."

"Plus, we're going to have to, anyways," she muttered.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

She was silent for a long moment. Tony let her take her time and stayed patient. Then she took a deep breath and uttered the words so quietly, "I'm pregnant."

         Tony blinked, "I...oh, wow. That was the last thing I expected you to say."

         Tony processed the words as he stared at her stomach in bewilderment, "You're really carrying my kid? Like it's inside of you right now?"

       "Where else would it be, Tony?"

         "Well, I was really hoping you were joking."

           "Don't say that," she started to get tears in her eyes. "I'm already scared."

        "What? Snowflake, there isn't anything to be scared of," he came over to her and rubbed her arms.

           "Of course you don't get to say that but I'm the one who has to go through labor and I heard it's painful and I don't know if I want to go through that," Eira rambled as her hormones made her hysterical. "I don't know if I'm even ready. And there is a homicidal robot that wants to kill us all and I'm scared..."

          "First of all, that homicidal robot is not going to touch you because you're done, okay? No more fighting things," Tony said. "And if you're not ready, angel, then you're not ready. You don't have to go through with this."

            She shook her head vehemently, "No, I'm not staying out of the fight."

            "Are you crazy?" Tony said. "You could lose the kid. No."

           "Then I'll lose the baby, Tony," she argued. "I can make another one if I want to but I can't make another you."

            He clenched his jaw before he sighed, "If that's what you want to do. I won't stop you."

          "We're going to have a kid," he grinned as he leaned his forehead against hers. "God, you'll make such a great mom."

              She smiled as she looped her arms around his neck as she reassured, "You'll make a great dad, Tony."

           He hummed like he didn't quite agree before he smirked, "Well, now it makes it harder for you to ever divorce me."

             She rolled her eyes, "That's what you're concerned with?"

            "I gotta make sure I never lose you, Snowflake," he confessed.

           "You never will."

AN: I hate this chapter. It turned out so bad but I'm moving on
