It had been six months since she'd seen Tony. Yet when Happy called her and said that Tony wanted to see her while he was in New York for the Stark Expo, she didn't hesitate to jump at the chance. She was dying to see him.

          In the time that she'd been away from Tony, she'd also made Natalie her assistant. It meant that the redhead was closer, and, well, Snow just wanted a friend.

           Natalie had even counseled her not to go and see Tony. Nat knew his reputation and she didn't want Eira to get hurt. Eira did not listen; not when it came to Tony.

So Eira drove down to Flushing Meadows in New York where the Stark Expo was, well, Nat drove. Now she waited outside the opening ceremonies where the area was closed off to screaming fans. She made herself comfortable leaning against the new Audi that Tony had while she waited for the opening ceremonies to end.

When Tony came out of the doors past the screaming fans, his egotistical smirk died off. When he saw her, he halted completely. She threw him a small, little smile and his heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly, as he looked her over (noticing her hair was shorter), he didn't feel any anger anymore. He wondered where it went; maybe she stole it along with his ability to breathe. In fact, he could only think of how he didn't want to go a day without seeing her again.

He started moving again and he approached her slowly. When he reached her, she held something out while avoiding looking at him.

"Apparently, you have a subpoena to appear before court tomorrow in Washington," she said. "So what did you do?"

"Well, what haven't I done?" he replied as he actually took the subpoena and handed it to Happy without looking away from her face, those lips. He thought about how he never got to kiss her as he took a step closer to her.

"So how are you doing? Good? Great? You look great," he rambled as he stared down at her and she still wouldn't meet his eyes. "I heard you had a boyfriend. I don't see him. Where is he?"

"I, um, don't," she admitted.

He hummed before he asked, "Well, what made you come down here?"

"Happy called and said you wanted to see me."

"Happy called..." Tony threw an accusing look at his security guard. "Right."

Happy didn't care if he would get in trouble. Tony had been an insufferable mess since she left and everyone had enough.

"Well, I do want to see you," Tony admitted. "Why don't you drive with me to Washington?"

"I really think we should go back home, Eira," Natalie said cautiously.

"Who is talking?" Tony glared at the redhead who he would have ogled before the cave but he only had eyes for one person now.

"She's my assistant."

Tony sighed before looking back at Eira with a pleading smirk, "Come on, Snowflake. Come with me to Washington."

Snowflake. She got butterflies in her stomach and her heart raced at the name she hadn't heard in what felt like forever but forever could pass and all these reactions would stay the same.

Eira discreetly looked up at him to witness that cute, adorable smirk that made him look like a puppy. She found herself nodding, "Okay."

            "Did you hear that?" Tony gloated to Natalie. "She said okay."

             Nat rolled her eyes.


As they were driving very quickly on the highway, she fumbled with her hands in her lap, "So why did you want to see me?"

"I, uh..." he paused to come up with a reason since he wasn't actually the one who called her. "I wanted you to convince Pepper to be CEO..."


"Well, she's more likely to listen to you than to me. And this means..." Tony said before his eyes lit up. "You have to come back to Malibu."

"I can't come back to Malibu, Tony," she frowned; he eventually just wouldn't want her around.

"Of course you can," Tony argued. "You just get on a plane with me and come back."

"You want me on a plane with you?

"I want you anywhere with me," he responded as they came to red light.

He stared at her intensely from the driver seat and those green eyes finally met his; he wanted a painting the color of those eyes but he didn't think such a color even existed except with her.

She looked at him before sighing as the light turned green, "I'll think about it."

She looked at the light before pushing at his shoulder as he still stared at her hopefully, "Tony, the road!"

"Forget about the road. Just say yes."

"Tony!" she said as she heard horns behind them.

"Say yes, Snowflake," Tony pleaded. "I'll even say please if you really want me to."

She looked at him with a conflicted look on her face. She couldn't understand why he wanted her around anymore. But she would jump to be there even if she thought his anger would eventually come back and make her leave.

"Okay. Yes."


When they arrived in Washington, she went to grab the door handle but Tony stopped her, "Wait. No. Don't get out."


"Just hold on, Snowflake," Tony said as he got out of the driver's seat before coming around and opening her door.

She smiled as he held out his hand for her. She grabbed it a bit giddily and Tony could only smile hopelessly as cameras flashed behind them.

             "Tony," she called. "You have a court hearing."

             "Right," he kept getting lost in her green eyes.

                Tony grabbed her hand and pulled her along beside him. When they entered the hearing, Pepper saw her and immediately greeted the girl.

                  "Snow!" Pepper smiled and hugged her. "I am so glad you're here."

                 Snow hugged her back and Tony frowned. He didn't like anyone touching his Snowflake.

                "This one has been far too cranky without you..." Pepper was all too happy to point out which made Snow giggle.

               "Okay, that's enough..of that," Tony pulled Snow away from Pepper but Pepper grabbed her.

               Pepper pulled her other arm as she denied, "Uh huh, no. You have a hearing. So you, up front. Snow, with me."

Tony rolled his eyes but nevertheless dropped her hand and went to the front of the room at the hearing table. She and Pepper sat slightly behind him in the rows of benches behind the table.

But then as the hearing started Tony turned in his seat to face her as he smirked, "So do you want to go on that week vacation in New York, Snowflake?"

"Tony!" she scolded. "Focus."

"I am focusing," Tony said innocently. "On you."

She gave him a look and he huffed before turning around in his seat to pay attention to this hearing. They wanted to take the Iron Man suit away from Tony but he had them convinced that the technology wasn't even possible to make unless it was him.

The trial ended with Tony showing his ego by saying he privatized world peace and a Senator using the F bomb; it was safe to say it was a disaster but the government wasn't getting the suit so it was a win. Then Tony grabbed her hand and pulled her with him out of the place.

AN: okay so I might not update tomorrow because I have something from 8-4 so I don't know if I'll be too tired but if there's no updates they will return Saturday
