
Tony had convinced her to come with him. Well, it was more like he stopped her at the airport before she went home, grabbed her hand, and escorted her to his private jet. She never once protested because...she was holding his hand.

She did mean to go home after Pepper became CEO. She was still under the impression that Tony even if he wanted her around, he'd never be able to forgive her and, therefore, they could never move past it. She didn't really want to stick around to hear him say that.

But now they were in Monaco because she couldn't refuse Tony. She had her own hotel room and she dug through her bag of what she brought before she looked at her assistant, "Nat, I don't have anything to wear for tomorrow."

           The Grand Prix was tomorrow that they were attending. All she had was sweaters and leggings and she needed something more elegant.

             "On it," Nat said but she still stood there staring at her.

             Natasha picked up on everything and it wasn't hard to notice that Eira caved to everything Tony requested. She even noticed the small look of guilt in her eyes that erupted to the surface before she said yes to everything.

               Eira furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed, "What?"

            "Learn how to stop giving everything away," Nat advised. "Maybe you feel bad about whatever it is but that does not mean he deserves everything."

Everything was a lot to give and one day she may look in the mirror to find nothing was there, only a shell. One day, she might not recognize herself because she'd given all the pieces away.

"But..." Eira said quietly. "I think he does."

He was her Tony. There was nothing she wouldn't give for him and that was the truth.

Nat sighed with a small smile, "If one day he ever hurts you and then disappears from the world, you'll know it was me."

Eira giggled, not knowing how true her threat was, "Thanks, Nat."


It was the next day and they now arrived at the Grand Prix. She was in a short, white dress with red florals on it and she matched it with some black hightop Converse shoes.

She didn't notice since she was too busy staring out the windows at the beautiful city. But in the limo ride over, Tony kept staring at her bare legs which Pepper whacked him in the head for.

When they got out of the limo, he grabbed her hand, and this time, she pulled him along behind her. She wanted to get away from the cameras as she heard questions thrown like Ms. Stane, are you and Tony dating? She frowned in distaste because she didn't like her last name or being reminded of her father.

Tony let her drag him behind her because, well, he was too busy staring at her behind. He also liked to play with the ends of her hair and how soft it was.

When they got inside, Natalie announced, "We have one photographer from the ACM, if you don't mind. Okay?"

Tony stepped up beside her for the photo as he whispered in her ear, "You look incredible, by the way."

She gained a blush before she smiled for the camera, "Tony!"

"What? It's cute when you blush," Tony stated as he pulled her slowly through the room after the camera shot. "Now, we'll have a photo."

Eira shook her head before she looked at the table with the window as she gushed, "Look at the view."

Tony gestured to the table while looking at Eira and her excited face as he spoke to Natalie, "Make this table ours."

"Of course," Nat sighed.

"We didn't need to get a different table, Tony," Pepper lectured as they walked to the bar while waiting for their table to become available.

"She wanted it," Tony defended.

"I didn't say that," Eira argued.

"No, but your voice did," Tony commented as they took seats at the bar. "And that's all I need to hear, Snowflake."

"Anthony. Is that you?" Justin Hammer announced as he started to approach them.

"My least favourite person on Earth," Tony muttered to her and she giggled. "Justin Hammer."

"Hey, pal. How you doing? You're not the only rich guy here with a fancy car," Hammer attempted to hamper Tony's ego before looking at her. "Ms. Stane, you look as beautiful as ever."

"Uh, thank you, Mr. Hammer," she said kindly while Tony played with her fingers as their hands sat in her lap.

"You can just call me Justin, sweetheart," he smiled at her.

Tony looked at him like he'd grown a second head. His hand stilled and tightened on hers, "No, she will not be doing...that...ever."

"Geez, relax, bud," Hammer said just to irritate him. "There's no need to act so jealous."

Suddenly, a blonde woman appeared with a bright smile, "Hi."

"You know Christine Everhart from Vanity Fair," Hammer introduced. "You guys know each other?"

"Yes," Pepper sighed. "We do."

"Yes, roughly," Tony commented.

Eira furrowed her eyebrows at their comments. It felt like there was a second meaning that she didn't know.

"BTW, big story. The new CEO of Stark Industries," Hammer said as he looked at Pepper.

"I know, I know. My editor will kill me if I don't grab a quote for our Powerful Women issue. Can I?"


"She's actually doing a big spread on me for Vanity Fair. I thought I'd throw her a bone, you know. Right?" Hammer smiled.

"Right. Well, she did quite a spread on Tony last year," Pepper said.

"And she wrote a story as well," Tony added on.

Eira frowned as she realized how exactly Tony knew the reporter. It made her feel sick. She pulled her hand away from his with a huff. Tony pouted as he gave her a perplexed look.

"It was very impressive," Pepper complimented since Tony had stopped speaking when Eira withdrew her hand.

"Thank you," Christine smiled and Pepper had to excuse herself from the awkwardness that Tony had created.

"Can I get a photo of you two?" Christine gestured to Tony and Justin. "Cause this is the first time you two have seen each other since the Senate hearings..."

"Sure, why not?" Justin smiled and put a hand on Tony's shoulder like they were good pals.

Justin had leaned in slightly for the photo before he whispered quietly that neither of them, Eira nor Christine, could hear. His eyes were on Eira, though, for a slight moment to make his intentions known.

Tony could hear the smirk in his voice as he spoke, "Although, if your girl doesn't want you, you can send her over to me. I'll be sure to show her a good time..."

The reaction from Tony was instantaneous as he pushed Justin away, making him stumble. Tony stood from his chair with a glare but Eira quickly got in front of him, pushing at his chest.

"Hey, hey, man, I was just joking," Hammer held his hands up in defense.

Christine was recording the whole thing along with other people getting out their phones and Eira grabbed his hand, tugging on it, "Tony, come on."

Tony looked down at her as he clenched his jaw before pulling his hand away and leaving her. Her lips parted in surprise before Justin appeared next to her, "Man, that guy is sensitive, uh?"

She turned to him with a steely look in her eyes before she stomped on his foot harshly, making him cry out in pain, "Apparently, you're sensitive."

Then she walked away to look for Tony.


When she found Tony, he was all dressed in racing gear. Her eyes widened, "What are you doing?"

         "Listen, I don't want to talk about earlier..." Tony said; if he did, all he could picture was her with Justin Hammer and it made him enraged. She was a trigger for him.

        "...and, unless, you're wishing me luck, I don't want to hear it," Tony said, albeit, softly.

            She sighed before she stepped forward and ever so close to him. She stared at him with the abyss that was her green eyes (the abyss he wanted to drown in) and he felt frozen where he stood.

             Then she ever so softly kissed him on the cheek with a gentle smile, "Good luck."

            He was frozen except for the smile that started to form; the only thing he could do in her presence. In fact, his whole body seemed to feel heavier and he was acutely aware of the way his breathing seemed to stop. He was sure that she was his gravity that brought him back to the ground; and God help him because he never wanted to leave. He never wanted to fly again or do anything without her.

            Newton's Law was clear that gravity was an attractive force that existed between all objects. Tony wasn't sure Newton was right because he only felt attraction to one one object. His Disney princess was clearly attraction; she created the heavy feeling in his chest. She was gravity and he wanted to be hers.


               Eira got back to her window table that was now available and smiled nervously at Pepper, "You might freak out but...I told him good luck."

              "What did he do?" Pepper asked but then on the TV was her answer as it was revealed Tony was racing in the Grand Prix.

               "Oh my god. This is a disaster," Pepper stressed. "Eira, why didn't you tell him no?"

            "Why would he listen to me?" she asked in confusion.

            "Oh, we are so having a discussion on boys after this," Pepper said before ordering Natalie. "Please, get Happy. We need Happy."


           Then on the TV it was shown that a worker walked onto the track before revealing an arc reactor. It even powered electric whips that he cut through the cars with.

          So Happy was driving as fast as he could on the track to where Tony was in danger. She and Pepper were in the back and the CEO got the suit case and unlocked it with the key so it would be ready to go.

           When they got there, Happy sped up and hit the dangerous man with the car, pinning him against the fence. Tony dropped down from the fence in outrage, "Were you heading from me or him? 'Cause I can't tell."

       "I was trying to scare him," Happy defended.

        "Are you out of your mind?" Pepper shouted. "Get in the car right now!"

         "I was attacked. We need better security. You're CEO. Better security measures. God, it's embarrassing," Tony opened the door on her side as he muttered. "First vacation in two years..."

           "But how could there be better security?" Eira frowned in confusion. "Happy is invincible. You told me that."

            "That's right!" Happy pumped his fist into the air. "I am!"

           "We'll talk about in the car," Tony told her as he went to get in but Ivan, the attacker, sliced the door in half with one of his whips.

          "Oh my God!" Pepper screeched before Happy reversed it a bit and ran into Ivan again.

         "I got him!" Happy said.

           "Hit him again. Hit him again," Tony said.

         "Take the case! Take it!" Pepper screamed as Ivan continued to slash at the car.

           As Happy rammed the car into Ivan again, the airbag came out and then Ivan used one of his whips again. It sliced the car in half.

               Eira got out on her side with the half door as Tony protested, "What are you doing? Get back in the car!"

               Eira ignored him as she turned to the car and thrusted her hands out, making wind push the car, and it slid across the pavement. As it was now out of the way, she focused on the dangerous man.

             She raised her hand and vines erupted out of the ground before attacking him. She heard the crowd gasp as the vines crawled up to wrap themselves around his arms and hold him there.

           He flicked his wrist and the whip cut through some of her vines. She pushed her hand out and the force of the air (even the crowd behind could feel some of the wind gust) made his hands flatten against the fence causing him to drop the whips.

              Now that there was no danger, the vines crawled around the arc reactor before pulling it out of the compartment. They slithered over to her and lifted up to her like a prize.

              Eira took it and held it in her hands, showing it to Tony, who was surprised to see one before she simply wished and the arc reactor turned to ash. The crowd watched as a fire erupted in her hands and ashes fell.

             "What are you?" Ivan questioned.

             "A nightmare," she said sadly before she let him fall to the pavement as the police came. The vines slithered back into the ground where they came.

               She looked at Tony who was staring at her in awe before he gained a hard look in his eyes, "I told you not to use your powers in public."

             "He hurt you," she pouted.

           "Snowflake, I'm barely hurt."

            "So? That still counts..."
