Snow was in New York with Pepper and Natalie. Justin Hammer was apparently presenting something big at the Stark Expo and they had to see it in case it made the stocks drop.

They entered backstage to go to their seats and Justin Hammer spotted them. Well, her.

"Ms. Stane," he called as he approached her with a smirk. "Or should I call you Angel."

She frowned, "Please...don't."

"Alright, but don't be surprised if after tonight you want me to, Eira," he grinned. "Tony Stark will be a distant memory for you. Trust me."

Eira gave a look to Natalie who had a glare and she whispered quietly, "Would you like me to remove him for you?"

"No, I got it."

"The only thing that will be a distant memory..." she stepped closer to him and he swallowed harshly at nearness of that beautiful face. "...is you."

Pepper couldn't hold in the chuckle that built up.

"You have a nice night," she gave him a fake smile.

And she walked away from him with the two following and Pepper commented with a small smile, "Since when are you ever so mean?"

"I don't like him," she pouted.

"I think everyone has that in common," Nat said and Pepper nodded.

"You'll reconsider," he called before his voice quieted. "Please reconsider..."


During the Expo, Hammer presented Rhodey in the Iron Man suit he took from Tony. But he also presented drones with arc reactors which made the crowd gasp and her eyes widen.

But then Tony, himself, landed on stage in his suit with a triangular arc reactor. Things seemed to go haywire as the suit Rhodey had and the drones all aimed their guns at Tony and he flew towards the skies, making them shoot at the glass ceiling.

Glass rained down and she raised her hand up. She controlled the air around them to make the glass pieces stop midair as everyone screamed and ran for the exit.

"Okay, good," Pepper said. "You keep doing that until everyone is out."

"On it."

Pepper and Natalie went to confront Justin Hammer. Snow waited in the dome with her hand raised as everyone filtered out. She heard many thank you's as they all ran out. It made her feel kind of nice to have people appreciate her abilities.

When everyone was out, she walked to the backstage and then let the glass fall. She found Natalie manhandling Justin Hammer and slamming his face onto the table.

"You tell me who's behind this," Nat demanded. "Who's behind this?"

"Ivan. Ivan Vanko."

"Where is he?"

"At my facility."

At that, Natalie let go of him and began to leave to head for the facility while Pepper called the cops on Hammer. Eira followed after Nat, "Since when can you take out a whole facility by yourself?"

Nat sighed before turning around to face her, "It's in my job description...as a spy."

Eira blinked, "You're a spy?"

"Yes and we'll talk all about it after this is done. I promise," Nat said. "I just hope you won't be mad."

"I'm...not mad," Eira gave her a small smile. "I just wish you told me."

Nat suddenly hugged her, "Thank you."

Natasha had never really found someone besides Clint that accepted her line of work. Nevertheless, a mission that had become her friend.

Nat let go of her rather quickly before starting to walk out of the dome, "Now you should stay here. Take out the ones that stay on the ground."

"Okay," Eira said as she frowned. "But be careful."

She didn't really know the spy's capabilities. She didn't know just how deadly Nat could be.

Nat threw her a smile as she walked out the door, "Careful isn't really in my line of work..."

And Nat was gone.


Eira went out of the dome and helped people in the park. There was falling debris and she tried to stop most of it. She also helped people get out of the debris.

But with the people out of the park, she went back to Pepper. The police came and arrested Justin Hammer. They were outside as they escorted him out.

The police were asking if they were going to come with them. But suddenly she could see droids heading their way in the night sky.

"Pepper, go!" Eira pushed the CEO towards the police.

"What about you?" Pepper said worriedly.

"I'll be fine," Eira said. "Go!"

Pepper was escorted away before four Hammer droids landed in front of her. She wondered why they were here to attack her but then again the best way to hurt someone was to hurt what they cared about: to lose.

She flung her hand out and set one sailing with the wind before skidding onto the ground. The others had their guns come out and she raised both hands; vines came out of the ground quickly and wrapped around the guns on their shoulders before ripping them off.

The one that she made skid onto the ground boosted over to her quickly with repulsors. She didn't have time to react before it smacked her with its arm and she went flying backwards before landing on the stairs on her stomach; her ribs hurt and she knew it was going to bruise.

She turned her head angrily before throwing one hand out. Vines lassoed around them and squeezed so hard, the droids were cut in half. They all fell to the ground, destroyed.

She sighed in relief before she turned to sit on the stairs, placing a hand over her side as she winced, "Ow."

As she sat there, the arc reactors on the dead droids started to blink red along with a beeping sound. She started to get up and back away in alarm.

Suddenly, Tony in his Iron Man suit picked her up and flew her away just as the droids exploded. She grabbed onto him tightly as he flew her away to a rooftop.

They landed and Tony had to take off his helmet as it was malfunctioning and sparking. He threw it to the ground and she immediately asked, "Are you okay?"

"Me? You almost died and you're asking about me?" Tony said in disbelief.

"Well, why wouldn't I?"

"Snowflake..." he smiled as he confessed. "I love you."

"You love me?" she said in surprise.

"Of course, I love you," Tony said. "I think that's been pretty obvious, angel."

"But...are you...still dying?" she said worriedly.

"Not currently," he stepped forward.

"What about Vanko?" she questioned. "Do I have to worry about him killing you?"

"Taken care of," he said before looking down at her softly. "You know I'd never leave you."

She threw her arms around his neck in a hug, "I never want you to. I'd probably kill you if you did."

"What about you? Are you okay?" he wrapped his arms around her gently. "When I heard those drones went back to the Expo, I didn't think..."

"I'm okay," she interrupted as she pulled away slightly to look him in the eyes.

He leaned his forehead against hers as he looked at her desperately, "Really? Are you..."

She cut him off by pressing her lips to his. His thoughts turned to mush as he kissed her back and his heart raced a marathon. He felt like she was the electricity that made his heart run in the first place.

"Sir," Jarvis interrupted with his voice inside the suit. "Your heart rate is extremely high."

She giggled as she pulled away and Tony sighed in irritation, "Thank you, Jarvis, because that's something I definitely wanted her to know."

"You're welcome, sir."

She smiled teasingly, "I make your heart race?"

"You have no idea, angel."


After the events at the Stark Expo, they were in a meeting with Fury. He had an eyepatch and he looked very intimidating; she held Tony's hand under the table. Tony was given a file to read and...so was she.

"She's being considered, too?" Tony asked in surprise.

"Yes, she is."

Tony opened his file quickly to see if he qualified for the little boy band team, "Okay, here it is. Recruitment assessment for Avenger Initiative. Iron Man? Yes."

Tony closed the file with a smirk, "I gotta think about it."

"Read on," Fury stared.

Tony opened it back up, "Tony Stark not...not recommended? That doesn't make any sense. How can you approve me but not approve me? I got a new ticker. I'm in a stable relationship..."

"Which leads us to believe at this juncture we'd only like to use you as a consultant."

Tony frowned before he looked at Eira, "What'd you get?"

"Well, it's too bad you weren't recommended," Eira nodded gently before she smirked. "But I was. Nat said I'd make a perfect Avenger."

Tony looked at her in surprise, "Are you...bragging?"

"Well, I learned it from you," she defended.

He rolled his eyes before Fury spoke, "But since you were recommended, SHIELD would like to recruit you."

"Sorry," she said sheepishly. "But I only go where Tony goes."

The biggest smile erupted on Tony's face as she grabbed his hand and pulled him with her towards the exit. He followed like a obedient puppy dog.

"If you ever change your mind," Fury called. "The offer will always be waiting..."

She smiled back at him politely before they left. She found Natasha outside waiting (they did talk about her spy life and she found it pretty cool) and she ran to her, "Nat!"

She gave Nat a hug as Tony leaned against his car sulking. Nat smiled as she hugged her back.

"So where are you going next?" Eira asked as she pulled away.

Nat hummed, "Wherever the next mission takes me."

"You'll come visit, right?"

"Of course," Nat smiled. "Plus, I have to make sure your boyfriend hasn't made you cry again."

"Or you'll go killer assassin on me," Tony inputted. "I know. You've told me that before."

Eira giggled a bit before Nat hugged her again and teased, "Have fun on your honeymoon."

"It's a vacation," Eira argued as Nat released her.

"With you two, it's a honeymoon," Nat crossed her arms.

"Bye, Nat," Eira said with a blush as Nat chuckled before she walked over to Tony who held open her door for her.

Once they were in the car, she grabbed his hand on center console as he asked, "Where to, Snowflake?"

"New York and pizza..."

AN: and that's a wrap on iron man 2. I start nursing school tomorrow so updates are probably going to slow WAY down. Maybe one a week if I'm lucky but we'll see. Cause I went to orientation and it sounds like they're trying to kill us but anyways I hope you guys are liking the story
