The party wasn't for another couple of days. In that time, Clint was healed and Tony was doing some science stuff with Bruce. Tony was always building something so she never really asked.

She came down to their lab to bring them food. They were workaholics and they never remembered that eating was a thing they actually had to do. So she made sure they did.

But once she did, she found that the area around the toaster was burnt and black. She frowned, "How did you set the toaster on fire?"

"Uh," Tony scratched his head. "We used it."

Eira shook her head before she kissed his cheek and started to leave the room, "Please, be careful."

"We'll be careful," Bruce promised as ate the sandwich she brought. "Thank you."

"Careful isn't really my style," Tony responded.

She gave him a look and he backtracked, "You know what? I can totally do careful. Just for you, angel."

"You better," she warned before she walked out of the room although she heard the last of their conversation.

Bruce chuckled, "She has you wrapped around her finger."

"Shut up," Tony said. "We're supposed to be figuring out this algorithm..."

Eira smiled at that as she walked up the stairs in the hall and away from the lab. But then one of her dizzy spells set in.

She groaned as she placed her hand against the wall to steady herself. Then she sat down on the stairs as she put her head in her hands.

"Hey, you alright?" Steve asked as he came down the stairs.

"Yeah," she muttered. "I'm just...dizzy. It'll pass."

Steve sat down beside her, "I'll wait with you then."

"You don't have to do that," she peeked at him.

"I'm not going to leave you alone," Steve said with a soft smile. "That wouldn't be right."

"Thanks, Steve."

He nodded before he joked a little bit, "Plus...I'm pretty sure Tony would kill me if I left you."

And she couldn't help but giggle a bit. Although, it was a joke, it was kind of a bit true.


          It was the night of the party.

Bucky was at the bar where Nat was. She poured him a drink before leaning over to push the drink towards him, "Has anyone told you that those blue eyes of yours are absolutely gorgeous, Barnes?"

"Uh," Bucky scratched his head as he blushed a bit. "No."

"Well," Nat smirked. "Then I'm honored to be the first."

Nat then walked away from the bar. Bucky watched her go before he breathed out a sigh.

Steve was leaning against the end of the bar with a small smile, "You and Nat?"

Bucky practically jumped in alarm before he shook his head, "She's just...flirting."

"She definitely flirts with you a lot, pal," Steve said as he came closer. "And if there's a chance to be happy there, you should take it..."


Eira had arrived late to the party. All of her dresses seemed to be just a fraction too tight which confused her greatly. But she finally found one that fit.

She had greeted everyone but now she was in a dark corner with Tony. She had her hands in his hair as she kissed the life out of him while his hands roamed over her curves.

She couldn't explain it but she had this craving for him after he placed his hand on her thigh when they were sitting down. It had only been sitting there but it drove all her hormones crazy.

That was when she discreetly grabbed him and pulled him with her to a dark corner. It was odd that she had been the one initiating things when it was usually Tony; but now that she thought about it, it had been her for the past few times.

"We should definitely get out of here," Tony breathed through the spaces between kissing her. "We should leave."

"We're hosting this party, though," Eira pouted; now she felt a bit guilty.

"Who cares?" Tony said as he gave her a darkened gaze.

That gaze was all it took for her to nod her head. Then they were sneaking away from the party to the elevator just to go down a couple of levels to their room.

Once they were alone inside the elevator, she picked up kissing him again. She felt his hands slide up her legs as he hiked up her dress.

The elevator opened and Tony quickly picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to their bedroom where he set her down again.

His hands undid the zipper of her dress. She was busy undoing the buttons of his shirt but it was slow as with each button she got undone, she'd kiss the skin that got revealed.

"Fuck," Tony slightly moaned. "Angel."

"Language, Tony," she smiled lazily as she leaned back up and he tugged on her hair, tilting her head back before he claimed her lips hungrily.

She was in bliss before a dreadful feeling suddenly came over her. She pulled her lips away from his as she frowned when the feeling kept rising.

"What?" Tony questioned as she placed a hand over her mouth.

She felt sick to her stomach and it was not going away. She ran from Tony and into bathroom where she puked into the toilet.

Tony had followed her into the bathroom. He held her hair out of her face as her stomach reacted violently. She breathed deeply when it was over.

Tony made a joke, "When did kissing me become so repulsive?"

She groaned as she replied, "I think it was something I ate."

"What do you want me to do?" he questioned. "Water? Meds? Massage?"

She smiled a bit before she looked up at him, "I think I'll be fine. I just need a minute. You should go back to the party."

He frowned, "Snow..."

"I'll join you in about ten minutes," she said as she stood up and buttoned his shirt. "I promise."

He hesitated before he sighed, "Fine."

He kissed her forehead before he left her, fixing his hair on the way out. She sighed once he was gone and she zipped her dress back up.

She did not think it was food poisoning. She had been getting sick for weeks. The first couple of times she thought it was something she ate. After it kept happening she just thought it was a new consequence of the drug that Killian had given her like the dizzy spells and the muscle shakes.

But she had gotten sick one time with Nat and she had made her buy a certain object in case it kept happening. Eira had hidden it under the sink and she quickly dug around for it before pulling it out.

A pregnancy test.

She followed the instructions and she peed on the stick. She then put it in the sink as she waited for the amount of time it said. She paced the floor and she brushed her teeth in the other sink. She tried to get her mind off of it but her mind kept racing.

Then the time was up and she approached the sink. She put her hands on the counter before she slowly looked down.

It was positive.

She stared at it before she quickly discarded the stick in the trash. Then she piled more trash on top of it so Tony wouldn't see it.

She felt like she had a permanent sinking feeling inside her chest. She didn't quite know how to feel yet as she came out of the bathroom with her hand over her stomach.

And she didn't get time to process how she felt. Her door got blasted away and the force of the blast sent her flying back a couple feet. One of the robots from the Iron Legion flew in.

"Hello, Eira," the voice was strange and unlike Jarvis. "Out of all the Avengers, I think I like you the best but this must be done..."

The robot raised his hand to send a repulsor blast towards her but she acted more quickly. She merely thought about it and a small bit of lightning appeared in the room and struck the robot in multiple places. It created smoking holes through its body that killed it and it fell to the ground, dead.

She pulled her knees to her chest as she leaned against the wall. Suddenly, Tony came running in and he breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank God."

He helped her to her feet and he quickly asked, "Did it hurt you? Are you okay?"

She didn't respond for a moment as she had a pale look on her face. But then she hugged him tightly. He frowned as he hugged her back, "Snowflake..."

"Please, don't let go right now," she uttered as she breathed deeply.

She was pregnant. She got attacked by a robot that went rogue. She was pregnant. She didn't know how to feel and she really needed to be held while she processed it all before she even thought of telling Tony that she was.

"Like I'd ever let you go."
