
         It was odd how something so strange (or at least she thought it was quite strange) was complete magic. Oh, how it gave her butterflies. Or how when the mere touch of his lips seemed to place static electricity in her veins all the way from her head to her toes. Her blood buzzed with warmth and she felt a bit dizzy or maybe that was just what joy did.

           But despite how she felt about it and how she definitely wanted to do it again, she had the distinct feeling that she was somehow doing it wrong. The act seemed strange and she didn't quite know how to master such a strange act; it didn't help that she knew Tony had so much more experience than she did.

          It made her feel incompatible.

           It was why when Tony did kiss her, she would only do so for a moment before she hid her head away. That would be as much as the act as she would allow in a day.

              It had been a month like this as they traveled the world on their vacation. They were currently in Paris. It was the evening and they were supposed to be watching a movie.

             Tony had his arm around her shoulders. He was whispering sweet nothings to her as he placed slow, smoldering kisses across her cheek and she had a small smile as he did so. But she knew the destination of his lips and before he could get there, she pulled away and out of his arms.

          She scooted away from him a bit as she crossed her arms without looking at him, "We should focus back on the movie."

            Tony blinked in confusion. She seemed to always enjoy being close to him but when he went to kiss her she'd usually pull away. It was frustrating and he wondered what exactly he did wrong.

             He softly asked, "Snow, if I'm crossing a boundary I shouldn't cross, tell me."

           "It's not that," she denied without looking at him still which drove him crazy; he couldn't stand not seeing those beautiful green eyes of hers.

              "Oh, I see," Tony teased as he moved a bit closer to her. "So kissing me is revolting then."

              Her eyes widened as she quickly looked at him, "No!"

               "So you do like kissing me?" Tony smirked.

                "Yes," she blushed.

              "Then what is it? I thought you were just shy but now I know there's something more."

                 Eira looked at him carefully before she replied quietly, "What if I'm bad at it?"

               Tony stared at her before he started to laugh. She looked offended before she shoved him slightly, "It's not funny."

               "I mean, it sort of is," he pinched his fingers together slightly in the air. "Just a little bit."

               She huffed and looked away from him before Tony confessed, "Snowflake, kissing you is the highlight of my life. You couldn't be bad at it."

                She peeked at him from the corner of her eyes with a small smile, "It's the highlight of your life?"

            "Well, technically, you are," Tony tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "But yes."

         The response was immediate as she pulled him to her by his shirt before she kissed him. It was a short, sweet kiss but it nevertheless left him breathless. As his forehead rested against hers, he teased, "That's really all I needed to say?"

             She blushed red as she slightly glared at him, "Shut up."

           And she placed her lips back on his, effectively shutting him up.


        They were now in Fiji.

        They had their own private bungalow with only one bedroom. They started sharing a bed a couple of months ago. She was always snuggled up to Tony on the couch whenever they watched something so sleeping in the same bed was the easiest thing in the world. In fact, it was preferable as she loved waking up in his arms.

              They were in the crystal blue water and somehow they had wound up seeing who could hold their breath the longest. She kept winning each time as she sat underneath the water like it didn't bother her.

              Tony was exasperated as she finally came up from the water, "That was six minutes. Six."

               She giggled before she swam over to him, looping her arms around his neck as she uttered quietly, "I'll let you in on a secret..."

             Tony felt deja vu from that statement. He remembered when he found out she had powers; he thought she was the most amazing person.

           "I can breath underwater, Tony," she clued him in with a smirk.

             He was floored for a moment before he took in her smirk, "Wait...so you cheated?"

            She chuckled a bit as she nodded, "Well, your bad influence has rubbed off on me."

             Tony rolled his eyes, "I'm not that...bad."

           "No. Just bad enough," she agreed happily before she kissed him and ran her fingers through his wet hair.

They kissed for a few more moments before they went back to enjoying the rest of the day in the water. She had even attempted to surf before the sun started to go down. Now, Tony was giving her a piggyback ride back to their private bungalow.

"How did I agree to carry you?" Tony asked as he trudged through the sand with his hands holding her thighs.

"I asked and you said yes," Eira stated proudly.

"Right," Tony said as he close to their bungalow. "I really need to work on telling you no."

She pouted and kissed the base of his neck which made him shiver, "Tell me no."

The touch of her lips on his skin made him cave to any demand she had and he uttered quickly, "No."

"See, you did it," she smiled a bit.

No, he did not. He only realized that it was absolutely hopeless. Whatever she wanted, she would get and he realized there was nothing he wouldn't do for her.

He sighed as they entered the bungalow. He set her down gently before he turned to her. He took in the bikini she wore (it was all she had worn here) and his mind left him.

"I still think we should move to Fiji," his eyes raked over her.

She blushed at his stare before she shook her head, "Tony, we're not moving to Fiji because you like me in a swimsuit."

"Why? I think it's a good reason," he defended.

"It is not good reason," she argued. "Plus, I can wear one at home."

"Like...every day?"

"When you're lucky," she replied.

Then she bit her lip as she stared at his bare chest. She never felt as open as she did with Tony and, with him, she wanted to try new things. She had never really felt frisky before as she had always been so shy about these strange things that occurred when Tony kissed her but she wanted to learn what would happen when he touched her, too.

          She crossed over to him before she ran her hands up his chest. Tony uttered breathlessly as he stared down at her hands, "I'm feeling pretty lucky."

She hummed before she kissed him. Their lips molded together as his arms wrapped around her. She felt his hands slide up her back creating electric tingles and goosebumps.

She wanted this feeling to continue forever as they kissed each other like the galaxies would fade if they stopped. They had started to walk backwards as they kissed and his hands traveled back down her back and he slowly smoothed them down her butt.

She could feel the warmth of his hands through the material of her swim bottoms as they remained there before he started to rub them. She was surprised by how much she liked it. But then his hands squeezed her ass which made her slightly gasp and allowed him to stick his tongue in her mouth.

They backed into the kitchen island and Tony kept his hands on her butt as he picked her up. His hands moved to the bottom of her thighs as he placed her on the counter before they moved down both legs, spreading them apart as he stepped between them.

Tony moved his lips to her jaw and slowly trailed down her neck. She tilted her head back for him to have better access as he started to suck on the skin there. The action caused her to let out small, little breathless moans.

As she was caught up in her own ecstasy, she felt one of his hands travel up her back to the string of her bikini top. That's when everything faded and anxiety flooded into her body like a wave as her muscles tensed.

"Tony," she said in a small, nervous. "Don't."

       It wasn't exactly that she was afraid to reveal herself in front of him. She was afraid of what it would lead to. She just wasn't ready for that yet.

            Tony stopped kissing the skin of her neck and he placed his hand on the counter beside her. Then he leaned his forehead against hers, "Only when you're ready, Snowflake."

             She smiled lazily as they both breathed heavily. They both breathed like they'd been hit by freight train; like the weight of each other that they didn't want to let go of crashed down upon them.

             It was silent for a few moments as they fought to catch their breaths before Tony spoke with a small smirk, "Jesus, angel. At least warn me when you're going to attack me."

               "Attack you?" she shoved his shoulder playfully. "I'm pretty sure you did your fair share of attacking."

             "Yeah," he smiled blissfully. "Did you like it?"

                She blushed red and she ignored his question as she jumped down from the counter once he moved. Then she started to walk towards the hall with her head down in shame to go to their shared bedroom with a walk-in bath, "I'm going to take a shower."

              "I actually need to use that first," Tony remarked.

                "Why would you need to use it first?"

          "You attacked me," Tony stated like it would explain everything as he moved past her to head down the hall without even asking if she agreed.

             She furrowed her eyebrows, "But why would....oh."

           She remembered what Nat told her about men and their anatomy. She started to blush the deepest red. Now she understood why Tony wanted a warning.


           They were now in Venice.

           They were taking a boat ride at night and she sat back against Tony as she sat in his lap. She was watching the stars as Tony played with one of her hands in her lap.

          Then a splash of color filled the night sky with loud explosions. She gasped as she sat up a bit to watch in amazement.


           She'd never seen them before and they were all so beautiful. She wore a bright smile as she watched all the colors and shapes.

          "Tony," she addressed him a bit loudly to be heard over the fireworks. "I don't remember reading about any firework event."

             "That's because there wasn't," Tony clarified. "Until I bought and planned it to try and impress you."

           "You wanted to impress me?" she smiled as she sat back against him.

             "I'm always trying to do that," he said before his arm moved around her to hold up a necklace in front of her. "Which is why I also got you this..."

It was a golden necklace of a marigold flower with a red gem in the center. It was his colors from his Iron Man suit but red was also theirs.

She moved her hair to the side, signaling she wanted him to put it on. Tony clasped it around her neck gently before she turned around in his lap with the biggest smile.

"I love you," she confessed again but romantically this time.

"And I, madly, love you, Snow," Tony said delicately before he kissed her as a red firework exploded above them in the shape of a heart.

AN: I love tony and snow; they are so fun and cute to write

but anyways okay, I'm back for the weekend and I should actually be getting out another chapter today so yay and you should be able to guess who I'm introducing earlier in the next chapter
