After getting out of the hospital, she lived with Tony in the Avengers Tower because, well, their Malibu home was no longer standing. She found out she missed Christmas but she still gave a gift to Bucky because she had already picked it out and she wanted him to have it.

It was the baseball she had. She sent it to him in a small, round box. There was a little card inside with writing: Now you have all the luck in the world.

But now she was living in New York with Tony. There were still repercussions from whatever that drug was. Even though she only took it for three days, it's effects would last her a lifetime.

She still had muscle shakes for moments at a time. She'd even sometimes get dizzy spells out of nowhere which proved to be dangerous in some moments like right now.

She was currently taking a shower when it started. Things started to spin and she put her hands on the walls to steady herself. It only got worse and black spots started to encroach on her vision.

She knew she was close to passing out so she lowered herself down to the floor. She sat against the wall as she pulled her knees to her chest and she tried to take deep, slow breaths hoping it would help.

She didn't want to risk passing out in the shower so she called for Jarvis to get Tony. Jarvis was like the help alert now. She felt a bit bad for always asking even though he was an AI.

Tony came into the room and heard the shower running. He walked into the bathroom as he called out, "Eira."

He went to the walk-in shower to find Eira sitting on the floor as the water still ran. His eyes widened, "Snowflake, what's wrong?"

"I'm dizzy," she breathed.

Tony turned off the water before he crouched down in front of here, "Come here. Let's get you out of here."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he scooped her up into his arms, carrying her bridal style. He set her down shortly outside the shower to wrap a robe around her before carrying her again.

He laid down with her on the bed, settling her between his legs as he situated his arms around her. She snuggled her head against his chest that was missing one major thing: his arc reactor.

He'd gotten it taken out a couple of weeks ago along with the shrapnel that had been inside. Now there was just the skin she could touch and feel. He had stitches currently from the surgery that she liked to leave kisses around. It was safe to say his recovery was going very well.

"I'm sorry," she apologized as Tony rested his chin atop her head and the world still spun. "I feel like I'm being too much of a burden."

"You could never be a burden, angel," he said softly as he placed a chaste kiss on her head.

"Well, I'm still sorry that my problems drenched your clothes," she frowned.

He smirked, "I can always take them off. Just ask."

"Tony!" she scolded lightly as she smiled a bit. "You are impossible."

"You say that like it's a good thing, though," he pointed with a small smile.

"Because you are my good thing," she confessed as she pressed a light kiss to his clothed chest as the world still spun around them; she supposed it was fine if it did as long as her only clarity was Tony. "I love you."

"I'm your good thing?" his smile was ecstatic before he smirked. "I still love you more..."

She shook her head. His ego always had to win even in love. She supposed it was fine because then his love would have to stretch to the ends of the galaxies just to beat her. She was okay with a love like that because it could never be a bad thing to love someone too much.


To plan a wedding.

She mostly just let Pepper and Nat do the planning whom had fawned over the ring. Eira only picked the venue and, currently, she was picking the dress.

She came out of the dressing room in a elegant white dress. Both Nat and Pepper gasped as she stepped onto the platform to look in all the mirrors.

"I think it has to be this one," Pepper said in awe.

"Agreed," Nat said. "Eira?"

She crossed her arms with a terrible pout, "It's whatever."

See, another consequence of the drug was that she would have cranky bouts. It was mostly to do with feeling an intense craving which made her so irritable.

"Okay, Grumpy," Nat smiled in amusement before holding out a bag of grapes.

Eira slowly approached her before eating a few grapes. She started to frown as her cravings started to be placated, "Guys, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"We know," both Nat and Pepper smiled reassuringly.

Everyone had learned not to be offended when Eira would do a complete switch in personality. It was just a consequence of things that had happened and they would never hold it against her.

She sniffled a bit before she turned to look in the mirror once more. It was a pretty dress but she had a problem with sleeveless or backless dresses; she didn't like her scars on full reveal.

It was fine with friends but even now she felt insecure. She didn't want to feel like that the day she married Tony.

"I need sleeves," Eira said a bit sheepishly.

"This is your wedding dress, Eira," Nat said. "You pick what you want. Don't feel pressured."

"We're just here to make sure you look pretty according to what you want," Pepper backed her up.

"Thanks," she smiled before the best dresses with sleeves and that wasn't backless were picked.

She tried them all on before she found the one she really liked. It was form-fitting and it had a little bit of a train. It had a white floral design but she really liked was that it sparkled. It reminded her of the first dress she ever wore that Tony saw except this one was so much more beautiful.

"Do you think Tony will like it?" she questioned nervously.

"Please, he likes anything you wear," Nat smirked. "Just as long as he gets to take it off."

"Nat!" Eira blushed.

"Isn't that the truth?" Pepper chuckled a bit. "Why are men such dogs?"

"I'm getting this one," Eira groaned and moved towards the dressing room. "And I happen to like my dog very much!"

AN: the wedding in the next chapter; I'm gonna let y'all imagine the dress because I couldn't really find one that matched what I had in my head so you guys can pick
