After she presented her secret to Tony, they were left with the question of the day. If she could do that, why didn't she escape the cave sooner?

             "I only did it once," she explained before she grabbed her arm with the scar. "When they gave me this...it just happened. I still don't know quite how I did it."

               "Why didn't you try to figure out how, Snowflake?"

               "Well...at that point, I'd been there so long, I was scared to leave," she admitted before she hugged him tightly. "But you make me not scared."

               Tony grinned from ear to ear as he said proudly, "I make you not scared."

               "Not scared," she agreed, snuggling her head onto his chest as he held her close and Tony felt like his blood was buzzing; like a high he never wanted to come back from.


                They continued to build his new suit. But Tony was very firm on the fact that no one should know she had these powers. He knew people in high places would come after her for something that amazing, wanting her power for themselves. If anything, people would want to make her a lab rat.

           But now that Tony knew, she would practice her powers every morning. She could only do small things like make a flower grow but she had learned to create new flowers other than the marigolds.

             "Tony, I made a flower!" she said excitedly as she ran down the stairs to the workshop.

               Tony couldn't help but stare at her in awe. She was practically glowing with joy and those green eyes were so bright.

              "I thought of you when I made it," she said honestly as she gently held out a red dahlia flower.

              Tony didn't really know what to do with a flower but he took it as gently as she gave it to him, "It's beautiful, Snowflake."

             She beamed before he smirked, "So I'm your muse?"

             She blushed before she bit her lip, "If I tell you yes, you can't let it go to your head..."

              "Too late. It already did, angel," he had the biggest smirk and she shook her head.


              A couple days later, Pepper came down the stairs. She saw flowers scattered about the room, "Why are there so many flowers?"

              Tony was putting screws into a leg flight repulsor he was building but he nevertheless answered quickly, "She likes flowers, remember?"

              Pepper sighed as she came closer to them. Snow was drawing something but didn't give it a closer inspection. If anyone did, they'd see she was drawing an arc reactor with a triangular shape in the middle.

           But Pepper looked at what Tony was doing in confusion, "I thought you said you were done making weapons."

           "I am," Tony said. "This is a flight repulsor."

           "Well, Obadiah's upstairs," Pepper stated. "What would you like me to tell him?"

                 Snow froze as goosebumps formed on her skin and the small, little hairs raised. Her heart rate skyrocketed as fear pumped through her blood. 

             "Great. I'll be right up," Tony said.

              Pepper nodded and went back upstairs. Tony looked at her as he stopped working on the repulsor to head upstairs, "Do you want to come with?"

               Snow shook her head, "I'll stay down here."

               Tony analyzed her before he let it go, "Alright."


            Tony wasn't up there very long and he brought her a slice of pizza from New York. She smiled and chewed it happily; pizza was one of her favorite things.

"Tony," she swallowed a bite. "You should have a pizza chef that will make you pizza all the time."

Tony chuckled, "How about when we're done with all this, I'll take you to New York for a week and you can have all the pizza you want?"

Her eyes lit up and she squealed excitedly, "Yes!"

Then she gave him a commanding look, "Now you just need to work faster..."

"Work faster?" he questioned in amusement before he pointed to a tool. "Alright, hand me that."

She grabbed it very quickly and handed it to him. They worked for a couple of hours and he finished the leg flight repulsors.

He was now wearing them as he initiated a test and he commanded Jarvis, "We're gonna start off nice and easy. We're gonna see if 10% thrust capacity achieves lift. And three, two, one..."

It definitely achieved lift as Tony was lifted off his feet and flung into the upper wall. She immediately ran to him, "Tony!"

"Ow," he held his head as she knelt next to him.

"You're bleeding a bit," she touched around the area on his forehead gently.

"I'll be fine," Tony said as he started to get up. "Test one unsuccessful...onto test two."

"No," she pushed down on his chest to keep him from getting up. "You stay."

Snow grabbed the medical kit the little robot arm was holding out to her. She took out a cotton ball and dowsed it with alcohol before dabbing at the wound, cleaning it.

Tony swallowed as he stared up at her and how gentle she was as she then attached a bandage to the wound. She then met his eyes as she softly smoothed the hair from his forehead, "You're taking a break."

"I thought you wanted me to work faster," he stated as he fought the urge to close his eyes from how soothing her touch was.

"Now I don't," she said carefully as she looked at him intensely. He thought he could've just stayed there with her fingers in his hair and getting lost in her gaze.

He smirked half-heartedly as he broke the moment, "Whatever you want, angel."


Her resolution to Tony not working on the suit was to watch a movie. She knew he didn't really sleep but at least this way hopefully his mind was occupied.

They were watching The Shawshank Redemption. She really enjoyed it as her eyes were glued to the screen while she was huddled closely to Tony under a blanket.

Tony hardly paid attention to the screen. His eyes were on the angel next to him. He knew that he could've finished the suit a long time ago but he often found himself spacing out and staring at her while she wasn't looking. Most times he'd just marvel at how beautiful she looked and other times he'd wonder how she came to be. What gave her the ability to control flowers?

He had these questions in his head and he wanted answers but he was fine if he didn't get them. She could just be his perfect, little miracle that he couldn't take his eyes off of. It caused the whole project to go slowly but he didn't mind; she could take his attention as much as she wanted to. In fact, she could have all of it.
