It had been months since she'd seen Tony. She had moved to New York (although, she never ate any pizza). Currently, she was at one of the fanciest restaurants in the city and she was only wearing some jeans and a sweatshirt.

People gave her looks that she was oblivious to. She had a smile on her face as she talked to the bartender who knew her as a regular. Her name was Natalie.

But one man in the corner with his friends did not give her a distasteful look. Instead, he stared in awe of her smile and the way that she didn't give a damn.

He started to get up but his friends tried to persuade him otherwise, "Don't, man, she's a weird one."

"Not in my book," he said easily as he left his table and approached her at the bar.

He took the seat next to her and she looked at him for a moment. He had hair as yellow as straw and his eyes were a bright blue. He had a strong jawline and some small stubble.

Then he threw her a smile before he stated, "You know, all my friends call you weird."

She got an offended look on her face before she replied carefully, "Well...do you think so, too?"

He leaned in towards her to utter quietly close to her ear, "I think you're beautiful."

She blushed a scarlet red and neither one of them noticed Natalie glared at the man. His smile widened as he spoke again, "So what should I call you, beautiful?"

She paused for a moment. She almost wanted to say Snow but that name was reserved for one person. So she replied with another.



"So can I buy you a drink?" he asked.

"I don't drink alcohol."

"No?" he said in surprise. "Alright. What about a favorite smoothie?"

She answered hesitantly, "Pina colada."

"If you can get her as many pina colada smoothies as she wants," he looked at Natalie. "And every day she comes here, they're on me."

Eira started to smile widely.


         She started to meet Jason there in the evening almost every day. She learned that his father was a wealthy businessman which made him really wealthy. He didn't really know what to do with his life but he loved literature.

               They would go into the back alley of the restaurant and he would read to her a chapter a night. He had such a nice, smooth voice that she could stay forever listening to it. He was reading Wuthering Heights; she thought it was awfully sad.

              When he finished, she stayed processing the chapter as she leaned against the wall. He reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear as she slowly smiled.

            "When are you going to let me take you out?" he asked.

              "Take me out?" she asked in confusion. "We are out."

               "I mean on a date, beautiful," Jason clarified. "To some place other than here."

               "A date like...romantic?" she said with wide eyes.

             "Yes, beautiful, romantic," he chuckled slightly.

                "I...I don't know," she said nervously. "Maybe when we finish the book."

                 "When we finish the book?" his eyes lit up at the possibility of a going on a date with her before he started scrambling to the page he left on. "Let's read an extra chapter."

               "Jason," she giggled. "No!"

               She grabbed his arm, making him put the book down as she pulled him back inside, "I'm hungry."


            They finally finished the book and, by that point, Jason followed her around like a puppy dog. He stopped hanging out with his friends because all of them kept calling her names while he adored her. And she finally decided to go on that date with him.

            She was in a limo with him as it took them to their destination and she was fumbling with her hands the whole way. He reached over and placed his hand over hers.


             "I'm sorry," she apologized. She was extremely nervous because she'd never gone on a date before.

             "Don't be," he smiled reassuringly. "If you want me to turn the car around right now, we can. We only have to do this when you're ready, beautiful."

            "I...I am ready," she said hesitantly. "It's just I've never gone on a date before."

            "You've never gone on a date?" he questioned in surprise and she shook her head.

              "Eira," he swallowed. "Now you've just made me nervous. What if it's not the best first date you've ever had? What if..."

               "Shh," she placed her finger on his lips. "I'm sure it will be because you're with me and it's the you that counts."

               "Really?" he asked. "You...you like me that much because I'm never really sure and..."

                 She cut him off as she kissed his cheek, "I'm sure."

               He had the biggest smile the whole night even when she only kissed his cheek again as a goodnight. And it was a great first date.


            They were now officially dating and she had kissed him a few very short times because she was worried somehow that she wasn't doing it right. But they were leaving a movie they just saw.

           They were exiting through the alley and she was still crying over a character dying. He pulled her close by wrapping an arm around her shoulders and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, "It's not real. It didn't actually happen."

            "It felt real," she sobbed.

            He chuckled before someone called after them in the alley, "Hey, lovebirds, why don't you come hang with us?"

           Jason looked behind him to see four guys approaching them quickly. He wrapped an arm around her more tightly as he ushered her forward more quickly, "Come on."

              Her cries started to die down as she realized that Jason was alarmed. He was going so fast that it was hard for her to even catch up.

              As soon as they saw the exit, Jason was suddenly pulled back by one of the men chasing them and they were cornered by all of them, "Give us your money, lovebird. All of it."

                  Jason pulled out his wallet and gave it to them calmly, "We don't want any trouble."

                "He doesn't want any trouble, boys," he snickered and the rest of them laughed. She really hoped they would just let them go; she didn't want to have to go to extreme measures. She was dreading the thought of it.

               Suddenly, Jason was punched and then pushed to the ground. They all started kicking on him as Jason yelled, "Eira, run!"

              "Stop it!" she shouted. "Leave him alone!"

                She hated to do this but she was left with no other choice. She had to be the monster again.

               "I said leave him alone," she commanded as she pushed a hand out. Vines every color of green quickly grew out of the ground and they attacked the men so fast as it lifted them up before flinging them into the walls, knocking them out.

            The vines went back into the ground as she ran to him, "Jason!"

        She knelt beside him but as she went to reach for him, he flinched and skidded backwards. He stared at her in fear.

          "What are you?"

AN: I actually like Jason for the short time he was here. As you can see he's scared; I feel like in the MCU we only see people be wowed by heroes but honestly there are probably a lot of people that would be scared of all these heroes with powers

Obviously Tony isn't in this chapter and he's not going to be in the next one because I wanted it to feel like it's been months
