AN: that is the wedding venue above

For the wedding, everyone they had invited traveled to Malibu. Eira had chosen Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyard as the venue. She decided that since she fell in love with Tony in Malibu, she wanted to marry him there, too.

            It was the night before and their close friends all stayed at the estate. The boys were on the lower floor and the girls were on the top. She was currently separated from Tony as she read it wasn't proper to see the bride before the wedding.

          She was following the rules but she should've expected Tony to break the rules. Her groom was nothing if not a rule-breaker.

It was late at night when she was supposed to be getting beauty sleep. But a knock came at the door and she answered it to find him standing there. She immediately closed it slightly, leaving it only cracked, as her eyes widened, "Tony, you're not supposed to see me."

"Come on, Snowflake," Tony pleaded. "When have I not broken a rule?"

She debated for a moment before she sighed. She opened the door fully and he came in. He stared at her a bit nervously as he stuck his hands in his pockets, "You good? No cold feet?"

"No," she furrowed her eyebrows as she stared him before she asked hesitantly. "Do you have cold feet?"

"Snow," his heart raced before he looked down and muttered. "Maybe you should have cold feet. I'm a screw up. I'm gonna do this wrong somehow."

She looked at him softly before she stepped forward and looped her arms around his neck as she smiled, "You're my screw up and I don't think you could ever do anything wrong by me. You're a mechanic, like you told me, and you'll fix things."

"You have so much faith in me, Snowflake," Tony confessed. "I'm never gonna live up to it."

"Well, I don't think that's true," she rubbed his shoulders that were super tense before she teased to get him to loosen up. "But if you do screw up....that's what my vows are for, silly."

His lips quirked a bit before he uttered, "I love you."

"I love you, too," she smiled as he caressed her cheek before he leaned in and kissed her ever so softly and delicately like she was the most precious thing in the world to him. Their lips molded together slowly and electrically as goosebumps formed on her skin.

Then their short, delicate kiss ended as their breaths mingled together and he spoke softly, "I'll see you in the morning, angel."

And he snuck back out the door. She could hardly sleep that night as she was so excited for the morning because their next kiss would be at the altar to seal their holy vows.


Weddings were huge affairs. Well, for the wedding of two Avengers, it was even bigger. It was like a royal wedding as news helicopters flew overhead to film it as it was an outdoor venue. The whole world was intrigued by an Avenger wedding and for shippers of Iron Angel, today was a victory.

There notable other Avengers as guests like Thor and Steve. For the bridesmaids and the best man, well, she and Tony did things a little differently. She decided to have people of honor. Rhodey and Pepper stood on the side of the altar on Tony's side while Bucky and Nat were on her side.

Everyone was in their places. Now all they had to do was wait for the bride. Nat commented as they waited, "I totally bet she's gonna skip down the aisle."

Bucky smirked a bit, "I'll take that bet."

And then the music started to play. Everyone stood to attention as Eira started down the aisle that was covered in marigolds.

Eira had the biggest smile on her face as soon as her eyes landed on Tony. She kept her eyes on him the whole way. She got super excited but she did not skip.

Tony felt like his breath had utterly vanished. She'd always been able to make him breathless but he didn't think he was ever going to breathe again after today.

She was like a dream. Her dress sparkled like diamonds and her smile shined even brighter. He'd never seen her so happy and this moment seared itself into his memory.

           Eira finally reached him and he reached his hand out to her. She grabbed it as she stepped up onto the altar beside him. He stared at in awe as he whispered, "Wow."

            She giggled a bit as everyone sat down and the officiant began to speak, "Thank you all for coming today to share in this wonderful occasion. Today we are here together to unite Anthony Edward Stark and Eira Stane in marriage."

        "Do you, Anthony Edward Stark, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

          "Like it'd be anything else but, yes, I do."

          "Do you, Eira Stane, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"

            "Always," she smiled as she stared at Tony while holding his hands. "Yes, I do."

         Pepper and Nat were both teary-eyed and Nat had to wipe a tear away. Bucky looked at her in alarm as he whispered, "Are you crying?"

        "No," Nat said defensively. "Of course not."

         Bucky smiled in amusement a bit, "Well, if you need a box of tissues, let me know."

         "Will do, Barnes."

         The officiant spoke, "Anthony Edward Stark and Eira Stane have chosen rings to exchange with each other as a symbol of their unending love. As they exchange rings, they'll speak their own vows..."

           The officiant held out the rings and she grabbed the gold band she'd be giving to Tony. She looked at him with anxiety as she said her vows.

       "Well, first of all, I just need to say I love you because I didn't get to say it today..." she said and it caused everyone to chuckle.

        She could breath easily now and she smiled as she slid the ring on his finger, "Tony Stark, I promise to love you and despite all your possible screwups, I'll love you anyways. I'll love you maybe a little insanely because there won't be a piece of me that doesn't love you. I promise to love you forever as long as the lifetime you'll give me and if there's an afterglow in death, I'll love you then, too."

          Tony then grabbed the ring he would give her with a heart-shaped ruby. He slid it on her finger slowly before he said his vows.

            "You have given me impossible demands like...evading death," he said a bit jokingly and everyone laughed. "But this I can do. I vow to love you truly, madly, deeply. I'll love you forever with my whole heart. You'll have me, Snowflake. I'm always going to be yours and as you said, if I can love you then, I'll love you in the afterglow, too."

            They stared at each other, lost in their own little world, as the officiant spoke, "By the authority vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

          Eira practically leaped with joy and pressed her lips to his as everyone clapped. They kissed for a short moment before Tony chuckled, "I was supposed to kiss you; not the other way around."

         "Shut up," she blushed and she pressed her lips back to his. They were now husband and wife. She was now Eira Stark.


          They were now mingling as the reception was held at the same venue. One of the first people to greet her was Thor who lifted her up in his arms for a hug, "Eira, I am very happy for you!"

             "But not me, Pointbreak?" Tony questioned.

             Thor put her down gently as he looked at Tony and replied, "Of course, I am. Of course."

             "Eira, this is Jane," he introduced the brunette woman who stood behind him. "She is who I told you about."

             "You talk about me?" Jane questioned.

             "Of course I do."

             "Hi," Jane smiled. "Congratulations. And can I say that this place is gorgeous?"

              "It's very pretty," Eira agreed before looking at Thor. "And I believe I can say I'm happy for you, too, Thor."

                  "Thank you," Thor beamed before Jane tugged on his arm. He looked down at her and nodded. "Right. Well, I will leave you be. Jane said something that wedding bliss is not to be disturbed for too long so I will do that."

                 She chuckled as Thor parted from her with Jane. She turned to Tony who stared at her and she gave him a look, "What?"

                "You're glowing," he stated. "You should be this happy more often."

           "Well, now I will be," she looped her arms around his neck and she was about to kiss him when their very own Captain America interrupted.

              "Capsicle," Tony rolled his eyes in greeting.

             "Sorry," Steve scratched the back of his neck. "I just wanted to say I'm glad at least some of us got a win."

            "It's okay, Steve," she smiled before giving a little glare to Tony to be nice. "He doesn't seem to like red, white, and blue but I do."

              "And, uh, I just wanted to say that I'm really glad you're okay," Steve looked at Eira. "Bucky was really worried about you."

               She hugged him, "Thank you, Steve."

      "You're welcome," he said softly before she let him go. He gave a careful nod to her husband. "Tony."

          And he left them to be alone. But she gave Tony a look before she whacked his shoulder, "What is wrong with you? You don't have to be so rude. You do realize I can play the divorce card now, right?"

     His eyes widened in alarm before he vowed, "I'll be good. I promise."


          It was now time for the first dance. She was dancing with Tony to the song he picked; she let him pick it.

           "I can't believe you picked this song," Eira said but she was content.

          "What? It's a classic."

          It was I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing by Aerosmith.

         Tony continued, "And it also happens to be true."

         He twirled her out and she giggled a bit before he twirled her back in. She smiled at him as she questioned about the song, "You want to stay in a moment with me forever?"

          "I'll stay in this one right now," he said as he leaned his forehead against hers before he whispered. "Forever and ever."

          For them, they were already in a sweet afterglow. It started when they met and it had never ended. It'd go on forever and ever...


           Many couples were now dancing and Natasha looked at Bucky as she gave him a grin, "You want to dance, Barnes?"

           "I haven't danced in seventy years," he confessed a bit nervously. "I'll probably step on your feet."

             "I'll take my chances," Nat smiled.

      He sighed and downed his drink before standing up and holding out his hand for her with a small smile, "My lady, can I have this dance?"

        "Why yes you can," she batted her eyes with a teasing smile as she grabbed his hand and he took her to the dance floor.


         Eira was now leaving with Tony to their honeymoon destination. She was saying goodbye shortly to her friends. She already said it to Thor; now she was in front of Nat and Bucky.

         "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Nat advised. "And maybe don't do anything I would do."

           "Nat, it's a honeymoon," Eira smiled in amusement. "You act like it's going to be dangerous."

             "Well, it could be."

             "It's a honeymoon," Bucky argued. He didn't understand.

              "You have so much to learn, Barnes," Nat rolled her eyes before she hugged Eira and whispered. "Be safe."

              Eira finally got it as she blushed, "Oh."

          Then Eira turned to Bucky who gave her a soft smile, "Be happy, butterfly."

         She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly, "Be happy, too."

           Eira let go of him. Then she practically skipped over to Tony and the limo in excitement.

            "Now she skips," Nat commented in amusement.


        Tony and Eira were at their honeymoon at a cabin in Colorado. It was so private as it was tucked in the woods and currently she sat between Tony's legs at the edge of the dock to the lake. It was so still and she could see the reflection of the woods and mountains in it. It was so surreal.

         "It's so peaceful," she commented as she pulled the blanket around her tighter as it was a bit chilly. "We should move to somewhere like this when we settle down."

         "Oh," Tony smirked. "You want to settle down with me?"

         She rolled her eyes a bit as she tilted her head up to look up at him as it laid against his chest, "I'm not planning kids or anything. But..."

         She sighed as she fumbled with her hands, "I'm tired of fighting bad guys and worrying if either of us won't make it to forever. So, in a like a year or so, I want to settle down with you, Tony Stark. Could you do that?"

       "Just say the word, Snowflake."

AN: I hope this made you happy.

Anyways, this is the last chapter of this part. The next part of this story will be the final part and contain six chapters. So I might be able to finish this book tomorrow but if not then on Monday.

I'd also like to point out that the Winter Soldier still happens and Hydra is revealed as Shield; you can just imagine there is some random winter soldier that Steve takes down in the movie at the end
