Snow and Tony walked for what seemed like ages. They were both practically leaning up against each other as they did so.

But then a helicopter flew overhead and Tony started shouting to get its attention. He stopped once it landed in front of them.

She stepped behind him fearfully as she saw people step out of the helicopter. She clutched onto his hand tightly and Tony looked at her, "Hey, it's okay. They're good."

She just clutched onto him more tightly. She didn't know anyone other than Tony. She didn't trust them.

These people dressed in camo gear ran up to them. One of them with darker skin in the front of the group smiled at Tony before hugging him, "Next time, you ride with me, okay?"

She still clutched onto his hand as this man let go of Tony. The man took notice of her and Tony immediately spoke, "This is Snow. She was a prisoner where I was. Whatever medical attention we're going to get, she gets it first."

"Tony..." Rhodey went to argue.

"She gets it first," Tony was resolute before he pulled her along to the helicopter.


They were now at the military base overseas. Snow had been looked over by a medical personnel but there wasn't much to look over. She was fine.

Tony would hardly let medical even look at him except to put his arm in a sling. Apparently, there was a slight fracture.

But she was given a small room that night and told she could freshen up. She only stared at the bathroom strangely. She didn't know how to work any of it. She only had a small tub of water in the cave; this was all foreign.

She also didn't feel safe without Tony. He was from the cave which made him familiar. She didn't know how to go on without familiar.

So she found James Rhodes, his friend, or otherwise known as Rhodey. Well, technically, he found her wondering the halls and asked her what she was doing.

It took her a moment to answer before her voice came out hoarse, "Tony."

"Tony?" he repeated. "You want to see Tony?"

She nodded at him and gave him pleading eyes. She looked like Bambi when she did it which made him chuckle, "Alright, I'll take you to Tony."

He started to walk down the hall and she followed. He stopped at a door and knocked on it while calling for Tony.

The door opened and as soon as she saw his chocolate, brown eyes, she launched herself at him in a hug. Tony was taken aback.

"Snow," Tony mumbled in her hair. "What's wrong?"

She didn't feel like telling him yet. She only huffed as she let go of him. Tony blinked at her as he realized she was angry at him; it was cute, though, as her little nose scrunched up.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Rhodey asked.

"Yeah, I got her," Tony assured and he walked off.

Tony then looked her over and realized she was still wearing the same rags she wore in the cave. He grabbed her immediately to analyze her, "Jesus, did they even look you over?"

She nodded at him as a yes.

"Then why are you still wearing this?" Tony asked.

She only shrugged.

He rolled his eyes and pulled her inside his room. He grabbed some clothes he found in a drawer before he handed them to her then he pointed to the bathroom, "You go in there and change. But you take a shower first."

Her throat felt heavy and tears built up in her eyes as she felt stupid, "But it's...confusing."

"It's okay, Snowflake," he said softly. "I'll just show you."

Tony grabbed her hand and pulled her along to the bathroom. He showed her how to use the shower and the sink before he left her to it.

She had gotten rid of the rags she wore and stepped into the shower. She stuck her hand into the hot water and laughed; it was miraculous to feel this instead of the cold, icy water at the cave. Plus, there was so much water shooting out at her. She'd never known so much water could exist.

She took quite awhile in the shower and lost years worth of dirt and grime. She had started to hum some AC/DC song that Tony hummed while in the cave and she was content.

When she got out, she put on the clothes he gave her. It was some dark green military uniform that was entirely too big for her but it was better than the rags.

She left the bathroom to find Tony sitting on the edge of the bed. She excitedly ran over and sat next to him, "Tony, you didn't tell me it was warm water...and there was so much of it."

Tony was at a loss for words. Now, she really shined. Her hair was free of dirt and her pale skin was rubbed clean. God, she was an image.

Tony chuckled at her excitement, "I have so much to teach you, angel."

She looked at him curiously, "Like what?"

He hummed as he stared at her intensely which made her blush, "Tomorrow. For now, sleep."

He looked down at the bed, "You'll sleep here."

She looked at it before she crawled to the top and laid down with her head on the pillow. "It's so soft," she noted before smiling. "I love it."

Tony softly smiled. She was so cute, so free. It was nothing but a joy to watch her live.

"Where will you sleep?" she asked as she decided to get under the covers.

"I'm just going to be in the chair," Tony said as he walked over to it. "I don't think I'm going to sleep."

She frowned, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Snowflake."

Snow turned on her side and had decided she was going to stay up, too, but she had eventually fallen asleep. Tony stayed up all night; he couldn't sleep after what had happened. But he noticed that Snow didn't have one nightmare probably because she had lived her whole life in one.
