It was Thanksgiving.

As much as they used chefs, they did not today. She was being the chef because cooking was actually kind of something she enjoyed and she was up early getting the Turkey in the oven. She was also making a whole bunch of pies and the sides.

There was just so much to do even though they were only having Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy come over. She was excited to host people but really she was just glad to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving for the first time in the three years she'd been out of the cave.

Currently, she was making a pie as she facetimed Bucky. She had taught him how to do it so he knew even though Steve was hopeless.

"Happy Thanksgiving, butterfly," he greeted.

"I really wish I could be there," she frowned. "So I could, I don't know, make you a pie or something."

Bucky chuckled, "You're here in spirit."

"So Steve is there?" she asked.

"Yeah. He's determined to make a turkey," Bucky said and she saw he was heading into a kitchen. "I think he's failing pretty miserably, though."

"I can do this all day if I have to," she heard Steve in the background, sounding pretty aggravated that he couldn't conquer the art of making a turkey.

She chuckled before greeting, "Hi, Steve."

"Hey, Eira," she could see Steve smile as Bucky flipped the screen. "So Bucky said you were really telling Tony today?"

Her eyes widened as Bucky scolded Steve, "Steve, that was a secret. You weren't supposed to say anything."


              "Eira, I'm so sorry," Bucky flipped the screen and she could see he was frowning before he smiled slightly. "But...are you telling him?"

              "Bucky!" she lectured in a nervous tone. "Well, now I'm not so sure."

             "What? You were sure yesterday."

              "Now Steve knows and now there's pressure..."

              "Eira..." Bucky started to argue but Tony came into the kitchen and she quickly cut him off.

           "That's great, Bucky. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving," and she hung up.

             She smiled widely at Tony and he gave her a suspicious look before he shook his head, "I'm not even going to ask."

             "Did you sleep well?" she asked as she put a pie on the oven.

           "Well, not that well once you got up," Tony answered grumpily that she got up so early and left his arms.

           She smiled in amusement before she stepped over and kissed him shortly, "I had to cook."

            "You didn't have..." Tony surveyed the kitchen and all the chaos. "Why is there so much?"

              "Did I go overboard?" she bit her lip.

             "Yes," he said in an obvious tone.

             She pouted before she smiled slightly, "But what's that quote...the more the merrier?"

                "That is correct, Snowflake," Tony stared at her and those gorgeous green eyes before he breathed out. "And you are so adorable when you say it that I think I can feel the holiday spirit..."

         "But I just need one little reminder..." His face veered closer to hers as he said it and she smiled as she knew what he wanted. She let him have it as his lips claimed hers and he kissed her deeply. She looped her arms around his neck as she got lost in his kiss.

               They pulled away to breathe and Tony commented, "Yep, definitely feeling spiritual."

              She giggled before she kissed him again. She ended up making one less pie that day.


Everyone that was invited was now over at the Stark Mansion. Tony was in the living with Rhodey as a football game was on.

The quarterback had missed a pass and Tony commented, "He just needed to adjust his angle by five and a half degrees..."

Rhodey gave him a look, "Why do I even watch this with you?"

Tony chuckled, "Hey, it's not my fault the quarterback can't make a pass..."

Eira was in the kitchen with Pepper and Happy was asking her about work, "We really need to get those security badges under control..."

"Happy, it is Thanksgiving. We are not talking about work," Pepper said before looking at Eira. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Pepper gave her a desperate look and so she pointed to the oven, "If you can check on the turkey..."

           Pepper quickly did as told and Happy left to join the guys. Then Pepper gave her a grateful look, "Thanks. Happy means well but I did not want to talk about work on one of my few off days."

           "I get it," Eira said before she grabbed two wine glasses and poured some. She handed one to Pepper. "Shh. Tony doesn't like it when I drink wine now."

             "Well, he won't found out anything from me," Pepper grabbed it and took a sip before asking. "So, you and Tony? He's the most stable he's ever been. Have you thought about the future?"

              "Future?" she questioned in confusion.

             "You know," Pepped smiled. "The white picket fence, kids..."

           Eira choked on her wine and started coughing. Pepper patted her back as she set her wine glass down, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot. I just thought because you and Tony are so good together.."

              "It's okay," Eira said once her throat was clear. "I just, um...kids. Wow."

            Pepper chucked a bit at the wide-eyed, deer in headlights look that Eira wore before the alarmed girl responded, "Kids is just...I don't even know."

             "And you don't need to know," Pepper said. "I mean, you and Tony are happy, right?"

             "That is a definite," Eira smiled.

               "Then that's all that matters," Pepper advised.

                "Yeah," Eira agreed with a small, nervous smile. Kids.


              Thanksgiving was practically over. Everyone left and there plenty of leftovers still on the counter. She was on the couch with Tony as he made her laugh.

               "What are you most thankful for, angel?"

               She pretended to think as she hummed, "Maybe Bucky."

            He rolled his eyes before she crawled into his lap and straddled him, "That's not even question you need to ask. You already know the answer..."

             Then she whispered in his ear as his hands grabbed her hips, "It'll always be you."

          "Okay, that was really hot and I can't believe I'm interrupting this but..." Tony said a bit breathlessly before he hesitated. "What were you supposed to tell me today?"

          Her eyes widened, "You heard my conversation this morning?"

            "You seemed nervous so I didn't want to ask until later," Tony said. "But, god, is it bad? Do I need to worry?"

            She bit her lip, "It's not bad."

            "That's not very reassuring..."

           She pressed a finger to his lips shortly before moving from his lap and fumbling with her hands, "I was going to tell you. But now something Pepper said made me too nervous."

     "What did Pepper say?" he asked at the same time that she blurted out. "Tony, do you want kids?"

          Somehow, that induced a coughing fit as Tony choked on air. Her eyes widened in surprise before Tony spoke so quietly like it was his worst fear, "Kids?"

              "I mean, do you expect me to have kids, you know, one day?" she clarified.

                 "Eira, I would never expect anything from you," Tony said in confusion. "I just want to love you."

              She smiled a bit before Tony freaked out, "Why are you thinking about kids? Please, tell me, you are not pregnant."

                She frowned, "Why do you say it like that? What if I was?"

                 "Are you?" Tony questioned.

               "No," she crawled into his lap and snuggled up with her back against his chest this time. "I just wanted to know if that was something you wanted."

               "I want what you want, angel," Tony said as he started to breathe normally again after the possibility of being a father entered his mind. "And I'm also...thankful for you."

             She smiled as she tilted her head up to look at him, "I love you."

             "I love you more."

              "Prove it then, Tony Stank," she giggled. The postal man had come by and misread his name; and it was never going away.

                 "Really?" he said before he tickled her.

             She tried to get away from him and it ended up with her laying on the couch on her back. Tony hovered over her with a victorious smirk as he demanded, "I'll stop if you kiss me."

              "That's all it takes?"

               "I'm easy like that," he smiled and she put a hand behind his head before pulling him down towards her. She connected her lips with his and they kissed hungrily.

          They were consumed by the other in a passionate embrace as their hands explored the other like they hadn't done it plenty of times before. But it always felt new to them and filled with electricity. They were consumed all night long.

AN: okay iron man 3 starts in the next one. You will find out what she was going to tell Tony in the next chapter
