As she guessed, going to the doctor wouldn't bring any good news. Apparently, if she had pushed it anymore, she would've gone into heart failure and she would've died. So now she was on permanent relaxation time; at least, Tony wanted it to be permanent.

Tony didn't want her to strain herself and she didn't have a problem with following that. But she now had to wear a little watch on her wrist that kept track of her heart rate; it would even beep like an alarm if got too low or too high.

              She was fine with it but Tony was going to the extremes. He even started to talk about removing any and all stairs from her life so her heart rate wouldn't spike. It was becoming too much as she sat at a dinner reservation with Tony.

               "She can't have any red wine. No chocolate," Tony said as he looked at the menu and listed off all the items that would increase her heart rate even a little bit.

              Eira gave the alarmed waiter a smile, "If we can have a moment..."

              "Of course," and the waiter walked away.

              "We're supposed to be ordering," Tony said in confusion.

            "Tony, I know you're really worried but I strained myself. I'm not dying," she lectured.

             "You might be," Tony worried.

             "Tony," she crossed her arms. "If you're so worried about my heart rate, then you can't kiss me. Ever."

            "What?" Tony frowned.

              "It increases my heart rate so I guess that'll have to be banned, too," she said with a little smirk knowing he'd cave.

                Tony floundered for a response before he sunk down in his seat, "Fine..."

              He started to ramble, "I guess it's not too bad to have small fluctuations in a heart beat. I mean, everyone probably..."

           She shook her head before she leaned across the table and captured his lips with hers. It was one short, sweet kiss before she pulled away and Tony had a little bit of a awe look on his face.

          She smirked proudly, "See, I made your heart flutter. It's normal, Tony."

          "Well, normal with you," Tony argued before he smiled a bit. "So, I really make your heart flutter, too?"

                 "Always," she smiled before she gestured for the waiter to come back. She ended up ordering whatever she wanted.


         After a couple of weeks, she visited Bucky in Brooklyn. He still lived there while Steve had moved to Washington since he was working with SHIELD. Bucky wanted to help but he was done hurting people even if those people deserved it.

             Bucky seemed to be doing a lot better ever since he apologized to the people he hurt, the people he could apologize to. But now he had made his amends and he wanted to live his life. Currently, they were going to a baseball game.

             "So which team are we rooting for?" Eira asked; she had never watched baseball before so she wasn't familiar with teams.

            "The Mets, butterfly," Bucky said as he placed a baseball cap on her head. "Because the Dodgers are traitors."

            "Why are they traitors?" she asked in confusion as she fixed the blue and orange cap on her head.

             "They moved to LA," Bucky said bitterly.

              "Oh," she said as they walked into the stadium.

             Many people pointed and whispered at them. Avengers. She could hear them say along with their hero names. Angel and the Winter Soldier.

             She could see Bucky frown as they took their seats. He didn't like that name. It wasn't the name of a hero but of a killer.

          She grabbed his hand and gave him a small smile, "I was thinking that we could give you a new name like...Stealthy."



            He shook his head with a small smile, "Eira, that is a terrible name."

            "Well, Angel sort of is," Eira said before whispering like she was sharing a secret. "Pepper says that it's a stripper name..."

              Bucky nearly choked, "Please, don't tell me you know what that is?"

   "Of course I do," Eira said seriously. "It means pretty people.."

Bucky facepalmed before he started to laugh. Then he wrapped an arm around her shoulders,
"Please, never change."

"I'll try," she promised. She was going to question why he was laughing but it was nice that he was in fact laughing so she let it be.


Later, the baseball game started and Bucky had to point where exactly all the bases were and how the game worked. Once she did, she was able to understand that the Mets were beating the other team tremendously.

So she started to cheer when the other team made a home run and Bucky gave her a look, "Sit down. You don't cheer for the other team."

"They need it, though," Eira pouted.

Once the Mets were batting again, a home run ball came flying towards their side of the stands. It seemed to be coming right at her.

"Eira, catch it!"

"How do I catch it?" her eyes widened in fright.

Bucky grabbed her wrist and raised the hand with the baseball glove. He held it out into the air in the right spot and she...caught it.

She brought her glove down and she stared at the baseball in her hand. Then she stared up at Bucky in amazement, "I caught it."

"You caught it," Bucky repeated with a light chuckle.

Then Eira started to jump up and down in excitement, "I caught it!"

Bucky could only smile and Eira was excited throughout the rest of the game. She tried to catch every other ball that came their way. After the game, she played with the ball in her hands as they exited.

Bucky commented, "Catching a home-run ball is good luck, you know."


He nodded before he wrapped an arm around her, "And now it's all yours, butterfly."

She smiled as they walked out of the stadium. After visiting Bucky, she had a new love for baseball and she went home with a very cherished ball that she thought had all the luck in the world.

AN: just filler and we have another two chapters of it so hopefully it's cute filler
