Somewhere in the World

December 31, 2005

Tonight was the second McFly New Years bash, and I was definitely less nervous than I was last year at this time.

But the thing was, I was a bit sad. James wasn't going to be there and I did sometimes still worry that he never moved on from the Busted split, even if he's all the way in New York.

When I got to the band house, I made my way in the crowded kitchen and quickly made myself a drink. Then I made my way to the living room to try and find one of the boys. Deja vu...

On my way, I see a familiar face, and it takes me a moment to realize who it is.

"Hey." I say, stopping the guy.

"What?" He asks me harshly. He's pretty intimidating. He's got a few tattoos running along his arms, short hair that was bleached at the top. He also happened to be quite tall. I was certain he was taller than any of the boys.

"You're Matt from Busted...right?" I ask.

"Are you a fan? Cause I swear to god if those bastards let fans in here-"

"No, no I'm not a fan. I mean I like your music but-" I stop myself. I'm making a fool of myself.

"Who are you?" He asks harshly.

"I'm Lilly." I say he raises his eyebrows at me as if to signify that wasn't enough information. "Oh, um, right. I'm the boys' manager. We met last year at the New Years Party."

"'re the one James tried to get with." He says, laughing to himself.

"Do you speak to James? I haven't talked to him since March and...I'm just curious." I say.

"Yeah I talk to him sometimes." He says. "He's good. He's been writing music." I nod.

"Does he remember me?" I ask.

"Yeah...he does." Matt says and I feel a little relieved.

"What about Charlie? I mean...does he remember me?" I ask, nervous that the reason Matt is so hostile towards me is because his ex-bandmate told him about his run in with me...or my hand, rather.

"I don't know. Even if he did I wouldn't know. I don't talk to Charlie." He says.

"You don't?" I ask.

"Could you expect me to? he's a proper-"

"I get it." I say, before things possibly get violent. He looks at me, and takes the drink from my hands, taking a sip and handing it back towards me. "No you can have it." I say, I bit astounded. He shrugs, gulping the rest of it down. I can't help but feel a little uncomfortable, remembering what Kathleen had told me about Matt's history with substance abuse.

"You think Harry still has any of the good shit he used to lend me when we were in the Busted house?" He asks.

"No." I say. "I need to go find Harry though. It was nice speaking with you again." I dismiss myself quickly.


The party goes by quickly. I dance with the boys, drink a bit, talk to new people, and the whole night I've not seen Dougie.

Just before it turns midnight, and Tom, Harry and Danny gather the guests for a speech again, I make my way up the stairs, pretty much certain that's where I'll find Dougie.

I make my way to his room, but the door is locked. Damn. Typical Dougie's room is the only one with a lock on it.

I take a hair pin out of my hair and stick it in the key groves and wiggle it about until the door opens. Dougie is standing by the window looking at the dark sky with a red cup in his hand and headphones over his ears. Probably listening to Blink 182.

I close the door and walk up behind Dougie slowly taking the headphones off him. He turns quickly to look at me, but his expression changes once he notices it's me.

"What are you doing here?" He asks softly.

"Making sure you're okay." I say.

"You don't need to worry about me." He smiles. Just then, we hear loud chanting from downstairs.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!" They exclaim. I smile at Dougie, and just as he did a year before, he takes my hand in his and kisses my knuckles.

"Happy new year, Lilly." He says. I smile and kiss him wrapping my arms around him. I pull away and put my head on his shoulder, tightening my grip around him.

"I love you." I say quietly, still hugging him.

"Love you too."

