She's Calling About a Broken Home

QOTC(Question of the chapter): What are your three all time favorite McFly songs?

AOTC: Transylvania, The Ballad of Paul K, Walk in The Sun

Leave your answer bellow!

*Fun Fact: All secrets told by the boys in this chapter are true.



December 25, 2005

We all head up to Tom's balcony and sit around in a circle. Harry takes out five joints, passing them around.

"Harry, I don't want to-"

"Aw come on Lilly. It's not that bad." He smiles.

"I know. I just don't want to." I say, giving it back.

"Suit yourself." He says, then taking out a lighter. I sigh. I don't want to be here.

Only a little while later, all the boys are high, and are acting like it.

"Danny, do you even know the queen's name?" Tom asks.

"Yeah...Anne...right?" He asks. Harry, Tom and Dougie erupt in laughter, and I even giggle a little too.

"So really...What's up with you, Lilly?" Harry asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Well," he laughs, "you don't spend Christmas with anyone, you don't have a computer, you don't a have a car, and you're sure as hell a mystery to me. We need to know more about you."

"You're high, Harry." I say.

"And so what? This is just another one of your distractions." He smiles.

"I like to be a mystery." I smile. Tom laughs. "What?" I ask him.

"Lilly, your such a weirdo." He says.

I don't think I like sky-high-McFly.

"Well, I don't care." I say, even though it did hurt a little, but I quickly recovered, remembering the drug running through his system.

At this point, I was really hoping Dougie may come to my rescue, like he did this morning, but the exact opposite happens.

"Aww come on Lilly." Dougie says. I look at him.

"Well you're not much of one to talk, Dougie." I say.

"Your right." He says. "But you are quite the mystery."

"Fine, you can all ask me one joined question, if you each tell me something juicy about yourself." I say.

"Okay." Danny says. "My dad and mum got divorced last summer. I haven't talked to my dad since."

I nod. Rough.

"Tom?" I ask.

"Okay...I...let's see...oh, I know! I break Fletch's no girl policy all the time." He smiles. "My girlfriend Giovanna visits a lot."

"A lot." Harry says.

"Alright. What about you, Mr. Judd?" I ask.

" you all know, I am very close to perfection-"

"As if." I say. He glares at me.

"But...I may have some slight...minor...anger issues." He finishes. I laugh.

"No, really?" I ask sarcastically.

"Haha." Harry says, scowling. "Dougie?"

I look over at Dougie. I'm not sure I really want to know Dougie's secret.

"Well, I-"

"That's okay Dougie, you don't have to." I say. I don't know what happened in Dougie's past, but I know from how he is, it wasn't good.

"What? That's not fair!" Harry says.

"Harry you can still-"

"No, Lilly, it's okay. It's only fair I tell you." Dougie says. "Last year, right after I auditioned for the band, my dad left."

I knew I didn't want to hear.

"Dougie-" I start. know how it feels to miss your parents. I'm sure it hurts a lot more after you've known you parent for fifteen years, and then they leave.

"He killed one of my lizards and left." He says. "Worst part, All my family was over my house, crying, and for a half hour I thought it was over the dead lizard." He laughs, and the other boys do to, and it's genuine.

"Well, what's your question for me?" I ask.

"Why do you spend Christmas alone?" Harry asks for all the blokes, but they don't interject.

"I don't have a family." I say, monotone, and all of the boys smiles fade.

"What?" Danny asks.

"Everyone has a family." Tom says.

"Not me." I say.

"No one?" Dougie asks.

"No one." I clarify.

"Why?" Harry asks.

"Hey, you only get one question, remember?" I ask.


"Well I'm going to go to bed." I say, leaving Tom's balcony, and the stoned boys.

When I finally get into bed it's four in the morning, and I just drift to sleep when I am woken up again. 

