Motion in the Ocean

QOTC: What's your favorite Danny hairstyle?

AOTC: Straight fringe or nows hairstyle


December 31, 2004

Today was the day of the Palladium and I went to the band house to make sure there was no funny business between Harry and Tom.

When I rang the doorbell, Danny answered it.

"Lilly! We're so excited!" He smiles, as I walk in.

"Well that's good. How are Tom and Harry?" I ask.

"Fine. They have been fine since they left rehearsals. Tom apologized, and they've been buddy-buddy ever since." He smiles.

"Good." I smile.

"I think we're ready." He smiles.

"I think so too. Hey, I'm gonna go speak to Tom." I say.

"Okay. He's in his room. Harry and I are in the living room if you need us...I have no clue where Dougie is." He says.

"Great." I say, walking up the stairs. When I reach Tom's room, he's in front of his mirror with two flannels. He turns around to me.

"Which one says, I'm in a rock band, but I'm posh enough to play at the Palladium?" Tom asks me.

"Tom...I'm so sorry." I say, sitting on his bed.

"Oh..." He says, putting his flannels on his desk chair. "It's okay?" He says, more like a question.

"Are you sure? I know I was being harsh, but Danny was worried and I was just looking out-"

"I'm sorry...what are you talking about?" Tom asks.

"When I threw you out of rehearsals yesterday." I say.

"Oh, yeah. I totally deserved that. Plus, Harry and I made up a long time ago. We fight a lot, you know." Tom says. "Should I wear a tie?"

"I don't know." I say. "But I'm glad your not mad." I get up and walk over to the door.

"Of course not, Lilly. I was being...stupid." He smiles.

"Well, I got to find Dougie. No one knows where he is."

"Yeah." Tom says. "We lose Dougie a lot too."


The boys performed great, and after the show, we all piled into Tom's blue Mini Cooper.

"That was such a rush!" Danny said. He, Harry and Dougie were crammed in the backseat, while I rode shotgun and Tom drove.

"Guys, Room on the Third Floor's ratings have gone up so much in the last hour!" Harry said, looking at his phone.

"Oh, I'm getting a call." Danny said, pulling out his phone. "Hey Fletch! Yeah? Yeah! Thanks! Okay one second." Danny hands me his cell phone. "Fletch wants to talk to you." I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hi Fletch." I say, still facing Danny, Dougie and Harry.

"Hey Kid, I don't have much time. The family wants to catch up even though I've been home...well, way too long, but I watched the boys on TV at the Palladium."

"Oh... What did you think?"

"Oh, I thought they were great. I always do. Listen, I don't know how you did it. I've been trying to book them at the Palladium since they started, but you're good at this Lilly. Keep it up." He says. I smile.

"Thanks Fletch." I say, before he hangs up.

"What he say?" Danny asks.

"You guys did really well." I say. Right after that, Harry leans forward, and kisses my cheek. "Ewww!" I wipe my cheek. "Why would you do that?" I yell.

"Happy New years!" Harry yells.

"Oh, I'm gonna kill you Judd!" I laugh.

"2005, here we come!" Danny yells.


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