I Just Can't Wait Another Day

March 1, 2007

Today was my graduation. All of the other students in the online program, like me, were graduating with the kids who went to the normal university. I looked around at the audience as we stood by our seats in our caps and gown. So many people were there, and not a single one for me.

It was great and all, graduating, I mean, but it wasn't as special as it would be if someone I knew was there. And to be honest, it didn't even have to be Dougie, just...someone.

But it's alright. I changed my tassel with everyone else and walked across the stage to receive my diploma.

And all in all, it was great.

As everyone began to file out to the outdoors to take photos, I stood and watched them all, for a moment of peace before I get on the tube and meet the boys back at home, and then go to Wembley tomorrow.

Just as I'm about to start walking away, I hear a whistle. I look over and see that leaning against a big tree in the shade was none other than Dougie.

I literally could have screamed.

I ran over to him and practically leaped on him like Danny did to me when he told me Wonderland was number one on the charts. 

"Well hello to you too." Dougie laughs a bit, still standing with my arms wrapped around him.

"You lied to me!" I say in a very happy voice.

"You didn't think I could actually miss this did you?" He asks. I just keep on smiling and hugging him. "I'm so proud of you, Lil."

"I can't believe you came here! And no one noticed?" I ask. 

 "Not yet...that I know of." His smile then fades a little. "I...did have to enlist some help, though." I look at him, confused, and just then I see the three other boys just beyond where Dougie and I stand.

I instantly let go of Dougie. How much did they see?

"They know." Dougie sighs.

"They know?" I ask. Dougie nods.

"Well I couldn't do it all myself Lil, could I?" He says, defensively. He motions for the boys to join us.

"I can't believe you thought we would get mad!" Tom exclaims, as they all walk over.

"Or tell Fletch." Harry adds, but Tom looks over at him, and then back at us.

"Well I could see why they would think that..." He says, clearly meaning Harry.

"What?" Harry says, as if to say he wouldn't. We all laugh.

"So how long have you two been together?" Tom asks. Dougie and I look at each other, and he gives me a face as if to say, I didn't get that far yet.

"We should go somewhere a little more private." I say.


and hour later, and we're the last ones in the school parking lot, all packed in Tom's blue mini cooper with Tom in the driver's seat and Harry in the passenger's seat looped around to see Danny, me and Dougie squished in the back seat.

"A year and three months?" Harry says, looking between Tom and us. "How could you not tell us for that long?"

"We didn't even tell Dougie's mum and sister for a year! And Danny only found out on accident! It's not like we went up to Bolton just to tell him before all of you-" I begin.

"Wait, wait, wait." Tom, who was less angry than Harry, but still shocked says, closes his eyes, as if to wrap his brain around what we were saying and holds up his hand. "You told Danny before us?"

"Lilly, we hadn't quite gotten to that part yet." Danny says quietly, as I realize I had just royally screwed up.

"You told him in January 2006?" Harry exclaims. "2006?"

"Look why are you freaking out? It's all over now. You're all even." I say.

"We're not even at all. You told one of us one month after you started dating, and the other two a year and three months after. We will never be even!" Harry says.

"Harry, chill out, mate." Dougie says.

"And out of all of us you choose him?" Harry motions to Danny.

"Hey!" Danny exclaims.

"No, I agree with Harry on that one." Tom says coolly.

"Why are you ruining this?" I ask. "You should be happy! Two of your best friends are in love! We didn't tell you because it was majorly against the rules."

"Think of it like you guys not telling Fletch when you had Izzy and Gi over." Dougie adds. Harry goes to exclaim something again, but when his mouth opens he just sighs.

"Yeah maybe." He mumbles.

"I still can't believe you thought we would tell on you!" Tom almost laughs. "I mean, you're the one who never told on our shenanigans in the band house."

"Don't bring me back." I say, recalling the stressful times.

"We also...maybe...live together." Dougie said quietly.

"But I thought you live next door?" Tom asks.

"Yeah we do." Dougie says.

"Wait-" Harry says looking between both of us. "The both of you have lived next door to him all this time..." Harry directs his attention to Tom, "And you didn't know? Oh that's golden!"

"It's really not that funny." Tom says.

"Oh that's brilliant!" Harry laughs. Tom smiles, rolling his eyes and looks back at me and Dougie.

"I can't believe we didn't know!" He smiles. "We'll have to have a proper get together now, with all the couples."

"And I can bring Miss York!" Danny exclaims.

"Oh give it a rest Danny." Tom says, turning around and starting the car.

"There's no way she's going for you, mate." Harry laughs, as we drive away.

