Chapter 97 - Sister-in-law?

Their activities were going up and up. It was the biggest promotional activity since Shu Yan had started her shop. Many of those who were just window shopping on the street with no intention of buying would come and check it out when they saw all the people and ended up buying an item or two on their way out. 

Partly because the clothes at Shu Yan's shop were pretty and partly because they were of high quality. They felt that being able to buy them at the current price was a steal.

Using this opportunity, Shu Yan also brought over the overstocked fall underwear from Lao Zhang's to get rid of them.

Along with them were also some not-too-popular casual household wears and a lot of them were gone as well. She was able to kill multiple birds with one stone.

Every time a customer walked inside, she would give them a flyer letting them know that they would be moving across the street. There will be a lot of activities then and that they could refer to the flyer for details. Regardless of whether they made any purchases, they could still come for the lion-dancing show and there would be celebrity singers and awesome prices for the raffle.

Chinese always like liveliness. When a boutique was going to sink so much money on their grand opening, everybody who heard of it expressed that they would for sure be there when the time came.

Two days later, about 80% of the clothes had been sold. Shu Yan wasn't worried about the remaining ones. She already had an idea for them.

That night, Shu Yan tallied up her sales. She made over 15,000 yuan yesterday and over 17,000 yuan today. That was over 30,000 yuan altogether. 10,000 yuan or so of them were gross profit.

By the third day, everything had been emptied out. Truth was, she already had a new cash register and couch for her new shop but she wasn't going to leave these behind for the landlady. She had gotten rid of the cash register for cheap and gave the couch to Zhang Huaxiu, who said she would bring it back home.

Chen Fei brought his men over and knocked down the two dressing rooms. They were about to knock down the glass wall when the landlord came over with his wife and daughter to check out the shop. He quickly came up to stop them when he witnessed that.

"What are you doing here? Have I said anything when you knocked down my wall before? Why are you knocking down the glass wall right now? Do you know that what you are doing is against the law?"

"I am returning it back to its original state, can't you tell? Don't worry, I will put the wall back up after we have taken down the glass wall. Look, all the bricks had already been brought over. Its quality is guaranteed. These are all experts in the field. They do good work."

Both the landlord and landlady were speechless. Yangyang looked over at Shu Yan and said, "You are too petty."

"How are you calling me petty? I am restoring everything back to its original state. How's that petty? Do you know how much I am spending here? I just want to make sure that everything was followed through to completion." Shu Yan disagreed with her.

When the landlady walked inside and saw that the dressing rooms had been knocked down, she was so angry that she was shaking. "We've paid you 90,000 yuan."

"That's the penalty for breaching the contract. Did I do anything that breaches the contract? If you have any problems with this, feel free to call the cops." Shu Yan rolled her eyes at them and had the workers carried on.

The landlord and landlady could do nothing but stood there and watched Shu Yan had the glass wall knocked down and started on the brick wall.

"Alright, alright. Stop with it already. I'll jus chalk it up to bad luck. Just leave. You don't need to do anything else." The landlady quickly tried to stop them. They would need to hire someone else to take the wall back down again after they had put it back up.

"I can't do that. It's all spelled out in the contract. I am required to restore this place to its original state." That was what the landlady had said so herself when Shu Yan went and asked her about having the wall knocked down previously.

With so many of Shu Yan's workers here, the landlord and his family dared not make any moves but to watch them stack the bricks up one by one.

When the brick wall was completed, Shu Yan smiled and clapped her hands. "Great. Soon as it dries, I will have to repaint it. I am such a nice person. There is no need to thank me."

Turning and leaving with the others, Shu Yan had only taken a few steps when something seemed to have occurred to her. "Oh, right. I am re-opening my shop tomorrow and there will be a lot of promotional activities and performances. Do come and check it out!"

"Opening? You've found a new location already?" It had only been a few days. How was it possible that she had already found a location and ready for business?

Shu Yan pointed across the street from them. Sometime down the line, Xianxue Underwear had been replaced by Yanxue Boutique. There was a big arch made out of balloons in front of it and there were workers assembling a stage to one side.

"Be sure to come and check it out tomorrow." Shu Yan gave them a big smile.

There was no more doubt in the landlord's mind that they had been tricked by Shu Yan. It was obvious that she had already found the storefront and manipulated them into taking their location back, blackmail them for a large sum of penalty for breaching the contract. 

They would be grand opening tomorrow and it would take them at least 2 weeks' time to remodel this place. By then all the old customers would have already been diverted over to their new location.

"What are we going to do now, Dad?" Yangyang was dumbfounded.

"What are we going to do? I want to ask you what we are going to do. Tell me again in details what your have seen and heard the other day."

90,000 yuan. They were talking about 90,000 yuan...

"Did you see that look on them earlier?" Zhang Huaxiu felt very redeemed.

Shu Yan smiled. "Let's go. Let's go over our plans one more time."

This time around, the special prize for the raffle was a motorcycle – the large kind that cost upward of 10,000 yuan. That would for sure get some attention. Three first prizes, which would be a television, a refrigerator, and a washer. 

Second prize would be a bicycle; third, an electric fan; fourth, a kettle; fifth, a coupon that could be used on purchasing the clothes there; sixth, a grab bag made up of leftover clothes from past seasons. 

Regardless of what they get or whether they could fit into them, there was no returns. They could also give it away as a gift. They were all good clothes and they make good gifts.

Consolations prizes were underwear and socks. These were all overstock from their storeroom, for sure beat the toothbrushes that they gave away before.

With the prizes ready, Shu Yan made one more round around the shop. She had participated in the design of this shop and integrated some concepts of specialty stores from the future. It looked more high-end as was the prices of their clothes. A shirt would cost over 100 yuan but they were also of higher quality.

"That should more or less be it. Let's head back." Shu Yan turned to look at Zhang Huaxiu when she was done talking. "Do you have anything else to add?"

The two salespersons looked over at Zhang Huaxiu. They, too, had just found out that Zhang Huaxiu would be their second boss going forward. She was the second boss in title, but would be the one managing the stop. 

Shu Yan would not be coming to the shop anymore so Zhang Huaxiu was basically their boss. They were, naturally, more respectful to her than usual.

"Come earlier tomorrow, everyone. It will be a long day but there will be bonuses," said Zhang Huaxiu as she summoned up all of her courage and gave Shu Yan a look.

The next morning, Shu Yan woke up both JingJing and Tianbao. It was the weekend. Perfect time to take the two of them to go watch the performances.

"Will there be big lions today, Mommy?" asked Tianbao excitedly.

"Yes. Two very big ones."

"Mommy, can I poke a balloon today?" JingJing never forgotten how her brother had poked a balloon and won a big prize.

"Of course. That's what I am bringing you with today."

When they were ready to go, Shu Yan said to Aunty, "We will not be home for lunch today. If you want to go out to take care of some personal businesses, you can. Just be home before dinner time."

It was almost 8 AM when Shu Yan arrived at the shop and she saw Zhang Huaxiu and Chen Fei there instructing the others to help out. Most of the arrangements outside were already in place.

It was certainly very different being one's own boss. Even the way that Zhang Huaxiu talked and acted had changed greatly.

"Hi, Shu Yan, you are here. Oh, you brought with you JingJing and Tianbao?" said Zhang Huaxiu with a smile when she saw the two kids.

They had been friends in private so Zhang Huaxiu referred to Shu Yan by her name. She normally referred to Shu Yan as boss at work to keep the separation. She referred to Shu Yan by her name today. It seemed that she had well-adjusted to her new role.

"What time did you guys get here?" Shu Yan took a look and saw Ling-jie tidying clothing on one side.

"We got here a little after 7," said Zhang Huaxiu with a smile.

In addition to the two original salespersons, they hired another ten or so interns to help hand out fliers nearby. Shu Yan had also brought the workers from the old underwear shop to come help out.

At 8:30 AM, friends of Shu Yan and Zhang Huaxiu started arriving one by one to lend their support. Each one of them brought flower basket with them. There were Lao Hu, Lao Zhang, and Lin Hui. Chen Fei's uncle and his boss weren't able to make it but they sent flower baskets as well. 

Zhang Huaxiu's parents and brother came as well. It was different this time around. Last time it was the grand opening of Shu Yan's shop; Zhang Huaxiu was just an employee. Xiuxiu was now half a boss. Naturally, they would come and show their support.

Mother Zhang could not have smiled more when she saw Shu Yan. Shu Yan had practically gave half of her shop to her daughter. Shu Yan was an equivalent of the God of Fortune as far as Mother Zhang was concerned; how could she not smile?

"That won't be necessary," said Shu Yan with a smile. "Xiuxiu will be managing the shop going forward. Just don't complaint to me that I am not helping out at all then."

"Of course not. We will always remember how kind you are. Xiuxiu would not have accomplished what she did today without you." Mother Zhang could see it clearly. Was it not for Shu Yan, Xiuxiu would not have met someone nice like Chen Fei. And now she was part owner of a shop.

Shu Yan didn't believe that. Everything was great now because she was the one with the shorter end of the stick. She would feel that her daughter was stiffed as time went on. Which was fine. They had a contract signed. When Zhang Huaxiu decided against the partnership, she could just buy Shu Yan out then. Having half of that shop or not did not matter much to Shu Yan.

When Shu Yan thought that most who were coming had already arrived, two tall men came over shortly thereafter, each carrying with them a flower basket. They put them down and were about to take off without saying a word.

"Hey, wait. Who are you?"

"Oh, hi, sister-in-law. Big Brother asked us to drop these off. We know you are busy so we won't keep you," said the more honest and simple-looking one of the two.

What did he just say? Sister-in-law? Shu Yan was stupefied for a little while before she looked at them and asked dubiously, "You are coworkers of Feng Zeyu?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Big Brother said he shouldn't come in person and asked us to deliver these for him. Pardon us, sister-in-law, we need to rush back to work. We shall be on our way."

"Aye." The two disappeared before Shu Yan could stop them.

"Who were them?" asked Hu Ruixue as she walked up to Shu Yan slowly.

"Coworkers of Feng Zeyu."

She hadn't told Lin Hui or Wu Xiuyue about Feng Zeyu yet but she didn't keep that from Hu Ruixue.

Hu Ruixue raised her brows. "Very well then."
