Chapter 119 - Dinner with him alone? He must be joking

"Where did the flowers come from?" Shu Yan asked the receptionist.

The receptionist took a look toward the inside and replied in a low voice, "Someone sent them for Boss Hu."

For Hu Ruixue? She had only been gone for a few days and Hu Ruixue has a suitor now? Shu Yan walked inside of Hu Ruixue's office curiously and saw a worried look on her.

"What's wrong with having a suitor. Look at all the roses. I never gotten so many roses before." Speaking of, other than the bouquet of roses that Feng Zeyu had given her for apologizing to her last time, he had never bought her flowers again. She wasn't saying that he stopped getting her gifts, but they tend to be more practical ones.

"You can have them if you like them. This is so disturbing," said Hu Ruixue irritated.

The Hu family had a few family friends and their younger generations were friends as well. There were two others around the same age as Hu Ruixue. The three of them were closer than their families were, relatively speaking. The three of them comprised one man and two women ­­– Hu Ruixue, Sun Qian, and then there was Ji Fansheng.

Much like any cliché stories, Sun Qian was fond of Ji Fansheng and Ji Fansheng was fond of Hu Ruixue. That was the reason that the three of them drifted apart. After the college entrance examination, Hu Ruixue went to capital city, Sun Qian stayed behind in City Nan, and Ji Fansheng went overseas. He just returned this year.

With the exception of the initial banquet to welcome his return, Hu Ruixue had been keeping a distance as much as possible. She hadn't expected him to pursue her all of a sudden over the last few days.

"Speaking of, you two are childhood friends." Shu Yan rested her chin on her palm. "If he had been fond of you for so long and still have feelings for you. I say you an give him a chance."

Hu Ruixue shook her head, "What you didn't know is that Sun Qian, too, went overseas after graduating college, same place where Ji Fansheng was staying. You and I both know what that meant. They were overseas but I have still heard about some of what was going on. The two of them moved in together the second year after Sun Qian went overseas. Do you still think that he really likes me all that much?"

Em...... Shu Yan was speechless now.

That being said, there were men who could separate their emotions from their physical needs. He could have feelings for one woman but that would not stop them from being with other women physically. That was not a betrayal in their eyes.

As far as Shu Yan was concerned, that's the lowest of all men. They were gigolos but still bragged that they were being faithful. If they truly liked someone, they would go all the way. If they want to look for other women, then stop pretending to be faithful. Nothing was more disgusting than bedding other women with that faithful look.

That was what was on her mind but they were, after all, talking about Hu Ruixue's childhood friend. She must have some sort of feelings for him. As such, Shu Yan did not share what was on her mind, she merely suggested for Hu Ruixue to give it some careful considerations.

"I had no intention to accept him. Nevermind that I had no intention to be in a relationship right now, even if I do, it would not be with him. If I had feelings for him, that would have happened a long time ago. Why would I have married someone else?" Hu Ruixue felt that her lift was good right now but he was messing up her peaceful life.

Then there was Sun Qian on top of everything else. Hu Ruixue and Sun Qian were very good friends in the past, almost like sisters from different mothers. Then, because of Ji Fansheng, they hadn't seen or even talked to each other for years.

From that point forward, a large bouquet of flowers was sent to the reception area every day. Hu Ruixue had the receptionist split them up and gave them to other female employees. 999 roses, everyone could get a whole bouquet.

Shu Yan was finally able to meet this Ji Fansheng in person. He was tall, about 1.8 meters. He was fair, clean, decorous and scholarly-looking. A bit like a hipster.

He had done his research before he showed up and knew that Shu Yan was Hu Ruixue's current best friend. He was extremely passionate toward her.

"Miss Shu, I have heard so many good things about you from Xiao Xue. Now that I've met you, I've learned that she wasn't just saying it. You are as good as she said." Ji Fansheng had a warm and sunny smile, his voice tender and, when he looked straight at one, he could make one feel that one was the only thing in his eyes.

Shu Yan truly disliked a man who tried to be so charming all the time.

"Is that so? Here I thought Xiao Xue bad mouths me all the time." Shu Yan smiled, gave Hu Ruixue a look, and said, "I have something else to take care of. I'm heading out now."

"Wait. Are you free this afternoon? Have lunch with us. You are Xiao Xue's friend and partner. I have yet to take you out to lunch since I have been back. I have been wanting to thank you for taking care of Xiao Xue."

The way he put it, he was assuming the role of Hu Ruixue's boyfriend. Unfortunately, Hu Ruixue was not interested at all. Naturally, as a friend, Shu Yan wasn't going to row the opposite direction. She smiled apologetically and said, "I'm sorry. There's a lot to take care of around the office lately. I can't today. Maybe next time."

Hu Ruixue came to the office with a tired look a few days later and collapsed on the couch, exhausted. "Ji Fansheng had the audacity to go to my brother and my parents. He knows that my parents like him. Now, with the exception of my brother, my parents and some relatives have been suggesting for me to get remarried and kept on praising about him. Am I that awful? That they are so worried that I won't be able to get married again? No, wait. I am so upset that I've lost my mind. I am fine by myself. I don't want to get married at all."

Ji Fansheng wasn't a bad candidate at all. Their two families' statuses rival that of each other; he was good looking, educated, and loyal to Hu Ruixue. Every time he went over to the Hu's he would greet Hu Ruixue's parents respectfully and was particularly patient with Duoduo. It was no wonder that Mother and Father Hu were happy about him.

"Do you want to sit down and have a conversation with him?"

"I tried; it didn't work. He insisted that we should spend some time together and that we haven't seen each other for years and perhaps I would feel differently. Would I not know who I like or not? It so happened that I have heard of an expert overseas that has expertise in autism. I plan to take Duoduo to pay him a visit. You might have to take over the matters with the company for a while." Hu Ruixue felt that her parents needed some time to calm down.

"Okay. You go. Don't worry about things here. Duoduo is more important." Shu Yan, too, felt that Hu Ruixue's parents were rushing things.

After Hu Ruixue left the country with Duoduo, the roses disappeared from the office. Many of the female employees were very disappointed. These flowers were, after all, very pretty. Shu Yan even joked with Feng Zeyu after work. "Thanks to Hu Ruixue, I have been going home with a bouquet of roses everyday for the last few days. Everybody in the neighborhood thought they were from you. Oh, how those women were envious of me."

She was only kidding with Feng Zeyu but she, too, saw a big bouquet of flowers the next day. It was not as impressive as 999 roses but it had 99 of them. The receptionist's smile was loaded, "This time it wasn't for Boss Hu, Boss Shu. They are for you."

Shu Yan looked at the card and smiled helplessly. She really was just kidding with Feng Zeyu but he sent flowers the very next day.

Unlike Hu Ruixue, Shu Yan and Feng Zeyu were openly a couple. Flowers coming from him had different meaning. Everybody in the office gave Shu Yan congratulatory words. Shu Yan brought the flowers back into the office with her and had Jian Pei put them in a vase. She went downstairs to look for Feng Zeyu.

"Hey, hey, hey, I think the boss lady is here."

Everyone who were sitting in no form suddenly sat straight up and a few even lined up by the door and gave Shu Yan a handsome salute when she walked inside.

Shu Yan was taken aback a little at first then smiled and asked, "Where's your boss?"

"Boss is inside his office."

As soon as he finished saying that, Feng Zeyu had walked out from his office. His eyes were filled with pleasant surprise when he saw Shu Yan. This was the very first time she had came to his office.

"What are you doing here?"

"I've never been to your office before so I thought I would come and check it out." Shu Yan walked over to Feng Zeyu. The men around them winked at each other, all had a gossipy look.

"Nobody has anything that needs to get done?" Feng Zeyu looked around and gave everyone a stare. The crowd that had been hanging around dispersed. "Our people don't always sit in the office so our office is not that big. There aren't much to see. Want to come have a seat in my office?"

Feng Zeyu's office was poised and simple like Shu Yan had imagined. She took a look and said, "I was just kidding yesterday. One day is okay. Don't send any more flowers. What a waste of money."

"It's not a waste. How can a gift to you be a waste? I'm stupid and don't get these things. I'll do better in the future." Feng Zeyu was annoyed at himself. He had seen Shu Yan gone home with flowers before and said they were from Hu Ruixue. He never given that much thought. That was a mistake on his part.

"That really won't be necessary. I like you the way you are." As a woman, of course Shu Yan liked receiving roses, but a bouquet a day was really unnecessary. Besides, all the other gifts from Feng Zeyu were quite practical. He would always remember to bring something back for her and the children whenever he went on a business trip and he put a lot of thoughts into the gifts. That was not something that a bouquet of flowers could measure up to.

Shu Yan returned to her own office after they've chatted a little.

Shu Yan noticed that Hu Ruixue's office door was opened and she frowned a little. There was quite a bit of confidential information in both Hu Ruixue and her office; as such, they usually kept the door closed when they were not in their office. Even the two of them would not go into the other's office. She found out from Jiang Pei that Hu Ruiyang was here.

Why was he here when Hu Ruixue was out?

Shu Yan knocked on the door and walked inside. "Hi, Boss Hu, what brought you here today?"

"I have something to take care of in the area so I thought I would swing by and take a look." Hu Ruiyang sat down on the couch and looked straight at Shu Yan. "Xiao Xue mentioned that you have a boyfriend now. Congrulations."

"Thank you!" Shu Yan raised her brows some. Um, so why are you here? "If there's nothing else, I am going to return to m office. I have a meeting in a little bit."

"Shu Yan." Huo Xiaoyue stopped her.


"Oh, nothing. I just want to remind you that the matters of JingJing and Tianbao transferring to a different school had been taken care of. You just need to bring your household register with you to register tomorrow. Don't forget to do that."

Shu Yan thought about it long and hard over the summer. She also asked her two children their opinions and finally decided on transferring them to a different school.

A good school could bring them a life-time worth of benefits so why wouldn't they do that when the opportunity presented itself?

Ruixue hadn't mention that to me. Thank you." Shu Yan had asked Hu Ruixue for help. So she wasn't surprised that Huo Xiaoyue knew about it. Or, did Hu Ruixue asked Hu Ruiyang for help? That didn't make sense that Hu Ruixue would ask Hu Ruiyang for help.

"That's it?"

Shu Yan was taken aback a little. She looked at him, baffled.

"Don't you want to take me out to lunch?"

"I'll take you both out to lunch when Hu Ruixue gets back." He must be joking. She worried that she wouldn't have the appetite to eat with just the two of them.
