Chapter 28 - Kindergarten

Tianbao's kindergarten wasn't cheap. All the families that were able to send their children here were well off, and all the kids were little princes and little princesses at home.

Shu Yan spoke with a few of the other parents about what she had heard from Tianbo and suggested to pay the school a sudden visit during lunch time.

"Are you serious?" Shu Yan's words had piqued the interest of Grandma Wu, the one who fought fiercely over the issue of the tutorial center. "No wonder my precious baby enjoys dinner so thoroughly; he was being starved at school."

"My kid as well. He always says he's hungry and would eat a lot over dinner. I just assumed he was hungry so often because he has been playing hard at school. You mean to say that he wasn't well fed? No way. I need to go and talk to his teachers about it."

"Wait, we don't have any evidence right now. The teachers won't admit to it just because you asked. We will need proof. The kids are still young, and they don't know anything. Let's just free up our mornings and wait for the kindergarten's lunch hour. That way we can see for ourselves what they are feeding our kids and check out the hygiene of the kitchen. What do you say?" Shu Yan stopped the others. No way they'd just admit to it if they march over there right now. They would need evidence. Otherwise, they would just seem like an unreasonable bunch.

The few parents hesitated for a little and agreed with Shu Yan.

"I need to go to work. I can try to rush over here during lunch time?"

A few of the mothers needed to go in to work; their schedules were not as flexible as the stay-at-home mothers and the grandmothers.

"There's a few of us already. A few more or less won't make too much difference. Just try to hurry over when you can." Grandma Wu was the first to speak.

She was a nice lady as long as her precious grandson was not concerned.

All of the parents were property owners in the district, and Grandma Wu was one of the first to move into the area. She had invited everyone over to her place today.

Shu Yan didn't know that Grandma Wu's unit was also in Building #2 before today. Her apartment was on the ground floor. She said her son thought it's better for her and her husband to be on the ground floor considering their ages.

"Mainly that the ground floor also came with a yard and my husband enjoyed gardening a lot," said Grandma Wu as she had the guests take their seats and brought out some sliced-up watermelons. "Come. Come. Help yourself. It will cool you down."

"Thank you," said Shu Yan as she took the watermelon and smiled. "What a coincidence? I've bought a unit in Building #2 as well. I am the owner of #1201. We are actually neighbors."

"Oh, mi. We are, aren't we?" Grandpa Wu gave Shu Yan a surprised look. She'd think Shu Yan would have gotten a smaller unit, but she got a large unit on the 12th floor. That was unexpected.

Before long, Grandpa Wu came home with his hoe over his shoulder and some vegetables in his hands. He gave Grandma Wu a curious look when he saw a houseful of people.

After hearing the reason, Grandpa Wu's face dropped. "You are right. We need to keep an eye out on that. Great if everything is fine; otherwise, we must get to the bottom of it."

Kindergarten's lunch time starts at 11 AM. Shu Yan and the rest of them arrived at 10:30 and asked to be let into the kindergarten but were blocked by the guard.

"We are the kids' parents. Why can't we go inside to see our kids?" asked one of the mothers.

"The kids are in class right now. I trust that you wouldn't want to distract them in the middle of their class, right?" explained the guard nicely.

"We are not going to distract the kids in class. We just want to look around the kindergarten. Why can't we?" said Grandma Wu.

The guard was speechless for a second there, and Grandma Wu waved her hand in a domineering way. She said, "We just want to take a look and make sure the kids are behaving and be on our way."

The group got inside the kindergarten successfully. The kids were not playing outside, presumably they were back in the classroom waiting for their lunches. The group of them headed straight toward the kitchen. A teacher saw them and stopped them.

"Are you parents? The classrooms are over that way. You are heading the wrong direction."

"We are not heading the wrong direction. We have some free time today and wanted to see what our kids are having for lunch. Why? Is there a problem with that?" said one of the grandmothers with a smile.

The parents all talked at the same time, and the teacher wasn't able to stop them from going into the kitchen.

The women who had been dropping off and picking up the kids were either mothers or grandmothers. They were all experts in housework. As soon as they walked inside of the kitchen, they noticed right away that something was wrong. There was a large workstation in the middle of the kitchen. On top of it, there were three large tubs with potatoes, carrots, and lettuces inside of them, respectively. None of them were covered up, and there were quite a few flies crawling all over them.

All of their faces turned black. And when they saw the food that was still in the pot, they looked even worse.

When they signed up to the school, they were promised a meat dish and vegetable dish for every meal. What they saw was a fried potatoes with carrots dish, a lettuce dish, and a tomato and egg drop soup that one could barely see any eggs inside.

Someone immediately discovered there was meat on top of the cutting board. It was half chopped already. She picked it up and looked. It was pork neck.

Anyone who cooked would know that pork neck was the worst of all meat. Recently, there were even studies that stated that having too much of that could be detrimental to one's health. And that's what they were feeding to the kids?

The parents were so upset they were about to pass out right then and there. All of their precious babies at home were fed these at their kindergarten? Their hearts ache so much they almost have a hard time breathing.

"Go, go get your principal. We bought the house here because we liked this kindergarten. We were told that this was supposed to be an international school, and there were foreigner teachers that will be teaching the kids bilingually. Never mind that there were only two foreigner teachers here. We didn't have high hopes that the children would learn a lot at this age. But we pay so much money every month and that's what you are feeding our kids? No wonder my kid said she was hungry right after school. No way this was enough food to fill her up!"

"This is just awful. You feed pork neck to the kids? And there was no hygiene to speak of here. We are not done here."

The ten or so parents all erupted there and all scolded them angrily. The principal, hearing about the ruckus, came running over. He wiped away his sweat on his forehead and tried to sound as calm as possible. "Let's all remain calm. We can take our time and talk this through."

"Take our time? No, we can't take our time. I am afraid that you will kill my child. This wasn't what was shown to us way back when. So it was all a scam because the kids don't know any better. Thunder will strike greedy people like you. This is costing us $200 a month! $300 if you add in the tutorial center fee! That's a regular person's monthly salary. And that's what you are feeding our kids? You better give us an answer today."

"Answer? We are going to talk to property management directly. This was supposed to be the best district and best kindergarten in City Nan. And the best kindergarten was feeding pork neck to the kids?"

"Yes, we are going to talk to property management. We have spent so much money on our houses and so much money on the tuitions. And they wouldn't even feed our children property. They better step up and take the responsibilities."

"I say we call the cops directly. This was like homicide." Grandma Wu was so angry that her face was flustered.

Their children were all precious babies at home. They only wish the kids would eat even one more bite at home. And they have just found out that the kids were being abused at the kindergarten. That was like a stab to all the mothers and grandmothers' hearts.

Shu Yan opened her mouth, but realized that she didn't get a chance to get in a word at all. The angry parents had already squeezed her out of the immediate circle. Now, the bulk of their fire power were the grandmothers.

The group of them went over to property management and angrily demanded to talk to the property manager. It was quite intimidating for those who had no idea what was going on.

The property manager was a very friendly-looking woman. But one couldn't be more wrong if they truly thought she was a friendly person. After all, anyone who could hold the position of a property manager would not be any kind of a pushover at this day and age.

"Hi, all big sisters, grandmas, can you let me know what's going on first. There are so many of you and all trying to talk at the same time, I don't understand what is the problem here. Let me find out what is going on first, that way I can look for a solution."

Once she had learned of the issue, she casted the kindergarten principal a glance then smiled and said in a fawning manner, "It's so hot outside today, why don't you come with me and have a seat in the lobby?" The manager's gentle tone calmed a lot of the grandmothers in the front. She took them into the lobby and brought out water, tea, and a lot of fruits. When all was said and done, the angry parents began to calm down.

Seeing that the time was about right, the property manager smiled and said, "Okay, I think I understand what is going on now. I think the principal wasn't too clear when she explained it. The school has hired a professional nutritionist to advise on their meals. We were told that kids their age don't have very good GI, so we need to give them more vegetables over meat. I trust that the kids aren't too keen about eating vegetables at home, right?"

Seeing that neither the mothers nor the grandmothers said anything, the manager smiled and carried on, "We hired a very well-known nutritionist from HK and he told us that kids need to have a lot of vegetables to maintain their vitamins. He'd plan out a whole week's worth of menu for the kids and the items change daily. Today happened to be potatoes and carrots, lettuce, a small meat dish, plus a tomato and egg drop soup – a meat, two vegetables, and a soup. After lunch, the kids will each get half an apple. I guarantee you that the vegetables, meat, and fruit combo is the best among all the kindergartens in City Nan."

"Are we talking about the menu right now? We are talking about hygiene. We are talking about the kind of meat that you give to our kids." Shu Yan walked out from the back. "Yes, it is important that the kids have vegetables, but if they are not hygienic, I rather him not have any. After the vegetables were washed out, they weren't even covered and there were flies crawling all over them. Never mind that there wasn't a lot of meat, but feeding pork neck to the kids? Where is this nutritionist from HK that you speak of? I want to go ask him myself whether that's the most nutritious part. If he'd say it to our faces that that's good for the kids, then we are being unreasonable and we will apologize."

"Exactly. We are not talking about the combination of the meals. We are talking about food hygiene and ingredients. Is $200 a month not enough? If so, you can say so. There's no need to skim on the kids' meals." Grandma Wu came around right away and added immediately.

"Exactly, the kids are so young. We sent them to your kindergarten because we trusted you. And that's what you are feeding our kids? And now you are telling me that there is nothing wrong? You go get that nutritionist. Let's ask him if he eats pork neck himself."

The parents started all over again.

The property manager gave Principal Lin a stare. She's here trying all she could to resolve the issues and he hid from her the most serious of all issues. Never mind that he was skimming from the meal budget for the kids, but he was feeding them pork neck and couldn't even maintain basic hygiene? After today, she must reflect this to upper management.

"Fellow parents. Please calm down for a little bit and listen to me. It is summer, so it's inevitable that there will be a few flies in the kitchen. The teachers had already informed me of the situation, and I have already sent someone to get some fly stickers. As for the pork neck and hygiene condition, I had assigned the kitchen under the vice principal's management. I can't believe something like this has happened. I had overlooked this and will definitely look into it and take care of it." Principal Lin finally stood up and said to everyone.
