Chapter 130 - "How is Third Sister related to Li Miaomiao?"

Finally, Shu Yan pulled out pictures of herself with the children, pictures of her in the process of losing weight, and some recent photos before Lin Zixiang believed that Shu Yan was really her daughter.

Lin Zixiang chuckled embarrassingly. "You've changed so much. If you have done so sooner, Ye Zhiqiang would not have divorced you."

"Mom, I have become lighter and dressed differently but my features," said Shu Yan as she pointed at her features, "had always been like this. I have never had procedures done to my eyes and nose. How is it that you only remember what I look like 2 years ago?"

Her words stunned everyone, including Shu Jianyang. They really didn't seem to recall what Shu Yan used to look like. How else would they not recognize her?

Old Mrs. Shu cleared her throat and yelled at Lin Zixiang. "She would never have met someone as nice as Yu had she not gotten a divorce. If you don't have anything good to say then don't say anything." She turned and smiled at Feng Zeyu, "This is Shu Yan's mother. She is never one who's good with words. Don't mind her."

"Hi Uncle and Aunty, I am Feng Zeyu, the one that Shu Yan is seeing right now." Feng Zeyu, who hadn't said a word up to this point introduced himself.

Shu Youfu and Lin Zixiang both checked out Feng Zeyu at the same time. He wasn't as good looking as Ye Zhiqiang, he was dressed as stylist as Ye Zhiqiang. He just didn't look like someone wealthy. Why would Shu Yan be with someone like him?

Was he just after Shu Yan's money?

Lin Zixiang was just about to say something when Shu Yan narrowed her eyes and interrupted her. "I recall that we have just signed a contract not too long ago. You better stay out of my business."

Recalling the money and grains that they were promised each year, the two quickly shut their mouths.

"Hi, I am Yanyan's mother. I am not good with words. How are you liking City Xi so far? The food is different from where you are from, eh?"

"It's fine. I am not a picky eater," said Feng Zeyu with a smile.

That is just human nature. The more filial the children are to their parents, the less the parents care for them; the more they shout at them, they better they are to them. Take Shu Yan as an example, now that she barely cared about them, they no longer dare to try things with her and were fawning over her.

"Yanyan, Mom and Dad had never stayed in a hotel ever! It must be nice staying here, right?"

The subtext was that they wanted to stay in the hotel! Shu Yan gave them a look and pretended that she didn't get that. She said to Shu Jianyang, "Third Brother, how's the preparation coming along on your end?"

"We are pretty much done and are about to go and pick up the bride," said Shu Jianyang cheerfully.

It was customary in City Xi to have another female, in addition to the best man, to go with the groom to pick up the bride. Usually this female would the groom's sister or cousin and must be someone who was single. 

Someone who had been divorced like Shu Yan would not only not be picked, but they wouldn't even want her anywhere close. They worry about the bad luck that she would bring with her.

They didn't want Shu Yan anywhere near and Shu Yan was just glad to not have to worry.

The bribe was brought to the hotel in bustling noises and Shu Yan was finally able to see her Third Sister. She was very pretty and had a very bright smile.

She had what was now the trendiest western style wedding ceremony and the two exchanged their wedding bands and kissed in front of everyone.

They toasted to everyone and, when they came around to Shu Yan, the bribe had a surprised look on her when she saw Shu Yan.

Shu Yan was sure they had never met before but the bribe's eyes and look told her that she knew her.

Shu Yan took a look at Shu Jianyang and said many congratulatory words. The bride turned her head. Between the way they looked at each other, Shu Yan suddenly felt that the woman looked familiar but she couldn't recall who she was. 

Perhaps they h assistant director met each other in the past or that original owner had seen her before but just not that memorable?

"What's the matter?" Feng Zeyu had been paying attention to Shu Yan.

"Nothing. Something just occurred to me was all." Shu Yan smiled and had Feng Zeyu hurried up and start eating. Most of the other guests at their tables were Shu Yan's female cousins from both her paternal and maternal sides. Nevertheless, women were even better than men in fighting over food.

"What is this?" One of Shu Yan's cousins picked up a crab and for the life of her could not figure out how to eat it.

City Xi is in the inner part of the continent and it was rare for farming villages in the middle of the continent to have seafood at this day and age. At most they may have seaweeds. It was only normal that her cousin had no idea how to eat it.

Shu Yan picked one up and told her how to eat it in a low voice. The others looked over at Shu Yan subtly.

"Oh, I see. That's how you eat it. Thank you, cousin." The cousin was the child from Shu Yan's aunty's family. Their family only had two children and the younger one that was more doted on.

One of Shu Yan's paternal cousin and her husband picked up the crab and started eating it, as did two other cousins next to them.

"Oh, little sister, you could have asked me if you didn't know how. It's so easy," said an older cousin with a smile after she ate half a crab.

"You know how?" The younger cousin gave her a look and, not caring about how she'd feel, said, "You learned it from this big sister too. You glanced over our way the entire time when she was teaching me. I saw it all. Besides, you did it wrong. You can eat the yellow part but not the white stringy stuff."

The aunty was in business and did quite well. The older cousin worked for her and dared not offend the younger cousin, she diverted her anger toward Shu Yan.

"What are you looking at? What's the big deal of knowing how to eat crab? And which family are you from? I have never seen you before. Did you just sneak in here to eat our food?"

"Big cousin, you can't just spew accusatory words. It doesn't matter who I am, I am still Third Brother's gusts. If you are going to ruin Third Brother's wedding, what do you think Third Brother would do?"

The older cousin shut up right away.

Shu Jianyang could be very nice to his family but he could also not care that someone was family when he was angry.

The rest of dinner went by without further unpleasantness. Shu Jianyang even came specifically to toast Feng Zeyu in the middle and chatted with Shu Yan a little before he took off.

The other women exchanged looks with each other. They had never heard of Shu Jianyang paying special attention to any of his female cousins.

One of them who was closer with Shu Jianyang went to ask Shu Yan about her identity. She was stunned when she found out that she was Shu Yan from Second Uncle's family.

"You really are cousin Shu Yan?" The younger cousin found it hard to believe.

"Yes. What's the matter? You can't tell?"

"You've changed too much. Never mind us, perhaps your mom and dad wouldn't even recognize you either." Her cousin felt that her Second Uncle and the others for sure would not recognize Shu Yan.

"You really are Shu Yan?" Second Cousin looked at Shu Yan's clear face and, recalling her own freckles, asked, "How did you get rid of them?"

"I had laser treatment......" Shu Yan briefly talked about the effects, the possible side effects and the cost. Second Cousin was okay with both the effects and the side effects but backed off immediately when she found out how much it cost.

"You seem rich now?" The older cousin looked at Shu Yan, her eyes beaming. "Shu Yan, your brother-in-law is planning on starting his own business shortly. We are short 2...... 50,000 yuan. We are family. Can you loan me that amount first? We will pay you back when we start making money."

The others all looked over at Shu Yan and looked like they wanted to give it a try as well.

"First of all, we were never that close so you can stop with that now. Secondly, what does me being wealthy have to do with you? Why wouldn't I keep and spend them on myself?" The original owner wouldn't be able to get herself to say that but Shu Yan didn't feel the same way. Their relationship had always been skin-deep, err, not even that. Why did she need to loan them money?

The older cousin hrumphed. "Whatever. Who cares about your money anyway?"

"Thank you," said Shu Yan nonchalantly.

Shu Yan ignored them after that and left with Feng Zeyu after the wedding banquet.

The next day, Shu Jianyang and Li Miaomiao were there already when Shu Yan and Feng Zeyu went downstairs to have breakfast.

Li Miaomiao, with her regular makeup, really looked like someone that Shu Yan knew but she couldn't recall who it was.

"You had a long day yesterday. Don't you want to sleep in a little?" Shu Yan teased them.

"It's fine. I am a morning person." Li Miaomiao smiled with girlish charm and lowered her head shyly.

All of a sudden, Shu Yan recalled who Li Miaomiao reminded her of. She looked a lot like Li Jiaojiao. Their eyes and brows were almost identical. Her nose, mouth, and face shape not so much though. Which was why it had taken Shu Yan a little while to figure that out. When she smiled and lowered her head, that reminded Shu Yan immediately of who it was.

Li Jiaojiao had a tapered face and was a little slenderer. She also had a pitiful look on her. Li Miaomiao, however, had a rounder face and looked more tender. Her eyes were clear and straight, unlike that of Li Jiaojiao. Most importantly, their names were very similar. Both of their surnames were Li and both their names were made up of two identical characters.

After breakfast, Shu Yan stopped Shu Jianyang. "Third Brother, I have never seen your company before. Give me a tour some time?" Shu Yan suggested with a smile.

"Sure. Maybe you can even give me some pointers." Shu Jianyang smiled and said, "Why not today?"

"There's no rush. This is the first day after your wedding. You should go and enjoy yourselfs." Shu Yan wasn't that dense.

"It's fine. I see your Third Brother every day. It is not going to make that much difference," said Li Miaomiao in a friendly manner.

"She's is right. You two will be leaving in a couple of days. Come tour my company now and you can give me some suggestions."

Shu Jianyang already found out that Shu Yan had her own company but had no idea the scale of it. It sounded decent from the way she talked about it.

Shu Jianyang's company was located at the busiest area in City Xi and he owned an entire floor. Half of the offices were still empty but he did not rent them out. He said he was saving them for future use. It was obvious that he was an ambitious one.

"Well? Not bad, right?" as Shu Jianyang proudly as he brought Shu Yan back to the office and sat down on his chair behind his desk.

"Not bad." Shu Yan was surprised at how fast Shu Jianyang's company has grown. "I heard that you had your mind set on a piece of land. Where is it at?"

"By Jianghe Road. You have any recollection of it?"

Jianghe Road? Shu Yan searched her memory. That was the same Jianghe Road in her world? That was definitely a very expensive location in the future. She recalled a relative buying a 2-bedroom apartment there and spent close to 3 million yuan. And that was back in 2012. Its value had doubled by 2019.

"I know Jianghe Road. That is a good area." Third Brother had good eyes. "It's not cheap, is it?"

"Don't know yet. The auction will be held end of this month. I'll just put in my bid for the fun of it," said Shu Jianyang with a smile.

After some random chitchat, Shu Yan asked, "How is Third Sister related to Li Jiaojiao?"
