Chapter 141 - "Ruixue left that for you."

After they returned home, Feng Zeyu slept for a day and a night and Shu Yan stayed home the entire time taking care of him.

She didn't ask him about it after he had woken up, but just asked him in her normal tone, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes. I want to have noodles that you make." Feng Zeyu sounded a little coquettish for a change.

Shu Yan smiled when she heard him. "Okay. Give me a little bit of time."

"He's awake?" Aunty asked Shu Yan. "I will go and make some porridge."

"It's fine." Shu Yan stopped Aunty. "He said he wants to have my noodles. I'll make it for him."

Aunty nodded, removed her apron, and picked up the grocery basket and said, "There aren't a lot of vegetables left in the refrigerator. I will go get some more."

Feng Zeyu got up and washed up a little bit before he leaned into the opening to the kitchen and watched Shu Yan busy herself for him. "I had a very long dream. I dreamt about my grandparents. They told me they are doing well where they are and told me to not worry about them. Then I dreamt about you. You were calling out to me, then I woke up."

He overthought things. Had his grandparents not liked him, they would not have kept him in City Nan and passed down the house and the family heirloom to him.

They truly thought of him as their first grandson. As such, it didn't matter how his father or mother were. All he needed was his grandparents.

"I'm sure your grandparents wished to see you living a happy life. They would not feel assured otherwise." Shu Yan smiled at Feng Zeyu and said, "The noodles are ready."

After sleeping for a day and a night, Feng Zeyu was famished. He started devouring the noodles. He carried the dishes to the sink and started doing them when he was done eating, and Shu Yan did not stop him.

"Would you like some fruits?" asked Shu Yan, already bringing out the apples and bananas.

"Alright." Feng Zeyu told Shu Yan Feng Jianghua's story in a nonchalantly tone while eating the fruits.

No wonder someone strong like Feng Zeyu went to cry in front of his grandparents' grave and called himself a joke. That was so...... Shu Yan felt that even television shows would not dare to do something like this. They would be yelled at by the audiences.

"You sure he is telling you the truth? And not lying to you just for the house?" Shu Yan's suspicious was reasonable.

"If he would make up a story like that for the house, oh well." If he could call himself a fool like that just for the house, Feng Zeyu would let him have it.

"Your grandparents wanted you to have the house. If you pay for it......" said Shu Yan hesitantly.

Feng Zeyu chuckled. "Nobody can deny what I have with my grandparents. They are my grandparents, and I am their grandson. Regardless...... Feng Jianghua is their real son and Feng Jianghua is their grandson. I'll just think of it as helping my grandparents out."

The house that was left to him by his grandfather was around 30 square meters in size and, per the market rate in the area, would be worth around 120,000 yuan.

"I know my grandparents left behind a lot of things. I don't want the family heirloom, but can you give me the rest? I will buy them off you."

By the time Feng Zeyu got out of jail, his grandparents' house was already emptied out, leaving him with nothing.

He had inquired about them with Wang Ziju in the past, but she told him that they had burned everything. He didn't even have anything left behind to remember them by.

Feng Jianghua brought a wooden box out from behind him. "I brought it here for you."

It was the wooden box that Feng Zeyu's grandfather had made for him after he had arrived at City Nan. He had been using it since. Feng Zeyu's eyes instantly reddened when he saw the box.

Stroking it gently, Feng Zeyu nodded and handed the black bag in his hand over to Feng Jianghua. "The house is worth 120,000 yuan. I didn't calculate the rest. Here's 150,000 yuan. We have nothing to do with each other from this point forward."

Feng Jianghua stared at the bag for a long while and said, "You don't need to give me so much. 60,000 yuan will be enough."

"You don't just get this money. I am going to have you sign some paperwork." Feng Zeyu pulled out the deed to sever their ties and had Feng Jianghua sign it. "This is not money from me. I am paying for my grandparents."

After a long while, Feng Jianghua took the money from him and said to Feng Zeyu seriously, "Your grandparents had you on their minds to the day that they died. They've always said that you are their oldest grandson. You and I have nothing to do with each other anymore, but do you visit them often. Otherwise, I worry that they would come into my dreams and ask about you."

Feng Zeyu lowered his head. "You don't need to worry about that. Of course I will go visit my own grandparents."

Feng Jianghua nodded and left with the money.

Seeing that Feng Zeyu had returned with a wooden box, Shu Yan asked, "Where did you get that?"

"It belonged to me in the past. I thought it was burned." Feng Zeyu looked at the lock on the box. It was the same lock, but the key was long gone. Luckily, he knew how to pick locks.

He opened up the box easily, and inside of it were the awards that Feng Zeyu had earned when he went to school, a slingshot that he had played with when he was a child, a wool vest, two pairs of fabric shoes, etc.

Feng Zeyu carefully pulled them out one by one and he would tell Shu Yan the stories behind them with each item that he pulled out.

"I am sure my grandmother made these fabric shoes and wool vest herself, but she didn't have the chance to give them to me." Feng Zeyu's tears rolled down his tall nose bridge to the tip of his nose and, drop by drop, they fell.

He picked up a box wrapped in cloth. "These are all the medals that I had received in the army. My grandmother used to pull them out and look at them all the time. She had always been very proud of them. They just feel very ashamed in front of their old coworkers when I went to jail."

"I am sure your grandma and grandpa trusted your innocence. They would only feel unjust for you." Shu Yan held Feng Zeyu's hand.

There was another wooden box in a corner. Feng Zeyu recognized it. It was his grandmother's treasure. He opened it carefully and, inside of it, was a pair of gold earrings and a letter.

It was inside his grandmother's box, but the letter was written by his grandfather.

In the letter, they mentioned that they didn't know whether they would be around by the time he got out, so they wanted to write a letter to him when they could still manage to do that. They told him to not worry too much and live his life happily.

He should find himself a wife and give the pair of golden earrings to their granddaughter-in-law.

Lastly, they asked him not to be upset at Feng Jianghua and to get along with him if at all possible.

Feng Zeyu cried quietly when he read the letter. Shu Yan sat next to him without makeing a sound, just keeping him company.

"This is from grandma and grandpa." He handed the pair of gold earrings to Shu Yan.

"Okay." It was a very simple pair of gold earrings and must have been very precious for the old lady. Shu Yan took it from him carefully, smiled and said, "It's very pretty. I will wear it at our wedding."

"Thank you," said Feng Zeyu emotionally.

Shu Yan felt bored lately and wanted to take a trip with Feng Zeyu, just the two of them.

JingJing and Tianbao were not happy when they learned that Shu Yan would not be bringing them with.

"You have school. Daddy Fang and I would take you on trips over summer vacation." Shu Yan had to make a lot of promises before the two kiddos were placated.

They didn't go anywhere far away but returned to the fishing village that they had been to before.

They rented a boat and went to an island nearby. There were wooden cabins built by the fishermen. The two stayed in one of them. They would leave the house in the morning and return at night, spending their time in the simplest way.

Shu Yan could feel that Feng Zeyu had truly gotten past it after 5 days.

"When are we getting married?"

"Haven't I already promised to marry you?" Shu Yan looked at her with her head cocked.

"I mean getting married officially," asked Feng Zeyu tentatively. "What do you think about May? There will be quite a bit of preparation for the wedding so we will need some time. Weather will be nice then. With the wedding gown, it will be too cold if we have it too soon and too hot if we have it too late. May will be perfect."

"That works." Shu Yan gave it some thoughts and nodded.

Feng Zeyu was ecstatic. "Let's hurry home then."

After they had gone home, Shu Yan called the children over and asked them seriously, "Can Mommy marry Daddy Feng?"

Tianbao had a dubious look. "Hadn't you talked about getting married a while back already? You still haven't gotten married yet?"

Tianbao didn't understand. Mom had accepted Daddy Feng's proposal the other day already and godmother had also said that Mom would be marrying Daddy Fang. So why were they still talking about getting married?

Tianbao didn't get it, but JingJing already knew what Shu Yan was trying to say. "Will you always be my mother, Mom?"

"Of course. I will always be your mother. That will never change."

"Then you should marry Daddy Feng," said JingJing, putting on a strong front.

Even non-superstitious Chinese would have a fortune teller look for a good day. Feng Zeyu had someone look it up and they were told that April 6 was the best date and they set to get married on that day.

Shu Yan was a bit troubled when it came to inviting guests. Her parents still had no idea that she was in City Nan and she didn't really want them to find that out. They wouldn't travel this far but nobody could say for certain about her brothers.

"Perhaps we can have two separate ceremonies. One at City Nan and another one in City Xi. What do you think?"

"It wouldn't be nice to not invite your parents." It would be kind of odd not having parents from either side.

"Perhaps we can just have our wedding at a different location altogether." Shu Yan came up with another idea.

Many people chose to get married outside of the country in the future or somewhere scenic. They didn't have to have their wedding at City Nan or City Xi.

"That works." Feng Zeyu would agree with whatever that Shu Yan came up with.

"I will have to check with Ruixue then. Maybe she will have some good recommendations."

"You guys are going fast for sure. You had just talked about it, and you are getting married already?" Hu Ruixue looked Shu Yan up and down and her look gave Shu Yan the creeps. After a long while, she finally asked, "You are not pregnant, are you?"

"What are you talking about?" Shu Yan rolled her eyes at her. "We went on a short trip again a while back and spent 5 days together. I truly feel that spending time with this man is very comfortable, so I said yes when he brought up the wedding. It is as simple as that. Oh right, you still haven't told me what a good place will be to have a wedding. I don't really want my family to find out where I am."

"May? Go to the beach then. I have a friend who has a mansion by the beach. You can use her mansion for your wedding. There will be blue sky, white clouds, boundaryless blue ocean and a beach with fine sand. I am sure you will like it."

"The beach? That does sound quite nice." Shu Yan gave it some thought and agreed that that would be nice.

Hu Ruixue cared about Shu Yan's wedding more than Shu Yan did. She picked out the place on the same day, contacted her friend, and sent people over to start with the decoration.

"We don't need to start so early. It's still a whole month before my wedding," said Shu Yan, not knowing what to make of that.

"What do you mean early? It's already pretty late." Hu Ruixue gave Shu Yan a stare. "Luckily I am prepared."

Ever since Shu Yan had told her that she had accepted Feng Zeyu's proposal, Hu Ruixue had already had a world-renowned designer working on her one-of-a-kind wedding gown, including a tiara and jewelries.

"What am I going to do? I don't want to marry Feng Zeyu anymore; I want to marry you instead." Shu Yan's eyes reddened. She didn't cry from being emotional with Feng Zeyu, but she did with Hu Ruixue.

Feng Zeyu was very jealous when he found out. "I planned to pick up a wedding gown for you too."

"I will need more than one set on the day of. There can be more." Shu Yan had already seen the design and it was gorgeous.

"What about jewelry? That should be purchased by the husband." Feng Zeyu still wasn't happy.

Shu Yan busted out laughing. "Ruixue said she didn't have a ring prepared. She left that for you."

Even so, Feng Zeyu still decided to go pick up a wedding gown, gowns, and jewelry.
