Chapter 4 - Physical Evidence

"Before we talk, should you get our clothes back first?" Ye Zhiqiang squatted in the corner while covering up his unmentionable.

"Oh? You still know what shame is? Then why did you do this in the first place? If this happened ten years ago, you would have been executed for this." Shu Jianyang scanned over them before turning to the man with the camera, "How do they look?"

"So amazing. One roll of film wasn't even enough," said the man excitedly.

Having heard that, the hearts of Ye Zhiqiang and Li Jiaojiao dropped. Exactly like Shu Jianyang had said, if these pictures were leaked, they would have been dragged through the streets with signs on them ten years ago. If it was during the crack down period, they very well might be executed immediately. Even though the political environment was a little laxer now, it was still very conservative overall. No matter what, they couldn't let these pictures see the light of day.

Li Jiaojiao was even more scared than Ye Zhiqiang. She may not have attended a great college, but she was still a college graduate after all. As she wasn't from a prominent family, she was assigned to a not-so-good factory. Many of her colleagues wanted to be transfer to a better unit. She didn't want to spend her entire life in a factory that may or may not even be able to pay her salary, which was another reason why she was with Ye Zhiqiang.

If word got out about their affair, especially if these pictures were leaked, she would be fired from the factory, her school would delist her, and her life would be over.

The more she thought about it, the more scared she was. Li Jiaojiao wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. She looked nothing like the previous proud woman that had once stood in front of the original owner.

They didn't give them their clothes back, but one of Shu Jianyang's men grabbed two towels from the bathroom and threw them onto them, so they could cover up some. Mostly, these men didn't want to hurt their eyes looking at them.

"This is our family matters after all, Third Brother. Do you think I can talk to Shu Yan alone?" Ye Zhiqiang asked Shu Jianyang very nicely now that he has evidence against him.

Shu Jianyang didn't say anything ,but turned and looked at Shu Yan. He was just here for her; this was her decision.

Shu Yan nodded, "The wench will leave as well."

Before Li Jiaojiao walked out, she poked Ye Zhiqiang with her finger and pleadingly looked at him.

"Don't worry. You go wait for me outside." Ye Zhiqiang pulled out a few hundred dollars for the wallet that he was somehow able to keep and told her, "Go look for a server and get us some clothes."

Shu Jianyang didn't interfere with that but turned and said to Shu Yan, "I will be right outside. Holler if you need me." He glanced over at Ye Zhiqiang as he spoke, obviously he was partly talking to him as well.

With nobody else left in the room, the atmosphere became suffocating all of a sudden. Shu Yan dragged over a chair and sat down. She leaned against the chair and said, "You want to have a seat?"

Ye Zhiqiang took a deep breath, now that he no longer had the upper hand, he didn't dare to speak from a higher position. He forced a smile and said, "Shu Yan, did Third Brother force you into this? Is he thinking that he will somehow be able to gain something from our divorce?"

Even now Ye Zhiqiang couldn't believe that Shu Yan would be here to catch him red-handed or that she has what it takes to do that.

"No, this wasn't Third Brother's idea. I reached out to him for help," said Shu Yan with a smile that wasn't a smile. "Ye Zhiqiang, you sure you want a divorce, right?"

If it wasn't that she still looked the same as she did before, even Ye Zhiqiang would think it was someone else sitting in front of him.

"We met through a matchmaker and got married after meeting each other twice. Can you really say that we were in love with each other? Shu Yan, I know that you have been taking care of the home all these years and taking care of the kids, which was why I have decided to give you the house and all the cash we have at home. Worse case scenario...." Ye Zhiqiang gritted his teeth, "I will take the children. I didn't think it through clearly before. It'd be difficult for you to get remarried with two children. Without them and with a house and some cash, you can easily find someone better than me."

He had only seen the children from Shu Yan a few times, hugged his son a couple of times when he was born, but that was it. He was never that close to them, which was why he had no hesitation when he said he'd give both children to Shu Yan when Li Jiaojiao said she was worried that her child would be bullied by its older half-brother and half-sister.

Ye Zhiqiang figured that he didn't mind spending a small amount of money. He would pay for their tuition later on as well. All in all, he wouldn't let anything bad happen to Jiaojiao's child. In her words, this child was the product of their love.

But the situation had changed. Now that she was lording over them with such evidence, he'd have to take a step back. Worst case scenario, he could always give the children to his parents back in the village. That way, they would not affect his life with Jiaojiao at all.

It was true that the two of them met through a matchmaker. But, they had spent so many years together, not to mention the original owner had given him two children. There should be some love between them even if they were not in love with each other. Afterall, that's how everybody spent their lives back in the village, no? At the end of the day, Ye Zhiqiang has money now and he no longer want the wife that he had at home. He wanted to upgrade to a younger, prettier, and more cultured woman.

"We can get a divorce," said Shu Yan directly, not wanting to beat around the bush anymore, "But I don't agree with what you have proposed earlier."

"What do you mean? You didn't think that's enough money? You know that all my money is tied up in the projects, and I still owe material fees to my suppliers. Not to mention all the men's salaries that needed to be paid out." Looking at Shu Yan, Ye Zhiqiang gritted his teeth and said with great difficulty, "How about this? I will go borrow some money. I should be able to get another $20,000. That's in addition to the $10,000 we have at home. That will give you $30,000. How many in your village has $30,000 under their name, huh?"

Shu Yan snickered to herself. Had she not known about all his assets, she might have fallen for this. He wanted to get rid of her for a mere $30,000. Not a chance!

"I'll have a divorce. You leave me with everything you have."

Ye Zhiqiang stood up in surprise, "What made you think you could do that?"

"From you having an affair? And knocking up your lover. If we are to go to court with that, that's what the court would have sentenced you anyways. Ye Zhiqiang, I have witnesses and physical evidence. If you know what's good for you, you'd go leave me with everything you have and leave. Otherwise, I will see you in court."

Ye Zhiqiang's eyes widened. He thought that his simple and dumb wife wouldn't change so much. Was it because of the shock from him asking for a divorce? She was like an entirely different person.

No. That couldn't be. She must have got all these from that Shu Jianyang. That would be the only thing that made sense. She hadn't even graduated elementary school. What did she know about the law? She got all this information from Shu Jianyang. He must have his eyes on his company.

"Yanyan, what did that Shu Jianyang say to you? He doesn't have your best interest in mind. Trust me, he just wanted to use you to get to my assets, only to take them from you. Then, you wouldn't even have a penny of it left." The more he said, the more he was convinced that was the case. "Neither one of us would have any money. How are we going to support the kids? Do you want to see the kids suffer?"

Shu Yan shook her head and looked at Ye Zhiqiang, "You know how many women you have been with since we have been married. I had never said a word for the kids. But now I realized that you didn't even care for your own kids. How could I trust you then? So, Ye Zhiqiang, I don't care what you have to say. We will get a divorce and you will leave me with every penny that you got."

The original owner might believe in Ye Zhiqiang's words, but Shu Yan didn't buy any of it.

"Then we won't get a divorce," said Ye Zhiqiang as he stared at Shu Yan. "Is that what you want?"

He had been going to give her a house and some money, only because she had given him two children. He had been too soft to her. So she didn't want to get a divorce? Okay, we will see!

Shu Yan chuckled, stood up, and said nonchalantly, "It's not you who wants a divorce now. I want a divorce. This is going to happen. All the assets and the children will go to me. I don't care if you want to be with Jiaojiao or Yanyan, just get as far away from me as possible."

"Shu Yan, you are going too far," said Ye Zhiqiang, anxious as he looked at the wife he no longer knew.

Going too far? Shu Yan scoffed. She fished out the documents from her purse and threw them at Ye Zhiqiang.

"These are pictures of you and Li Jiaojiao together and also Li Jiaojiao's hospital report. Not to mention, we have all the amazing photos that we have taken today. You might want to think twice about it, Ye Zhiqiang."

The items on the table make Ye Zhiqiang shudder. His eyes reddened with a vicious look, "What do you want?"

"I have said it many times already. You, leave with nothing. Take your Li Jiaojiao and get as far away as possible." Shu Yan would love to choke him to death right now. She enunciated one word at a time, "By the way, I already had someone looked up all of your assets and had them certified by a lawyer. Don't even think about transferring any of them out."

"Shu Yan, I am going to kill you." He couldn't leave with nothing. He had earned all these himself, why did he have to give them to this damn, fat woman?

"Third Brother," Shu Yan took a couple steps back and called out. Shu Jianyang kicked the door opened and came inside.

Ye Zhiqiang, who was just about to lunge at her, regained his rationality and tried very hard to remain calm.

"You guys are done talking?" asked Shu Jianyang as he looked at Ye Zhiqiang, as though he'd lunge at him with one word from Shu Yan.

"We have finished talking about everything that we needed to talk about. I hope you will make up your mind soon. Remember, I am only giving you three days. If you don't make up your mind in three days, I will make it for you." The way that Shu Yan was standing was exactly the same as when Ye Zhiqiang looked for her and tried to force her to sign the documents, even her tone was the same as his the other day.

His anger was bubbling up all over again, but with him being grossly outnumbered, Ye Zhiqiang had no choice but to keep himself in check.

"Let's go, Third Brother." Shu Yan was loving the feeling that he wish she'd drop dead but there was nothing he could do about it.

Once they went downstairs, Shu Yan smiled and said, "Thank you so much, Third Brother and all your brothers. I would love to take you all out to lunch. Please do allow me to do so."

"Sure, let's go somewhere else," said Shu Jianyang and he took them to a restaurant not too far from the hotel and went up to the second floor.

"This restaurant's food is quite good. We come here quite often." "We" in this case of course referred to someone of Shu Jianyang's caliber. This was his men's first trip here. They all looked around at the decor somewhat excitedly.

After everybody had finished eating and drinking, Shu Yan gave everyone today another red pocket of $100 each. That was quite a decent amount for '92.

"This... Third Brother?" The few men looked to Shu Jianyang.

"Go ahead and take it. Just be more mindful of her businesses in the future, alright?" Shu Yan had already taken them out; naturally, Shu Jianyang wouldn't stop her from handing them out. Plus, he was aware of how much Ye Zhiqiang has. Once the divorce was finalized, his cousin would become a millionaire. What's a few hundred dollars now?

"Third Brother, do you think Ye Zhiqiang would agree to leaving everything behind?"

"It wouldn't be so simple." They were all men. He knew full well how important a career was to a man. Ye Zhiqiang had worked hard for what he had accomplished today. He wouldn't easily give them all up.

"He has to," said Shu Yan. She hesitated a little and said, "I don't think I will go home in the next couple of days. Maybe I'll check into a hotel close to Third Brother."

Ye Zhiqiang was a contractor, who owned his own construction company and had many men working for him. These days, fights were common when competing over construction projects. Being able to go from a boy from a village to be as successful as he was today, Ye Zhiqiang wasn't a nice guy. She didn't want him to send someone to abduct her from her place and take some unmentionable pictures of her with some random man. He wasn't above doing that.

Shu Yan had already thought about this before, so she brought with her her ID and bank deposit book. For safety's sake, she would stay somewhere close to Shu Jianyang. As mean as Ye Zhiqiang was, he wasn't as mean as a gangster. She didn't think he'd have the balls to pull anything in Shu Jianyang's territory.

"Alright," even if Shu Yan hadn't suggested that, Shu Jianyang would have suggested the same anyway.

"Thank you, Third Brother."
